
Gaoqiu Town, Zhenping County: Focus on the creation of a five-star branch and light up the "Civilization and Happiness Star"

author:Throughout the news

Since the beginning of this year, Gaoqiu Town, Zhenping County, has taken the creation of "Civilization and Happiness Star" as the starting point, actively played a leading role in party building, planned from a high position, carefully organized, set the goal of "striving for a civilized and happy star", refined the standard of "evaluating a civilized and happy star", paid attention to the process of "creating a star", promoted "integration" with "five stars", and empowered "energy" with "creation", continuously improved the civilization level of villagers, effectively improved the satisfaction and happiness of the masses, and made the creation activities deeper and more practical.

Adhere to the guidance of party building and build a solid ideological foundation. Use the position to improve services, integrate position resources, carry out party member learning and education activities on a regular basis, make good use of the party member contact household system, and encourage party members to go deep into party affairs and village affairs, convenient services, civilized practice and other service functions, so as to achieve convenience and benefit to the people, and effectively improve the happiness of the masses. Using the theme party day, village rules and regulations, one appointment and four meetings, three meetings and one lesson and other systems, cohesion of all aspects and other forces, and actively carry out activities such as "filial piety and love for relatives", changing customs and other activities, and widely carry out advanced typical selection activities such as "five beautiful courtyards", "five good families", "good mothers-in-law", "good daughters-in-law", "good concubines" and "civilized merchants", so that villagers can learn from examples, compare benchmarks, and a total of 150 "star civilized households" and 29 advanced figures in the "rural honor list" were selected.

Intensify publicity efforts to create a strong atmosphere. With the creation of "five stars" as the theme, the use of propaganda slogans, broadcasts, cultural walls, rule of law squares and other channels, actively promote the good trend of respecting the old and caring for the young, and neighborhood harmony, pay attention to the role of the "Red and White Council" and "women volunteers" team, actively carry out changes in customs, resist high-priced bride prices and red and white affairs, guide villagers to be civilized and thrifty in Benelli weddings and funerals, actively cultivate and practice the core values of socialism, select advanced models, deepen civilized practice, "people's propaganda group" and "volunteer service to the countryside" At present, more than 20 publicity activities have been carried out, more than 40 new party building cultural walls, cultural corridors, village history museums, etc., and more than 3,000 copies of publicity materials have been distributed.

Play the role of the position and improve the service temperature. Actively strive to raise funds, strengthen the construction of village cultural squares, township centers, day care centers, chess and card rooms, calligraphy and painting rooms, etc., build five new cultural squares, install large LED display screens, purchase audio, gongs and drums, dance costumes, folding fans and other equipment and props, and set up square dance, gong and drum teams and other "three-self" organizations, enrich the amateur cultural life of the masses. Using the spring material exchange meeting, actively docking with the county troupe, carrying out the activity of "sending drama to the countryside", and actively inviting county and township medical experts to carry out "free clinic" activities in the village on a regular basis, which was welcomed by the masses, and carried out more than 80 cultural and sports activities in various cultural and sports activities, benefiting more than 6,000 people, while enriching the spiritual and cultural life of the masses, sending the concept of civilization and fashion to thousands of households.

We should develop industries with special characteristics and strengthen the collective economy. Actively develop characteristic industries, in accordance with the county party committee's "three specializations" construction ideas, adhere to local conditions, tap basic advantages, take the "precision chess", play the "characteristic card", read the "brand scripture", the regional characteristics, cooperative innovation, brand strategy, "one village, one product", the organic collection of the masses to increase income, focus on building "tea, fungi, potato" characteristic industries, the formation of a three-dimensional industrial layout of tea picking on the mountain, mushroom planting under the mountain, and seed potatoes on the flat land, and established a three-dimensional industrial layout of sweet potato vermicelli, mushroom planting, forest fruit planting, tobacco, tea, cultural tourism, As the leading industry of the town, large-scale breeding has set up a special work class, which has been unanimously recognized by the masses, realized the increase of mass income, strengthened the collective economy, and injected strong impetus into the development of the industry; 7 poverty alleviation workshops were used to provide 60 jobs for idle laborers, increase the income of the masses, and drive the collective economy by 150,000 yuan; Hanying, Shigang and other villages use more than 1,800 acres of barren mountains and slopes to cooperate with Nanyang Jinko Company to install 5,000 kilowatts of photovoltaics, increasing the income of the village collective by 150,000 yuan every year; Heihumiao, Zhoupan, Guigou and other villages guided villagers to plant forsythia, gastrodia and other traditional Chinese medicinal materials to further broaden the channels for increasing income. Actively cultivate farmer cooperatives, family farms, and large planters, complete the transfer of 4,500 acres of land, develop 2 high-standard agricultural demonstration parties, add 15 new business entities, complete 1 green food certification, cultivate 2 provincial-level well-known agricultural brands, 1 municipal-level well-known agricultural brand, and 5 registered brand trademarks, further polish the "industrial prosperity star", and boost the comprehensive revitalization of the countryside.

We should pay close attention to environmental improvement and create livable townships. With the "six cleans and six treatments" of the rural environment, the renovation of rural household toilets, the treatment of hollow houses, the improvement of village appearance, and garbage classification, etc., the construction of beautiful villages in the town will be promoted and improved as a whole, and an ecological livable village will be created. Up to now, the town has investigated and demolished 122 dangerous houses, cleaned up 52 broken walls, transferred more than 50 vehicles of old garbage, cleaned up more than 20 garbage "dead ends", dredged more than 2,500 meters of sewer pipes, demolished 4 illegal buildings on 240 provincial highways, 7 billboards, and implemented more than 12 kilometers of environmental improvement along highways. All 3,740 household toilets in 22 villages were surveyed, and 312 problem toilets were rectified. 12 pits and ponds were renovated, more than 8,000 meters of sewage pipe network were renovated, more than 4,500 meters of rivers were cleaned, 15 public toilets were built, and 5 garbage transfer stations were built.

"The people's yearning for a better life is our goal, and the creation of the "Civilization and Happiness Star" is to let the people live and work in peace and contentment, and improve the villagers' sense of happiness, gain and security. In the next step, we will take the creation of the "five-star" branch as the starting point, continue to do a good job in people's livelihood, deepen the change of customs, cultivate a new style of civilization, stimulate new vitality of rural revitalization, let the masses share the achievements of the "civilized and happy star", create a number of civilized, harmonious and beautiful villages with high quality, and lay a solid foundation for the comprehensive revitalization of the countryside," Xing Xinfeng, Secretary of the Party Committee of Gaoqiu Town, said with confidence. (Liu Zhenwei, Wang Yibing)