
The light of example illuminates youth

author:China Youth Network
The light of example illuminates youth

On May 10, the "Standing Up and Shouldering the New Journey of Striving to Strengthen the Army" military and local youth model went to the grassroots level to share and exchange activities into a certain unit of the Rocket Army, and after the training, the young model returned to the camp with the officers and soldiers. On the same day, 8 typical military and local youths took to the podium to share their stories, and went to the training ground to interact with the officers and soldiers of a certain unit of the Rocket Force, and talked about the mission of strengthening the country and the army. China Youth Daily, China Youth Network reporter Wang Peinan/photo

The light of example illuminates youth

On the morning of May 9, in the first branch of Xi'an High-tech Sixth Primary School, Chen Jing, a typical young man and a certain army department, vividly told the young pioneers his story of struggle from "shooting rookie" to "sniper gun king" and "hexagonal soldier", and laughter and applause rang out in the classroom from time to time. China Youth Daily, China Youth Network reporter Li Zhengyi/photo

The light of example illuminates youth

On May 7, Zhu Yangzhu of the People's Liberation Army Astronaut Brigade of the People's Liberation Army (PLA) Astronaut Brigade of the Air Force Military Medical University interacted with young students, told them about their mental journey in the process of chasing their aerospace dreams, and encouraged young students to strengthen their ideals and beliefs and pursue their dreams in a down-to-earth manner. China Youth Daily, China Youth Network reporter Li Zhengyi/photo

The light of example illuminates youth

On May 14, eight typical military and local youths went to the grassroots level to share and exchange activities with the border officers and soldiers of a certain army department patrolling and performing duties on the border defense line to feel the feelings of the border officers and soldiers. China Youth Daily, China Youth Network reporter Wang Peinan/photo

The light of example illuminates youth

On 9 May, officers and soldiers of the "First Red Company" and "Two Grassroots Mass Organizations" studio of a certain army unit performed self-created "Branch Built on Company" sitcom, "Red Tradition" Allegro and other literary and artistic programs for eight military and local youths. China Youth Daily, China Youth Network reporter Li Zhengyi/photo

The light of example illuminates youth

On 9 May, the officers and men of the "Red First Company" of a certain army unit were training in the barracks, and on the outer wall of the barracks where they ran past were painted murals of historical scenes such as the Autumn Harvest Uprising. China Youth Daily, China Youth Network reporter Li Zhengyi/photo

The light of example illuminates youth

On May 13, a certain unit of the armed police force stationed in Jinjin, the scene of the theme group day activity of "Youth to the Party, Struggle to Strengthen the Army". On the same day, more than 200 grassroots squadrons and more than 15,000 officers and soldiers watched the sharing and exchange of typical young people online. China Youth Daily, China Youth Network reporter Li Zhengyi/photo

The light of example illuminates youth

On May 12, officers and soldiers of a certain unit of the armed police force stationed in Jin vied with Wang Wenyi (middle in the front row), a typical young man and a certain unit of the Air Force. China Youth Daily, China Youth Network reporter Li Zhengyi/photo

"I have a dream of spaceflight, so I want to ask if there is a day in the future where doctors can also go to space together to accompany the support?" On May 7, the auditorium of the Air Force Military Medical University was full, and a young cadet told Zhu Yangzhu of the People's Liberation Army Astronaut Brigade his yearning, which aroused resonance and applause from the audience.

"There is definitely a place for medical personnel in our space station mission. In the future, we will fight side by side, and this is all possible. After answering questions, Zhu Yangzhu, the mainland's first aerospace flight engineer to carry out manned flight missions and out-of-cabin activities, solemnly saluted a military salute to pay tribute to the support of young students for astronauts and aerospace medicine.

From May 7th to 15th, the Political Work Department of the Central Military Commission and the Central Committee of the Communist Youth League jointly organized the "New Journey of Standing Up and Undertaking Forge Ahead and Strengthening the Army" military and local youth sharing and exchange activities at the grassroots level were fully launched, and 16 military and local youth models went to Shaanxi, Shanxi, Yunnan, Guangxi and other places to discuss the mission of strengthening the country and the army with young officers and soldiers and college students. The 16 typical and inspiring stories of struggle have gathered into the light of youth that illuminates the life path of more young people.

"Hello Uncle Zhang Min, this is a carrier-based fighter I designed, I hope you can use it to defeat the enemy." On the morning of 12 May, eight typical young military and local youths told the touching stories of their own growth and struggle and dream-chasing dreams for the young military and local league members and young pioneer representatives at the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region Police School.

