
Strengthen field management and ensure a bumper harvest These scientific and technological means save time, effort and worry

author:CCTV News

Summer grain is the first season of grain production in the whole year, and the output accounts for more than 20 percent of the annual grain. More than 90% of the summer grain is wheat, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs on the 14th agricultural dispatch shows that at present, more than half of the summer grain harvest in the southwest region, and the winter wheat in the north is being filled, and there is still nearly half a month before the large-scale harvest.

Wheat is generally in better condition than normal

There is a foundation for a good harvest


Judging from the dispatch situation, the area of the 11 main wheat-producing provinces this year has increased steadily, the yield increase in large areas is solid and effective, and the growth of wheat is generally better than the normal year and better than that of the previous year, especially the increase in the number of ears, and there is a foundation for a bumper harvest. However, in the later stage, it will have to pass many passes such as pests and diseases, "dry and hot wind", lodging, and "bad rain".

Strengthen field management and ensure a bumper harvest These scientific and technological means save time, effort and worry

Lv Xiutao, deputy director of the Planting Industry Management Department of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs: The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs will adhere to the principle of "not getting a good harvest for a day, and not relaxing for a day of work", guiding all localities to continue to do a good job in the prevention and control of wheat scab and aphids at the ear stage, and promote the implementation of the "one spray and three prevention" measures.

Sichuan wheat is expected

"Three increases" in total area yield

The southwest wheat region includes Sichuan, Chongqing, Guizhou and Yunnan provinces, which are the earliest ripening areas of winter wheat in mainland China, and the wheat output accounts for 4% of the national winter wheat output. At present, the harvest in the southwest wheat area has been in full swing.


Sichuan is the largest main wheat producing area in southwest China. This year, Sichuan's wheat sowing area, yield, and total output are expected to continue to "three increases". At present, more than half of the wheat harvest progress in the 20 main wheat-producing counties in the local area is expected, and it is expected that more than 9 million mu of wheat in the province will be harvested by the end of May.

Strengthen field management and ensure a bumper harvest These scientific and technological means save time, effort and worry

In Chengdu Longquanyi, the core area of Sichuan's "Tianfu Granary", the reporter saw that the summer harvest socialized service team received the task - the whole process of mechanized operation. The harvester shuttles back and forth in the wheat field, swallowing the clusters of wheat ears into the "belly", and directly converts the harvest in the field into a harvest.

Strengthen field management and ensure a bumper harvest These scientific and technological means save time, effort and worry

To build a high-quality "Tianfu granary", Sichuan has promoted the construction of 130 wheat 1,000 mu high-yield display pieces and 56 wheat 100 mu ultra-high-yield research parties from multiple links such as policy, science and technology, and capital, and wheat production has shown a new trend, and agricultural machinery has played a more obvious role in grain production. During the "three summers" period, the province will put 40,000 harvesters into wheat harvesting operations; The wheat expert compound and the science and technology courtyard jointly built by the Provincial Academy of Agricultural Sciences and universities will be transformed and applied to new varieties, new technologies and new models on the spot; After achieving 300 kilograms per mu for the first time last year, the yield is expected to hit a record high again this year.

Wang Tao, head of Sichuan Lotte's agricultural summer harvest socialization service team: Precise seeding with a seed drill per mu is about 200,000 plants. 250,000 to 300,000 ears per mu, in the past, the planting and fruiting rate in this area was about 90%, so the yield per mu can be about 1,000 catties.

Strengthen field management and ensure a bumper harvest These scientific and technological means save time, effort and worry

A higher level of "Tianfu granary" is giving birth to a modern grain industry system with more complete service functions. In various parts of Sichuan, agricultural socialized services and grain industry clusters are "growing jointly" on the land, which has made farmers feel a lot more worried. At present, there are 34,000 agricultural socialized service organizations in the province, with an effective service area of more than 45 million mu.

Strengthen field management and ensure a bumper harvest These scientific and technological means save time, effort and worry

The reporter saw in a grain postpartum service center in Xinjin, Chengdu, that this year's newly harvested wheat can be dried immediately after entering the warehouse, and after passing the standard, it will also enjoy a series of processing and brand value-added services, from Sichuan to the national table.

Strengthen field management and ensure a bumper harvest These scientific and technological means save time, effort and worry

Xie Wenming, head of Sichuan Tianfu Granary Construction and Development Group: We provide full-chain services and year-round agricultural socialization services in the province. It is expected to cover more than 80% of the province's agricultural production areas within three years, and the total number of services will reach 10 million mu within five years, which will play a demonstration and leading role in Sichuan's high-standard farmland construction and agricultural socialization services.

