
After retirement, go to live in the countryside, 4 things that make people "blush" not to do, people over 60 years old should understand

author:73 Divine Cow

#头条创作挑战赛# "Picking chrysanthemums under the east fence, leisurely seeing Nanshan", many people have worked hard all their lives, and when they reach retirement age, they are particularly yearning for the rural pastoral life, so many retired elderly people will choose to settle in the countryside.

There are many benefits of living in the countryside, in addition to planting vegetables and flowers, raising some chickens, ducks, geese and dogs, enjoying the quiet time in the countryside, and feeling the local atmosphere of the countryside, so that many people can not extricate themselves from it, especially those who have rural life experience, and they are particularly yearning for rural life.

After retirement, go to live in the countryside, 4 things that make people "blush" not to do, people over 60 years old should understand

However, there are pros and cons to living in rural areas, because the countryside is a "nest of relatives", and many people go to live in the countryside because there are many relatives and friends in the countryside, and they feel that they have a care for each other, but it is also very likely that it is because of these relatives that their rural idle life has troubles.

My neighbor Brother Gao, after retiring, rented out the house in the city, got a small courtyard with three tiled houses in the countryside, and led his wife to live for more than half a year, but then he couldn't live anymore and returned to the city.

The experience summed up by Brother Gao is that after retirement, when you go back to live in the countryside, you must not do these 4 "eye-catching" things, otherwise troubles and troubles will come, and people over 60 must understand.

1. Don't say how much pension you have a month

After retirement, go to live in the countryside, 4 things that make people "blush" not to do, people over 60 years old should understand

Pension is the confidence of people to provide for the elderly, no matter how much the pension earns, this is a little bit of hard work when going to work, but the elderly in rural areas do not have pensions, and now the main labor force in rural areas is the middle-aged and elderly people in their fifties and sixties, and they are particularly envious of their peers who have pensions.

When you go to live in the countryside after retirement, you can't avoid being asked about the topic of pension, so don't tell the other party the specific figures, especially those with high incomes, otherwise it is easy to cause the other party to "blush" and have some resistance to yourself.

The pension of the old and the old couple together has more than 10,000 yuan, and after this matter is known by the rural relatives, basically a big and small matter will come to the door, in addition to borrowing money is to let them take care of it, and if they refuse, they will usher in the slander behind the other party, so how much pension can not be said to relatives and friends in the countryside.

2. Don't do anything about land reclamation

After retirement, go to live in the countryside, 4 things that make people "blush" not to do, people over 60 years old should understand

Many people go to the countryside to live after retirement, thinking that it is to open up land and achieve self-sufficiency, so they like to find some vacant land to grow something in the countryside.

In fact, even if the land in the countryside is abandoned, it is still owned by the owner, or everyone agrees not to plant it in Chengdu, but if outsiders go to plant, then trouble may come.

In fact, after retirement, when I go to live in the countryside, the small vegetable patch in the yard of my home is enough to be self-sufficient, and I can't eat it, so there is really no need to grab land with the aborigines at this time.

A lot of energy and money have been invested in clearing land in the countryside, and if you have a dispute with others because of farming, then the crops planted in the field will not have a good harvest, and you will be angry for no reason.

3. Don't do anything about inviting guests to dinner

After retirement, go to live in the countryside, 4 things that make people "blush" not to do, people over 60 years old should understand

There is a folk saying called "give birth to Mien, fight Mi hatred", after retirement, go to the countryside to live, if you ask someone to help, you can solve the problem with money, don't involve too many favors, after all, everyone comes out to work, are to make some money to supplement the family.

When you live in the countryside, don't do the thing of inviting guests to dinner, because you are used to please, everyone thinks that you are from the city and you have a pension, so you should invite everyone, so not only will you not appreciate it, but you will think that it is something that you should do, and you may be hated if you don't invite for a while.

4. Don't do anything about planting trees and building houses

After retirement, go to live in the countryside, 4 things that make people "blush" not to do, people over 60 years old should understand

After retirement, I went to live in the countryside, mainly to enjoy life, and the unique local atmosphere in the mountains, at this time, it was mainly for recuperation and enjoyment, not to work.

There is a saying in rural areas that people over 70 do not plant trees, because at this time, after planting fruit trees, it is difficult for them to see the fruit trees and eat the fruits at their age, and planting fruit trees requires a lot of energy, and these jobs are obviously not suitable for people over 60 years old.

Most of the retired elderly who go to live in the countryside basically want to move while they can still move, and in the end they still have to return to the city to live and live, so as long as there is a ready-made house to live in the countryside, it can be renovated and built, but the matter of rebuilding and building a house should not be done.

Rural areas pay more attention to housing, and rural housing construction requires procedures, urban people in the countryside to build houses and buy rural homesteads to build houses are not protected by the law, and there is also the possibility of being "red-eyed" to sue people, so it is better not to do this laborious and expensive thing.

After retirement, it is the time to enjoy life, and it is also the life that many people yearn for to live in the countryside.