
If a man is over 60 years old and can still accomplish 5 things, it means that he is in good health, and doctors are envious

author:39 HealthNet

Xiao Zhang and his girlfriend have been in love for 3 years, and talking about marriage has also increased the schedule.

"Xiao Zhang, you are handsome and strong, why did you find a girlfriend who is three years older than you? Also planning to get married. Friend Xiao Liu asked.

"Female junior, hug the gold bricks. Age is not a problem, we are truly in love with each other, and women live longer than men, so what are you worried about? Xiao Zhang responded.

If a man is over 60 years old and can still accomplish 5 things, it means that he is in good health, and doctors are envious

In life, we often hear the saying that women live longer than men, so is this true or false?

1. World Health Organization: Most men live shorter than women

Xiao Zhang's statement is really not groundless. According to the World Health Statistics 2019 released by the WHO, the life expectancy of women is mostly higher than that of men worldwide, and the more developed the region, the more obvious this phenomenon is.

And in March last year, a study released by The Lancet pointed out that the average life expectancy in mainland China is expected to reach 81.3 years by 2035. The average life expectancy is 85.1 years for women and 78.1 years for men.

If a man is over 60 years old and can still accomplish 5 things, it means that he is in good health, and doctors are envious

Although men's life expectancy has improved greatly, it has not narrowed the gap with women, but has widened. The gap between male and female life expectancy has increased from 6.2 years in 2019 to 7 years in 2035.

Hu Yang, deputy chief physician of the respiratory department of Shanghai Pulmonary Hospital, said that in fact, regardless of the age group, the all-cause mortality rate in men is higher than that in women. In recent years, the gap has widened, but not that men have shortened their life expectancy, but that both men and women have lived longer, but that women have increased more.

Why do men live shorter? This is congenitally inferior to women.

1. Male telomeres shorten faster

Telomere length is associated with oxidative stress, inflammation, smoking, exercise, and other factors, and men are more likely to have bad habits and shorten telomeres faster than women.

2. Unique biological advantages of women

We all know that the sex chromosome of women is XX, and the sex chromosome of men is XY, and the X chromosome has enzymes that locate oxygen free radicals, and women with two X chromosomes can scavenge more free radicals.

3. Estrogen in women has a protective effect

The estrogen in the female body is conducive to regulating blood lipid metabolism, and the risk of hyperlipidemia, heart disease, and coronary heart disease before menopause is much lower in women than in men.

If a man is over 60 years old and can still accomplish 5 things, it means that he is in good health, and doctors are envious

2. It's not too late to change the 4 behaviors of "stealing" men's lifespan

Although men have no innate advantages, only 30~40% of people's life expectancy is determined by congenital factors, and 60~70% is related to the acquired environment and lifestyle. In the day after tomorrow, the 4 bad habits of men are also quietly "reducing their longevity".

1. Smoking and drinking

According to the data released by the Mainland Center for Disease Control and Prevention, the smoking rate in mainland China is 2.4% for women and 52.9% for men, and smoking is related to a variety of chronic diseases and respiratory diseases.

A study in the Chinese Journal of Epidemiology pointed out that the drinking rate of men aged 30~59 was greater than 60%, of which the drinking rate of 40~49 years old reached 63.75, while the drinking rate of women of all ages was only 14.4%.

If a man is over 60 years old and can still accomplish 5 things, it means that he is in good health, and doctors are envious

2. Not fond of sports

In mainland China, 16% of men lack exercise, and only 12.2% of women, and women are more athletic than men.

There is also a direct relationship between exercise and health, and people who lack exercise are more likely to be obese and have an increased risk of many diseases.

3. Suppress emotions

When it comes to emotional catharsis, women are much better than men. In particular, crying can be a good decompression and has great benefits for both physical and mental health, keeping the internal environment of the body in a virtuous cycle.

Many men have been in a state of "men don't flick when they have tears" for a long time, suppressing their negative emotions, which is very detrimental to physical and mental health.

4. Low social participation

After retirement, older women are more willing to be part of the community and play with their peers and are more emotionally positive. Men are significantly less socially integrated and more likely to have psychological problems.

If a man is over 60 years old and can still accomplish 5 things, it means that he is in good health, and doctors are envious

3. When a man reaches the age of 60, he can still do 5 things and live a long life

After the age of 60, even if you are in the age of sixties, you will pay more attention to longevity. If a man can still do 5 things at this time, it means that the body is tough and long-lived, even if it only occupies a doctor, he will be envious.

1. There is strength in the hands

A study published in the Chinese Journal of Circulation found that a 5kg drop in grip strength was associated with a 14% increase in the risk of major cardiovascular events, a 12% increase in the risk of all-cause mortality, and a 16% increase in the risk of cardiovascular death.

2. Walk fast

Research in Communications Biology shows that people who walk fast have a better chance of longevity and are biologically younger than those who walk slowly.

Because there is a causal relationship between the speed of walking and the telomere length of white blood cells, which is an indicator of aging, people who walk fast have significantly longer telomere length and a greater chance of longevity than those who walk slowly.

If a man is over 60 years old and can still accomplish 5 things, it means that he is in good health, and doctors are envious

3. Eat well

As we age, the digestive function of the body decreases significantly, and the elderly will noticeably feel a decrease in appetite.

If you still have a good appetite when you are older, it means that the gastrointestinal tract is functioning better and your physical fitness will be better than others.

4. Flexible legs and feet

Many elderly people will have varying degrees of inflexibility in their legs and feet, which has a lot to do with impaired liver function.

The liver is the main tendon in the body, and when the liver lacks blood nourishment, it is easy to cramp and the legs and feet are inflexible. If you are still flexible after the age of 45, then your liver function is still good, and you have a better chance of longevity.

5. Sleep until dawn

As the elderly get older, many of them will sleep less and sleep poorly, which will make their daytime life worse and worse.

If you sleep well and in good quality after the age of 60, it means that your physical fitness is very good, and you will look younger than your peers.

If a man is over 60 years old and can still accomplish 5 things, it means that he is in good health, and doctors are envious

Longevity is determined by both nature and nurture, and nurtures are more important. Therefore, in daily life, it is still very necessary to develop healthy living habits and cannot be ignored.


[1] Why do women generally live longer than men? 5 reasons are key and worth learning! 》. Health Times 2024-03-08

[2] "These 10 are the characteristics of longevity in the eyes of doctors!" Compare it from head to toe! 》. Health Times 2023-05-30

[3] "4 Reasons Why Men Live Shorter Than Women!" WHO latest release! 》. Sir Run Run Shaw Hospital 2019-04-15

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