More than 100 UAVs "one spray and three defenses"

Escort for the summer grain harvest

The main producing areas of Huanghuaihai include Jiangsu, Anhui, Henan, Shandong and Hebei provinces, and wheat production accounts for 84% of the country's winter wheat production. At present, Huanghuaihai winter wheat is in the last critical period of growth. All provinces have strengthened capital investment in combination with the prevention and control of wheat scab and stripe rust, and made every effort to organize the work of "one spray and three preventions" for wheat.


At present, it is the critical period of wheat filling, and in a high-standard farmland in Qingfu Agricultural Complex, Liutuan Town, Changyi City, Shandong Province, several flying defense drones are lined up, and white water mist is evenly sprayed in the green wheat field.

Strengthen field management and ensure a bumper harvest These scientific and technological means save time, effort and worry

In order to ensure the full coverage of "one spray and three defenses", the reporter saw in the WeChat group of agricultural technicians that more than 100 planes were operating at the same time in more than 30 districts and towns in Changyi that day, and before each aircraft took off, real-time operation records should be uploaded in the WeChat group.

Strengthen field management and ensure a bumper harvest These scientific and technological means save time, effort and worry

It is understood that Shandong Province has sent a total of 101,000 agricultural technicians to the front line to guide farmers to implement policies according to local conditions, strengthen the prevention and control of major wheat diseases and pests, especially stem base rot and stripe rust, and carry out "one spray and three prevention" operations. Coordinate 413 million yuan of provincial funds and above, which will be specially used for "one spray and three preventions", timely prevention of diseases and insects, prevention of premature aging, and prevention of "dry and hot air", and strive to promote stable and increased wheat production.

Strengthen field management and ensure a bumper harvest These scientific and technological means save time, effort and worry

At present, wheat stripe rust in the province is the year with the lowest incidence and the best prevention and control effect in the past 11 years. On the whole, more than 60 million mu of wheat in Shandong Province is currently growing well, which is the best growth in recent years, and if there is no major natural disaster before the wheat harvest, the summer grain is expected to be bumper again.

Powered by technology

Wheat pepper intercropping promotes production and efficiency

In Linying, Luohe, Henan Province, the local government has increased the application of automation equipment and promoted the scientific and technological intercropping model to promote stable wheat yield and efficiency.


At present, 720,000 mu of wheat in Linying, Henan Province is growing well, and the wheat moisture is slightly dry due to the recent continuous warming of the weather. After receiving the reminder, Zhao Yanpeng, a large planter, used drones to carry out "one spray and three prevention" operations on wheat for the first time. Under the guidance of agricultural experts, according to the soil moisture, drought resistance agents were added to insecticide, bactericide and plant growth regulators for the first time, and the flight altitude was adjusted to improve the ratio of water and fertilizer, increase the 1000-grain weight of wheat, and prevent wheat scab, premature senescence and dry and hot wind.

Strengthen field management and ensure a bumper harvest These scientific and technological means save time, effort and worry

Zhao Yanpeng, a large grain grower in Linying, Luohe: There are hints on when you need to apply medicine and when you need to water. More than 400 acres of land were completed in one day, which saves time, effort and worry.

Strengthen field management and ensure a bumper harvest These scientific and technological means save time, effort and worry

With the blessing of aerial cameras, seedling sensors, and 5G networks, the Internet of Science and Technology is deeply integrated with 440,000 acres of wheat pepper interplanting plots in Linying. The big data platform captures wheat soil moisture, early warning of diseases and pests, one-screen access, 24-hour real-time monitoring, and provides farmers with scientific guidance on wheat field management.

Strengthen field management and ensure a bumper harvest These scientific and technological means save time, effort and worry

At present, Linying County has mobilized more than 400 plant protection drones, and more than 440,000 acres of wheat pepper interplanting plots will be sprayed in the next two days.

Strengthen field management and ensure a bumper harvest These scientific and technological means save time, effort and worry

Wang Shenduan, head of Linying digital agriculture planting base: Through big data analysis, the agricultural plan is pushed to farmers in real time, and agricultural operations such as precise watering, fertilization and spraying are realized.

(CCTV reporter Liang Lijuan, Wang Kaibo, Chen Bo, Jiang Shulin, Li Lin)

Editor in charge: Zhang Qi

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