
Xiaohongshu standardizes the process of post-investment review

author:Everybody is a product manager
This article is about the standardized process of post-launch review on the Xiaohongshu platform, which aims to help brands effectively evaluate the effectiveness of advertising and adjust their strategies.
Xiaohongshu standardizes the process of post-investment review

This is a good article that has been published before, and this question has been asked a lot recently, and many friends should not have read it, so I resend it to invite everyone to do it again!

Reviewing is like summing up lessons learned after a battle, looking at what has been done well and where improvements need to be made. This is not only related to our advertising effect, but also the data released from the review is one of the most important virtual assets of the brand.

So, how do we conduct an effective post-investment review of Xiaohongshu?

Next, I'll take you through a deep dive:

1. Delivery review

First of all, we need to identify a few key steps of the review:

1) Project background review

In this step, we want to review the content of the delivery target, the delivery content, the delivery cost, and the delivery object. These are the basis for the review and the starting point for us to evaluate the effectiveness of our campaigns.

Delivery target

In the placement on Xiaohongshu, our goal should be clear. Is it to increase brand awareness, or to directly boost sales? Different goals, strategies, and evaluation criteria will also vary.

Serving content

What forms do we include? Is it a content partnership, or is it performance advertising? Or is it a combination of both? Does this content match our goals and budget?

Serving costs

Equally important is the input and allocation of the budget. We need to assess whether the overall budget is being invested properly and whether the specific budget is being used effectively.

Delivery object

What are our main launch products? Do these products meet Xiaohongshu's user needs and market trends?

2) Sorting out the delivery effect

In addition to the regular CTR and CPE indicators, we also need to pay attention to volume-related indicators, such as product search trends, brand ranking improvement, etc. These metrics can help us understand the growth of a brand's voice across the web.

When sorting out the advertising effect, we should not only look at the conventional CTR, CPC, CPE and other indicators, but also pay attention to the improvement of voice. For example, product search trends, brand rankings, etc., are important indicators to measure the long-term value of our investment.

Conventional indicators

For conventional indicators, we can pay attention to data dimensions such as click-related, interaction-related, and explosive article related according to the different demands and marketing stages of the brand.

Xiaohongshu standardizes the process of post-investment review

Volume metrics

For volume-based indicators, we can pay attention to the increase in the search volume of brand product words and the increase in the proportion of non-paid traffic on other e-commerce platforms. This data can help us understand the value of Xiaohongshu to increase the voice of a brand's products.

Xiaohongshu standardizes the process of post-investment review

3) Precipitation of delivery experience

In this step, we need to analyze which delivery operations are effective, so as to provide reference for subsequent delivery strategies.

Finally, we need to review our campaign strategy and analyze what is working, which demographics are our core demographic, and who our potential demographics are. These experiences will provide us with valuable reference for subsequent launches.

2. Content review

Content review is an important part of the review process. We need to conduct in-depth analysis from three dimensions: strategic direction, key note analysis, and content summary.

1) Strategic direction analysis

In this step, we analyze the overall strategic direction of the content. We can start from different dimensions such as influencer matrix, content direction, and selling point type, and select different indicators for evaluation according to the different demands of the brand

2) Focused note-taking analysis

For the performance of a single note, we can analyze it from the title highlights, cover highlights, body highlights, etc. These analyses will provide us with detailed guidance that will help us do better in the subsequent writing of notes

3) Summary of the content

When summarizing the content, we can precipitate the methodology from the dimensions of popular selling points, influencers, content directions, and user concerns. These summaries will provide a valuable reference for subsequent content creation and delivery.

Xiaohongshu standardizes the process of post-investment review

3. Platform and track analysis

In Xiaohongshu's launch review, the analysis of the platform and track is crucial. This not only helps us understand the current competitive environment, but also guides our strategic layout.

1) Track trend analysis

We can gain insight into the development trend of the track by analyzing the search trend and content trend of the track. This helps us to determine whether the current track is a red or blue ocean, so that we can make strategic adjustments accordingly.

Monthly report track TOP search terms

If we find that the category words under the TOP search of a certain track account for a large proportion, but the relevant brand words are less exposed, it means that the brand mind of the user of the track is not obvious, and it is suitable to take the lead in occupying the place.

Xiaohongshu standardizes the process of post-investment review

2) Insight into track opportunities

Through in-depth insight into user needs, we can find the entry point of the product. This includes analyzing users' active search behavior, content supply issues, and user discussion focus, etc., so as to uncover opportunities on the track.

Spotlight upstream and downstream push words

In the backend of Spotlight, there is a very useful tool: the keyword planning tool.

We can use the keyword planning tool to determine the magnitude of the track and mine the demand words. For example, upstream and downstream words can help us determine which keyword the user searched for our keywords from before searching for the keyword, or what words were searched after searching for our keywords, and this tool can help us analyze the potential needs of consumers more accurately.

Xiaohongshu standardizes the process of post-investment review

Fourth, the next step of planning

After a detailed review, we need to make a plan for the next steps. This includes aspects such as product matrix optimization, content strategy, and delivery strategy.

Product matrix optimization

Based on the results of this launch, we can optimize the product matrix for subsequent launches. For example, we can divide products into star products, potential products and long-tail products, and allocate them reasonably according to their respective marketing goals and budgets.

Content strategy

Based on our previous content experience, we can develop a new content strategy. This includes identifying elements such as product selling points, core demographics, adaptation scenarios, and content directions, and selecting the right influencer type to work with.

Delivery strategy

In terms of advertising strategy, we need to clarify the marketing stage, control the marketing rhythm, and combine marketing resources. We can also screen out high-quality targeting and material types according to the previous advertising experience and track situation, and clarify the next information flow and search direction


Through the above review and analysis, we can have a clearer understanding of the effectiveness of Xiaohongshu's advertising and provide guidance for future advertising. The review is not only a summary of the past, but also a plan for the future.

I hope this article can help you go further and further on the road of placement on Xiaohongshu.

This article was written by Everyone is a Product Manager Author [Zhao Zichen Vic], WeChat public account: [Vic's Marketing Thinking], original / authorized Published in Everyone is a product manager, without permission, it is forbidden to reprint.

Image from Unsplash, based on the CC0 license.

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