
Ejina Banner issued the No. 1 Forest Chief Order of 2024

author:Ejina, China

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Ejina Banner issued the No. 1 Forest Chief Order of 2024

Key points of the work of the forest chief system in Ejina Banner in 2024

In 2024, the work of the all-flag forest chief system should adhere to the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, fully implement the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and the spirit of the Second Plenary Session of the 20th Central Committee, thoroughly implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important instructions to Inner Mongolia, and conscientiously implement the State Council's "Opinions on Promoting the High-quality Development of Inner Mongolia and Striving to Write a New Chapter of Chinese-style Modernization", closely follow the main line of forging the sense of community of the Chinese nation, and adhere to the integrated protection and systematic management of mountains, rivers, forests, fields, lakes, grasslands and sands. With desertification prevention and control as the main direction of attack, we will carefully organize and implement the "Three Norths" project to fully promote ecological construction, comprehensively strengthen resource management and protection, and promote "forest long-term governance" with the "forest chief system", so as to build an important ecological security barrier in the north of the mainland and create a new situation of high-quality development of forestry and grassland in our banner.

1. Further promote the forest chief system and tighten and consolidate the responsibilities of forest chiefs at all levels

(1) Strengthen the performance of duties and responsibilities of forest chiefs. Continue to promote the standardized performance of duties by forest chiefs, strengthen the organization and leadership of the management and protection of the responsible areas, comprehensively organize forest patrol investigations, supervision and inspection, etc., and promote the solution of the protection and development of forest and grass resources. Promote the use of the digital supervision and service platform of the forest chief system, strengthen the dynamic management of the forest chief directory, and ensure that the forest chief system is complete, accurate, open and transparent, and has clear responsibilities.

(2) Strengthen grassroots capacity building. Strengthen the construction of grassroots forestry and grassland teams, further promote the reform of forestry and grassland administrative law enforcement, and do a good job in the connection of grassroots forestry and grassland law enforcement functions. In accordance with the requirements of grid control and global coverage, a grid system for source forest and grass protection should be built to strengthen the selection, recruitment, patrol, reward and punishment management of ecological rangers, and promote the implementation of source management.

(3) Strengthen departmental coordination and linkage. Give full play to the advantages of the departmental cooperation system of the forest chief system, expand the content of the "forest chief + chief procurator" and "forest chief + sheriff" coordination mechanism, and deepen departmental cooperation in forest and grassland fire prevention and extinguishing, comprehensive law enforcement, execution linkage, ecological compensation, publicity and training, etc.

(4) Strengthen the use of assessment results. Supervise and guide all Sumu (towns) to find problems in accordance with the assessment results of the forest chief system in Ejina Banner in 2023, refine measures to grasp rectification, take multiple measures to carry out assessment and apply assessment results, and promote forest chiefs at all levels to perform their duties and responsibilities and effectively complete the goals and tasks of the forest chief system.

(5) Actively promote the implementation of the forest chief system demonstration sites. Strengthen scheduling supervision, classification and grading guidance, refine work tasks, performance of responsibilities, and evaluation, so that resource management and protection responsibilities are in place.

(Lead unit: Banner Forestry and Grassland Bureau; Cooperating units: all member units of the flag-level forest chief system)

2. Strengthen governance and protection, and go all out to promote the implementation of tasks

(6) Make every effort to fight the tough battle of the "Three Norths" project. First, we must do a good job in project construction. We will make every effort to promote the ecological construction of the Ejina Banner River West Corridor - Taklamakan Desert Border Blocking Theater, lay out ecological restoration tasks around the functional areas of the "Seven Battles" of Alxa League's desertification prevention and control, complete the 2024 Alxa League's Western Inner Mongolia Desert Comprehensive Management Project (Phase II) - Ejina River Area Ecological Construction Task of 1.235 million mu, and implement relevant engineering projects around the "Work Plan for Promoting Alxa League's Desertification Prevention and Control and Wind Power and Photovoltaic Integration Project". We should strengthen the demonstration construction of desertification prevention and control, and make every effort to build a demonstration base for desertification prevention and control in the northern part of the mainland, so as to form a good situation in which "people and sand dance together and oases are everywhere". Second, we must improve the planning mechanism. In close connection with the sixth-phase planning of the national, autonomous region, and the three-north project of the League, as well as the implementation plan for the Hexi Corridor-Taklamakan Desert edge resistance war (2021-2030), the preparation of the desertification prevention and control plan of our banner has been completed with high quality. Give full play to the role of the leading group, promote the implementation of the responsibility of the Ejina Banner for desertification prevention and control, and form a joint force for coordinated advancement. Explore and promote methods such as cash-for-work and construction first and subsidy later, and guide more farmers and herdsmen to directly participate in desertification prevention and control.

