
Novel serialization (48) "Open the Iron Door: The Case of Counterfeit Money" (Author Liu Ling)

author:Bed on a dark cloud

The people around the car door advised: "Don't be stubborn!" Hurry down. Wait for the government's car to go. ”

"Your relatives have already violated the government's law, and you can't help him." "If it is, it doesn't matter if you take yourself in vain. Don't do it at a loss! "Do you really understand what the Strike Hard Period is?" "You can't be fooled, knowingly." "These are extraordinary times." "Rely on me, you just quietly let them go, don't and don't stink." "You're not helping Cheng Sanpo like this, you clearly want to take her life." As if she had realized, she finally slowly let go of her grip on the car door, and just landed on her feet and took half a step back. The city prison guard and the driver breathed a sigh of relief, the cadre retracted half of his body, and the driver immediately closed the car door. He hurried to start the car, but the crowd probably didn't realize it and didn't have time to disperse. At this moment, an old woman in her sixties or seventies came out of the doorway of the street, and rushed towards our prisoner car as if a gust of wind was blowing. Suddenly, there was a cry outside the car window: "Son, my son! My poor son. Son...... Yo son. ”

The spectators surrounding the prisoner car, their blood boiling, or indifferent, their necks stiffened, turned their heads, turned their bodies, and the crowd of people went straight through the side of the car door, and immediately dodged a narrow slit like a gutter. I'm afraid it's going to be lively for a long time. The onlookers who had just loosened up quickly turned around and crowded, and there were many people dressed in fancy clothes, mixed men and women, old and young, and surrounded our prisoner car, which looked like a small piece of reef in the rough waves. The people farther away, attracted by the crying, kept running in this direction. It seems that when I sit in the car, I can hear the sound of clattering footsteps, the sound of gnashing teeth and bones, and the sound of bones clenching into fists. Of course, it is definitely an illusion, and the prisoner car can't move, but it's unlikely that the law field will be robbed. "There was no one on this train who was worth the risk of the masses. The little half of the people in the carriage were nervous, excited, and even frightened, with red faces and red ears, and stiff necks. Our foreheads shone with blue light. I could barely turn my face away, my eyelids blinking non-stop. The guy in the back row of me had a few pimples on his cheeks throbbing slightly, and his mouth opened wide to reveal a row of fine white teeth. The man sitting next to him had a missing tooth and blue gums. The classmate in the aisle had a tongue like a dog, he stuck out half of his pink tongue, and a green vein was beating in his neck. The scars on the other two scalps slowly reddened, shiny, and became more and more prickly.

I craned my neck a little longer to look out the window, everyone's facial expressions were waxed and their eyes glazed over. Seven or eight people split the corners of their mouths, and the sun shone directly on them.

Gray, a large cloud of light was shining across from me. Chirp, babble, squeak, buzz, squeak......, squeak, squeak I seem to see only the teeth and tongues of those guys. It seems that there are many people who are noisy and shouting, and the little girl's eyes are straight, and some of them have become cross-eyed. Older boys are fighting. On both sides of the street, low wooden buildings creaked, and rows of stone houses, with black roof tiles, asbestos tiles, thatch, and oiled paper shivering in the hot wind through the town. One by one, they were silent. What a bug gurgling. What kind of people are dragging and shouting. There was a half-sized black dog squeezing around in the middle of the crowd, scurrying around. At this time, another group of horses carrying bulging snakeskin bags, presumably medicinal herbs, happened to pass by outside the car window. The middle-aged man in the lead whistled and hurriedly left the scene. Another woman with a wrinkled face and horns tied in her hair led a piggy through the middle of the street with a rope the thickness of her thumb. The black pig seemed to be shy, walking and stopping, twisting and pinching, always touching the calf of a pedestrian, and happened to step on the girl's new shoes. Click. Click. Light hears a wailing. The old woman didn't touch the car door with her hands, but sat on the muddy floor.

More likely, she sat down slowly, holding herself up on the trash with one hand. She opened the door and cried, "Son, I won't pay my debts." How can you let me live! I've heard people say that you've been tied up and escorted back, are you going out to find a way to work, or are you going to be a bandit...... I don't even dare to raise my head to look at it, I'm afraid I won't have the face to see your father in the future. I can only blame me, it's also that I usually break your habit, if they want to arrest me, they should arrest me, and if they want to beat comrades, you beat me hard......" The old woman suddenly raised her head and slapped herself a few times. There was an instant silence outside the car window, a pin fell on the ground, and the sound of people's breathing could be heard clearly. She whined and continued to cry. Then incitement. Above the crowd, the wind stirred lead-gray clouds, and suddenly sprinkled a few rain beans.

