
Lay your own family: from the barracks to the police barracks, be willing to be ordinary and not willing to be mediocre

author:Hibiscus released
Lay your own family: from the barracks to the police barracks, be willing to be ordinary and not willing to be mediocre

Cast pen from Rong

Quenched into steel casts the soul of the iron-blooded army

Defending the country burned the glorious years

Dress up navy blue

Enthusiasm does not change, and always maintains the true character of loyalty

The original intention is not to forget to protect the lights of thousands of homes

He is

The criminal investigation police of the Mapoling Police Station laid their own home

Lay your own family: from the barracks to the police barracks, be willing to be ordinary and not willing to be mediocre

Iron-clad ideals and beliefs

Taking off the "olive green" and replacing it with "navy blue" changes the color of the uniform, and what remains unchanged is the firm concept of serving the people wholeheartedly, not forgetting the original intention and forging ahead.

In November 2023, the Mapoling Police Station received a report that Mr. Huang had been defrauded and lost a total of more than 70,000 yuan. Dian immediately launched an investigation, and in the following month, he went to Shandong, Hebei and other places to investigate and collect evidence many times, and on December 21, he successfully arrested the suspects Liu and Chen.

During the interrogation, Dian and the suspect clarified their interests. Under the deterrence of the law and the sincere persuasion of the police handling the case, the suspects Liu and Chen took the initiative to return the more than 70,000 yuan that the victim had been defrauded.

In order to express his gratitude, Mr. Huang and his family specially made a pennant and sent it to Dian Jiajia, and said gratefully: "In the future, I will definitely keep my eyes open, always vigilant, and avoid being deceived again!" ”

Lay your own family: from the barracks to the police barracks, be willing to be ordinary and not willing to be mediocre

Iron-clad responsibility

Whether it is in the army or the police, the most guilty thing that Dian feels is that he spends too little time with his family on weekdays, especially when his daughter is growing up, his father's company always seems so precious.

Last year, my daughter took the high school entrance examination. Looking at her daughter's longing eyes, Dian really wants to be with her. However, the overnight interrogation and 24-hour duty made "meeting" a luxury, and in the end, he could only cheer for his daughter by phone.

Lay your own family: from the barracks to the police barracks, be willing to be ordinary and not willing to be mediocre

It is difficult to be a police officer, and it is even more difficult to be a criminal investigation policeman. Since he has chosen the police profession, as long as the people are in need, he will definitely fight and struggle for it without hesitation, and practice the purpose of serving the people in his work.

Take root at the grassroots level and enforce the law for the people

It is to lay a firm belief in one's own family

Dedication and selfless work

It is the epitome of his daily life

Lay your own family: from the barracks to the police barracks, be willing to be ordinary and not willing to be mediocre

Although Dian has not done earth-shattering heroic feats, he is not willing to be mediocre, but in an ordinary post, day after day, he is conscientious, enthusiastic and actively solves problems, and uses practical actions to integrate the loyalty of "giving up a small family and serving everyone" into his beloved public security cause.

Source: Mapoling Police Station

Editor: Zhang Jing