
A hospital in Hong Kong apologized for cutting the uterus by mistake! Can a woman without a uterus have sex normally?

author:39 HealthNet

On May 11, Pok Oi Hospital Hong Kong released a report: the hospital received a patient on January 5 this year, she had symptoms of vaginal bleeding after menopause, and underwent a uterine biopsy at Pok Oi Hospital in Hong Kong, and the result was that the patient was diagnosed with endometrial cancer.

Based on this diagnosis, the patient underwent surgery at Tuen Mun Hospital on 26 February, during which the uterus, fallopian tubes, ovaries and pelvic lymphoid tissue were removed.

However, after the pathological examination of the removed uterine tissue, it was found that there were no cancer cells in the tissue sample. After further examination, the hospital found that the test results were biased due to the mixing of samples.

A hospital in Hong Kong apologized for cutting the uterus by mistake! Can a woman without a uterus have sex normally?

At present, the hospital once again expresses its sincere apologies for this incident and promises that similar incidents will not happen again.

But for the woman, the accident was a major physical and mental injury, and an apology and compensation could not be repaired. So, what exactly does uterine removal mean for women? What are the effects on the body?

1. Hysterectomy is a woman's last resort

Many people think that hysterectomy is uncommon, but in fact, more than 5 million women need to have their uterus removed every year due to various diseases.

According to the data of the "Chinese Expert Consensus on the Surgical Pathway of Hysterectomy for Benign Uterine Diseases (2021 Edition)", from 2014 to 2017, the number of women undergoing hysterectomy due to benign gynecological diseases in mainland China has been increasing, with a growth rate of 7.5%.

《The epidemiological profile of hysterectomy in rural Chinese women: a population-based study》评估了中国农村地区妇女进行子宫切除术的情况,发现40岁以上的妇女有更高的子宫切除手术史。

A hospital in Hong Kong apologized for cutting the uterus by mistake! Can a woman without a uterus have sex normally?

For women, the uterus is not only an important component of the reproductive organs, but also a symbol of female identity and physiological function, but when faced with these dilemmas, uterine removal becomes their only option:

Malignant tumors: When encountering malignant tumors such as cervical cancer, endometrial cancer, uterine sarcoma, etc., hysterectomy surgery is usually recommended.

Giant fibroids: If fibroids are very large, the risk of this condition is high and removal of the uterus should be considered.

Obstetric emergency hemorrhage: When a pregnant woman experiences heavy bleeding, such as uterine rupture or uterine atony, the doctor may recommend a hysterectomy to protect the life of the mother and baby.

Endometriosis: Removal of the uterus may need to be considered for women who are not childbearing or who are older, have more severe symptoms, and have not responded to multiple treatments.

2. What will happen to a woman's body without a uterus?

The uterus is often seen as an important sign of a woman's identity, and when removed, many women experience an identity crisis, fearing that they will lose their feminine charm and characteristics, or even feel that they are no longer "whole". During this time, they feel lonely, believing that no one can understand their feelings, creating psychological isolation from their relatives and friends.

A hospital in Hong Kong apologized for cutting the uterus by mistake! Can a woman without a uterus have sex normally?

In fact, women who have undergone hysterectomy surgery are still intact women, and the changes in their bodies do not negate their own value, and there may be 4 changes compared with normal women:

1. Increased cardiovascular risk

A study on chronic diseases in China published in the journal Stroke surveyed more than 280,000 women between the ages of 30 and 79, of whom 8,478 had undergone hysterectomy and 1,360 had bilateral oophorectomy.

The results showed that premenopausal hysterectomy or bilateral oophorectomy was associated with a higher risk of ischemic stroke and heart disease.

2. Infertility

The uterus is a key organ for life, and removing the uterus means that a woman will lose the ability to have children. This is a devastating blow for many women, but life preservation is often more important than organ preservation when faced with serious diseases such as uterine or ovarian cancer.

A hospital in Hong Kong apologized for cutting the uterus by mistake! Can a woman without a uterus have sex normally?

3. Decreased libido

The estrogen secreted by the ovaries not only gives women a unique charm, but also plays a role in maintaining libido. When the uterus is removed, women are still able to have sex, but their libido decreases due to the decrease in estrogen production.

In addition, the lack of estrogen will also bring a series of problems such as vaginal atrophy and pain in intercourse, and physical changes and psychological factors make women more likely to feel cold about sex.

4. Early menopause

Hysterectomy not only disrupts the endocrine balance between the uterus and the ovaries, but also causes ovarian function to decline, so menopause will report earlier.

3. These 3 habits are very harmful to the uterus, so don't do it again

The uterus is not only an important organ for female fertility, but also related to overall health. In daily life, some neglected habits may be quietly harming the health of the uterus.

Having sex too often

Having sex too often can alter the vaginal environment and damage the mucous membranes. As a result, there is an increased risk of vaginal inflammation and cervical inflammation. In addition, if the couple lives too many times, the woman's body will be in a state of fatigue for a long time, and the immunity will decrease, and diseases will be more likely to find the door.

A hospital in Hong Kong apologized for cutting the uterus by mistake! Can a woman without a uterus have sex normally?

Sex is too early

The reproductive system of adolescent females is not yet mature, and early sexual activity can damage the immature uterus and vagina. Studies have shown that women who are sexually active for the first time have a higher risk of cervical cancer.

Intercourse during menstruation

During menstrual intercourse, due to changes in the vaginal environment, the defense barrier against bacteria is weakened, and women are more susceptible to infections and are at increased risk of developing reproductive diseases.

How to protect the uterus is a topic that every woman should pay attention to. Start with a simple routine change to maintain the health of your uterus.


[1] "After the removal of the uterus or ovaries, the risk of cardiovascular disease is high! A New Analysis of Prospective Research on Chronic Diseases in China. Chinese Journal of Circulation.2022-07-22

[2] "The woman was mistakenly cut in the uterus, and the hospital apologized". Lilac Garden.2024-05-14

[3] "3 Signs of Uterine Illness, Don't Take It Seriously!" 》. HealthCircle.2022-08-25

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