The air in the town is very hot. In the prison car, we seemed to hear the old woman outside the window all the time slapping her cheeks and slapping her ears, and the sound was crisp and loud. The guy in the car suddenly shouted: "Mom! He threw himself down in the aisle on the spot, his legs dropping down. Because Cheng Ming had one hand handcuffed to the back of the chair, he could only hold one hand in front of his forehead to block his eyes. He burst into tears, forced his voice down, and cried softly, sobbing and hooking up, and finally, he simply sat down in a mess, smelly, and coaxed with vomit all over the tin floor. When I saw such a scene, my heart was sour. We tried desperately not to let the tears squeeze out of our eyelashes, but in the end we broke the defense and burst into tears. I know that some people are still curious, want to see the excitement, and even gloat.

Now in the car, except for the most heartless ones, many people turn their faces away, or simply close their eyes, and can't bear to look at them again. The old woman was crying, crying, her voice going up and down. But she speaks clearly, the Chinese language is standard, and her voice sounds a little out of line with her age. Even every time she sang a sentence, she would die desperately, and drag out the last word for a long time, as if she was really singing: "My son, my poor son." Son, you are a disgrace to your ancestors. Usually (snorting violently) how can I persuade you, mother, you are all deaf ears! My son, you always go in your left ear and out your right ear, you are full of blood and liver, and you love to quarrel with me, quarrel all over the world, and scold me. If you want to blame your father for dying early, no one cares, and I can't teach you to be a good person. My son, I always want you to be a poor cub! Mother's son, I gave birth to you and raised you, usually I don't even want to touch a finger of you, but now, yes, yes (snot again, as if swallowed)...... The government beats you, scolds you, hits right, I raise my hands in favor! People were originally doing it for your own good. Old people often say that there are good people under the sticks...... Thinking of my man who died early, if you don't have a short life, I don't have to worry about it. Son, mother's son, you are a piece of meat that fell from my body, think about it carefully, what mother in the world is not distressed. My son, the family is too poor, my mother knows that you are wronged, and you are angry in your heart, but you shouldn't, you shouldn't (snort again), left Lao Tzu Niang, and ran out to work for several years without stepping into the door. Now if you let the comrades of the government catch you and wear an iron watch, you are afraid that if someone beats you, it will be like beating a person, and it will hurt in your mother's heart. Son, my mother has never been willing to hurt half of your hair (and snorted violently). Son, my miserable son. Son, ah, you want to make your mother angry to death! Then you will give an order, and I will hang a white cloth belt on the beam of the house at any time, and I would rather die in front of you. I don't want the white-haired person to send the black-haired person, and immediately jump into the pond to show you, and let the townsfolk help prove it. Son, you want to bury you dead, and when your father who got married and started a family comes back to life, let him die again. Son, the mother is confused. My God, comrade of the government, you just let me look at my son more, and if I die next year, I can give him an explanation for the old man. Old comrades of the government, you can make it convenient, otherwise, alas, yo yo, my old woman can't even close her eyes to death. My son, when I go underground in the future, how will I explain it to your father......" She was crying in the same tone as singing, dragging her anger and crying, whimpering, babbling, babbling, humming and chirping, just dragging a long cavity, snorting hard, and shouting twice.

Her voice was almost hoarse. Several times, we wanted to laugh but were afraid to laugh, and we almost mistakenly thought that Cheng Ming would immediately lose that breath and even faint to death. Unexpectedly, the more she cried, the more energetic she became, and the numbers seemed to be varied. I can't even understand which one she is crying, complaining, and scolding. Through the iron pipe fence and glass, everyone heard the people outside the window talking about the prisoner car, Cheng Ming was a substitute teacher when his mother was young, no wonder he cried a full set, and he didn't want to repeat it. She speaks so well in Chinese. The cheeks of the prison guards in the city were blue and white. He finally walked over, bent over, reached out to open the handcuffs for Cheng Ming, and handcuffed his wrists with him. The prison guard said to him in a relatively mild tone, "Your name is Cheng Ming?" Get out of the car and say a few words to your mom to comfort her! Young man, you hold my hand so no one else can see the handcuffs. So that your mother can rest assured! After two or three years, you came home and became a new person, and you are still a good boy. Cheng Ming nodded.

The cadre advised: "Don't delay too long. ”

"It's a bit of a mess," he said. "I know!"

Cheng Ming nodded gratefully at the city guard and kept nodding.

In an instant, we were originally on a completely hostile position, and we suddenly felt that in fact, escorting the prison guards was not too bad, but actually quite humane. Everyone was immediately moved, perhaps from everyone's eyes, the city prison guard was completely encouraged, he felt that this risk was worth taking, and it should be taken, and it may not be in accordance with the rules. The cadres could see that everyone was thanking him for the guy named Cheng Ming. "The rest of you sit down and don't move!" His last sentence must have been addressed to all. Then, the prison guard looked at the armed police, looked at the driver in the driver's seat, and said lightly: "Open the door!" "The driver opened the door quietly, and when he got out of the car, he quickly closed the door, and we saw them walking two steps side by side, and when they arrived in front of the old woman, Cheng Ming knelt in front of his old mother on the spot. Mom-" The guy shouted hoarsely.

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