(Lead unit: Banner Forestry and Grassland Bureau; Cooperating units: all member units of the flag-level forest chief system)

(7) Do a good job in the protection and management of forest and grass resources. First, it is necessary to increase the intensity of protection and supervision, implement the "forest chief system + key work" mechanism, promote the application of forest and grassland ecological digital supervision and service platform, make good use of forest chief reminder letters and suggestion letters, strengthen the use of supervision and assessment results, and promote "forest chief governance" with the "forest chief system". To carry out the pilot work of solving the problem of overgrazing in grasslands, we should not only do a good job in the work at the point, but also do a good job in the work at the surface, and take multiple measures to promote the solution of the problem. We will continue to do a good job in forest and grassland insurance, and make every effort to protect the vital interests of farmers and herdsmen. Second, we must intensify supervision and rectification. Focusing on the special rectification of forests and grasslands, the second round of central environmental protection inspections, national and autonomous region audits, inspections of the party committee of the autonomous region, special inspections of the "five major tasks", and unfinished rectification problems, we must grasp the rectification one by one, one by one, and do not let go until the problem is solved, and the rectification is not in place. It is necessary to grasp the rectification of problems with the strength of grasping the traces of iron and leaving a mark on the stepping stone. The flag forest and grass departments should earnestly assume the main responsibility for rectification, press forward the rectification of problems, and report to the flag committee and government in a timely manner for problems that cannot be solved, and must not let the problems pile up.

(Lead unit: Banner Forestry and Grassland Bureau; Cooperating units: Sumu Town, Procuratorate, Development and Reform Commission, Public Security Bureau, Finance Bureau, Natural Resources Bureau, Ecology and Environment Bureau, Water Affairs Bureau, Agriculture and Animal Husbandry Bureau)

(8) Establish and improve the system of nature reserves. Promote the implementation of the integrated and optimized plan for nature reserves. Strengthen the protection and management of wetlands, and carry out the release of important wetlands, small and micro wetlands or wetland protection communities. Strengthen the protection and management of wild animals and plants, and carry out rescue protection work such as investigation and monitoring of critically endangered and extremely small populations of wild animals and plants, and research on multiplication technology. Carry out special actions to rectify the illegal trade in wild animals and plants, and severely crack down on illegal and criminal acts of destroying wild animal and plant resources. This year, wetlands are the focus of the central ecological and environmental protection inspection, and the flag forest and grassland departments should conduct self-inspection of the wetlands within their jurisdiction in a timely manner, and find problems and rectify them as soon as possible.

(Lead unit: Banner Forestry and Grassland Bureau; Cooperating units: Sumu Town, Procuratorate, Development and Reform Commission, Public Security Bureau, Finance Bureau, Natural Resources Bureau, Ecological Environment Bureau, Water Affairs Bureau, Agricultural Science Bureau, Agriculture and Animal Husbandry Comprehensive Law Enforcement Brigade)

(9) Enhance the ability to prevent and control forest and grass disasters. First, it is necessary to attach great importance to forest and grassland fire prevention work, take measures as soon as possible, do a good job in fire source control, and complete the fire prevention road project construction tasks issued by the state with high quality. Second, it is necessary to strengthen the prevention and control of forest and grass biological disasters, complete the prevention and control of forest and grass pests of 1,039,700 mu, especially to do a good job in the prevention and control of forestry pests such as pine wood nematode disease, poplar psyllid, poplar armyworm, and giant gerbil of S. euphrat, and make every effort to maintain the ecological security of our banner. All departments should strengthen the construction of monitoring and early warning, disaster prevention and mitigation, and emergency response systems. It is necessary to carry out a three-year action to tackle the root cause of safety production in the forestry and grass industry, and resolutely adhere to the bottom line of safe production.