Wang Xinhe has studied the deeds of the "people's hero" Zhang Chao. This time, he listened to the experience of Zhang Min and his comrades-in-arms on the spot: through hard training technology, they successfully overcame the problem of landing the aircraft carrier at night, so that the aircraft carrier truly has all-weather combat capability. "Uncle Zhang Chao and Uncle Zhang Min are very powerful," Wang Xinhe said, "I want to be a carrier-based aircraft pilot when I grow up." ”

"Only when young people have ideals, dare to take responsibility, can endure hardships, and are willing to struggle, can Chinese young people have strength, and the development of the cause of the party and the country can be full of hope." In the typical life story of a young man, every journey of chasing dreams is full of challenges.

"In the 17 years since I joined the team, I have experienced more than 4,800 firefighting and rescue tests, and I have brushed shoulders with death many times." On May 8, in the theme group day activity of Yunnan University's "Youth Stands Up for Chinese Modernization", Batel, the head of the South Second Ring Road Fire and Rescue Station in Yuquan District, Hohhot City, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, told the touching story of practicing his oath with youth and defending his mission with loyalty. In the audience, Zhang Hua, a retired second-year graduate student at Yunnan University, was wearing the military uniform he had when he was a soldier, and he listened very attentively. "Firefighters always put the mission and responsibility of their posts more than their lives, and they have set a good example for me."

Zhang Hua joined the army in 2016 and served in a unit of the Armed Police Force for two years, and is now studying at the Institute of International Relations of Yunnan University. The typical speech of the young man was sincere and touching, which made his blood boil. Among them, Battle's story resonated with Zhang Hua very much, "Like Battle, I was a member of the armed police force. Like him, I will continue to retire from the army in my future studies and life, study hard in scientific research, and achieve more academic achievements. Zhang Hua said.

In the cadet team of martyr Zhang Hua of the Air Force Military Medical University, Zhu Yangzhu of the People's Liberation Army Astronaut Brigade, Wang Wenyi of a certain air force unit, and young cadets had a long talk in the dormitory, telling their growth stories of chasing dreams and flying into the sky and resolving special feelings, and also listening to the dreams and voices of young people. On July 11, 1982, Zhang Hua, a student of the Fourth Military Medical University (now the Air Force Military Medical University), saved an old farmer who fell into a manure tank and sacrificed his precious life at the age of 24. His sacrifice once sparked a great discussion among the people of the whole country about the "value of life".

Talking about the experience of this exchange, Lu Wenxiao, a 24-year-old girl from Shandong, said: "In the eyes of a typical young person, I see the light of faith. She was a college student at Zhejiang University of Media and Communication, and chose to join the army in the second semester of her sophomore year, and then was admitted to the Air Force Military Medical University to study aerospace medicine. She said that after coming to the Air Medical University, every day was full of arrangements, and her thoughts were also baptized in the full study and practice. "The high-spirited curve of the times should be the life trajectory of Chinese youth," Lu Wenxiao hopes that in the future, like a typical young man, like Comrade Zhang Hua, "be a valuable person and go to the places where the motherland needs to make contributions."

The typical stories of youth struggle in the military and local areas have greatly encouraged the young people who participated in the sharing and exchange activities. In a certain unit of the armed police force stationed in Jinjin, Zhan Chunpei, a typical young man and captain of the "Haixun 01" of the East China Sea Coast Patrol Law Enforcement Corps of the Shanghai Maritime Safety Bureau, said in response to a question from grassroots officers and soldiers, "What kind of belief supports your continuous growth and progress": "The firmest belief is 'I want to give it a try.'" People always have a lot of fear of the unknown, and they may suffer a lot in the process of constantly trying, but they will definitely regret it if they are not brave enough to break through. ”

Zhu Siqi, a post-00s soldier from a medical company of a certain army department, saw the infinite possibility of realizing his ideals in the typical young man after listening to the story of Zhan Chunpei growing up to become the first female captain of an ocean-going official ship in the mainland. Zhu Siqi said that since she was a child, she wanted to be a soldier, a doctor and a policeman, and came to the army as a health worker, which is equivalent to realizing two dreams. She said, "Struggle is the most beautiful background color of youth, and I want to be like Zhan Chunpei and other typical young people, inherit the red gene, practice strong skills, and strive to shine in my own post." ”

China Youth Daily, China Youth Network reporter Li Zhengyi, Wang Peinan Photo report Source: China Youth Daily

Source: China Youth Daily