
Looking for the life state of "Xiaoman"丨Read and enjoy the classics

author:Yangpu, Shanghai

Books contain spiritual wealth. Recently, the reading and sharing activity of "Reading and Enjoying the Classics and Opinions" sponsored by the Yangpu District Education Union was held in the Primary School Affiliated to Shanghai Second Normal School, providing a platform for teachers and staff to share their reading experience and show their own style.

Looking for the life state of "Xiaoman"丨Read and enjoy the classics

The event received a total of grassroots faculty and staff

139 videos were submitted

It is reviewed and scored by a panel of judges

30 finalists were finalists

Everyone revolves around the theme of "Red Chinese Studies, Role Model Salute,

Humanities, New Parents,

Lifelong Growth".

With great presentations and original insights

Take the audience into a new world

After fierce competition

Seven faculty members stood out

Won the first prize

Looking for the life state of "Xiaoman"丨Read and enjoy the classics

Today, let's enjoy it together

First Prize Winner

from Shanghai No. 2 Normal School

Li Xue from the Affiliated Primary School

Recommend books for everyone

"Little Man in the World"

Among the 24 solar terms, the most philosophical name is "Xiaoman". It is really ingenious to use Xiaoman as a metaphor for life. Moderation, contentment, and appropriateness are the essence of the Chinese philosophy of life, and it is also the philosophy of Xiaoman that this book conveys to us - not complacent, not knowing enough, "Xiaoman" is the best state of life.

In the book, Ajiao has a round belly, a shaved head, and a pinch of beard on his chin. He either drinks tea to maintain health, raises flowers and paints, unhurried; or buy rice and oil, the food is connected, and the kitchen is busy; Or lying down with the cat, as if fantasizing, as if it were coming true...... Flipping to any page can calm our minds.

Looking for the life state of "Xiaoman"丨Read and enjoy the classics

He writes wisdom - less than the top, more than the bottom, a "than" word, loaded with a simple life. A wise life has always been a way to make trade-offs, and to advance and retreat to a certain extent.

He writes about happiness - children playing, not knowing the suffering of the world, and the joy of the elderly, that is knowing the suffering of the world and regretting the time in front of him. It's important to live in the moment.

He writes about happiness – sleeping in bed and hearing the hustle and bustle of the kitchen is a kind of happiness; In the kitchen, cooking for people who are still busy is also a kind of happiness. In this way, in the sound of pots and pans, we spent the year together.

The vivid life motto is super healing, because the author has a serious life and a serious record, so there are such beautiful illustrations and words. Life has joys and sorrows, and if you want to live a fun life, you must have an optimistic, humorous, and tolerant attitude.

At the end of the book, there is also a testimonial from a father to his daughter. Full of emotion, it also reminds me of the warm scenes I used to have with my father. The moon is full and the water is overflowing, and "Xiaoman" is the best state of life. In a world that is constantly changing, only the abundance of the heart is eternal.

Introduction to recommended books

Looking for the life state of "Xiaoman"丨Read and enjoy the classics

"Little Man in the World"

Author: Jiao Dianyi

Publisher: China Water Resources and Hydropower Press

Brief introduction: Life has both fireworks and vulgarity, as well as poetic joy. "The World is a little man" is a philosophical book that everyone needs, a collection of life essays with excellent pictures and texts, and a masterpiece that writes through the fireworks in the world and how to live every day at the moment. In the author's mediocre daily life, each of us sees our own joys, sorrows, firewood, rice, oil and salt. Life may not always be smooth, but we always have small joys.

Editor: Wu Baixin

Source: District Education Bureau

*Please indicate that the reprint is from the official WeChat of Shanghai Yangpu