(Lead units: Banner Forestry and Grassland Bureau, Banner Emergency Management Bureau; Cooperating units: Sumu Town, Poplar Forest Management Bureau, Flag Meteorological Bureau, and scenic spots)

(10) Open up the channel for the value conversion of ecological products. The first is to make the forest and grass industry bigger and stronger. It is necessary to focus on advantageous industries such as characteristic forest fruits, understory economy, forest food, forest and grass Chinese medicinal materials, and focus on the development of Cistanche, Suoyang and other sand Chinese medicinal materials. The second is to promote the work of forest and grass carbon sequestration in a scientific and orderly manner. Closely combined with the construction of key ecological projects such as the Three Norths, we will continue to consolidate and improve the carbon sink capacity of forests and grasses. To find out the distribution base of forest and grass wet carbon sink resources in the whole banner, clarify the carbon storage, carbon sink potential, and developable carbon sink amount, and construct a "one map" of forestry carbon sink resources.

(Lead unit: Banner Forestry and Grassland Bureau; Cooperating units: all member units of the flag-level forest chief system)

(11) Deepen key reforms in the field of forestry and grassland. Deepen the reform of "delegating power, delegating power, delegating power, and improving services", improve the efficiency of administrative examination and approval of forestry and grassland, fully implement the "Internet + centralized examination and approval" model, optimize the examination and approval function, streamline the examination and approval process, and promote the integration of forestry and grassland examination and approval. The flag forest and grass department should further strengthen the sense of service, establish the efficiency awareness of "no matter how late it is today, it will be early tomorrow", effectively enhance the initiative of work, spare no effort to do a good job in service, and "escort" the high-quality development of the whole banner economy.

(Lead unit: Banner Forestry and Grassland Bureau; Cooperating units: all member units of the flag-level forest chief system)

(12) Strive to improve the basic support capacity. First, it is necessary to implement the project of "breaking through" in science and technology. Carry out key technical research through the method of "unveiling the leader". The Qilin and Grassland Department should strengthen cooperation with Beijing Forestry University, Northwest Institute of Ecology, Environment and Resources, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Inner Mongolia University of Finance and Economics, and Qianqi Biotechnology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd., set up a scientific and technological innovation team, implement the project conscientiously and responsibly, carry out scientific and technological research in key areas, and promote the transformation of scientific and technological achievements. Second, it is necessary to strengthen the management of forest and grassland funds. The flag, forest, and grassland departments should attach great importance to the funds that have not been completed, and should take the initiative to report to the flag committee and government, and promptly coordinate with the financial departments to allocate funds in place as soon as possible. Third, it is necessary to resolutely grasp the rectification of audit problems. In the closing stage of the National Audit Office, it is necessary to grasp the last opportunity to immediately rectify the problems that can be rectified, and for the problems that are difficult to rectify for a while, formulate a thorough rectification plan and go all out to promote the rectification to ensure that all problems can be rectified. At the same time, establish and improve a long-term mechanism, strengthen system construction, plug management loopholes, put an end to hidden dangers, and resolutely prevent the recurrence of similar problems.

(Lead unit: Banner Forestry and Grassland Bureau; Cooperating units: all member units of the flag-level forest chief system)

Source: Ejina Banner Forestry and Grassland Bureau

Editor: Wu Huimin

Re-examiner: Yuan Weinian, Wang Meng

Final review: Wang Yi

Ejina Banner issued the No. 1 Forest Chief Order of 2024
Ejina Banner issued the No. 1 Forest Chief Order of 2024
Ejina Banner issued the No. 1 Forest Chief Order of 2024
Ejina Banner issued the No. 1 Forest Chief Order of 2024