
The 30th phase of "Listening and Discussing" expands and improves the quality of life to help young people live in peace

author:Qingdao News Network

Young people gather because of the city, and the city thrives because of the youth. Attracting and retaining young people is the key to sustainable urban development, and solving the housing problem of young people is an important part of it. Zhou Zheng, secretary of the Qingdao Municipal Party Committee of the Communist Youth League, introduced that through the implementation of the three major projects of "Youth Youyi", "Youth Youlai" and "Youth Preferential Purchase", the Youth Preferential Housing Program will solve the difficulties of young people at different stages of transitional housing, renting and buying houses, help them realize the dream of living in peace from "one bed" to "one room" and then to "one home", and attract more young people to come to the youth to stay in the youth. Up to now, the city has built 122 youth stations and 12 "Youlai Youth Community" projects, with a total of more than 2,500 houses.

The 30th phase of "Listening and Discussing" expands and improves the quality of life to help young people live in peace

Zhou Zheng, secretary of the Qingdao Municipal Committee of the Communist Youth League, spoke at the consultation.

Jiang Teng, a member of the Provincial Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) and general manager of Shandong Times New Media Digital Economy Research Institute Co., Ltd., is a youth committee member. At the second meeting of the 13th Provincial Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference held this year, he submitted the "Proposal on Strengthening the Housing Service Guarantee for Young People in Lujulu". "The launch and implementation of the Youth Preferential Housing Program is a major benefit to young people, and several projects that have been completed accurately point to the housing needs of young people, and the market response is relatively good. However, on the whole, the publicity of the Youth Preferential Housing Program is insufficient, and the awareness of young people about the Youth Preferential Housing Program is not high enough. Jiang Teng suggested that the relevant departments explore the establishment of a combination of offline and online preferential housing plan service system. Offline, a youth service window has been set up in the Qingdao Civic Center to provide policy consultation and business handling services, so that young people who come to Qingdao to stay and return to youth can feel the convenience of government services and the warmth of the city; Online, combined with the "Digital Qingdao 2.0" project, a youth preferential housing service platform will be established, integrating information such as youth preferential housing policies, housing supply, and employment settlement services, so as to meet the needs of young people for preferential housing in one stop.

"The Youth Preferential Housing Program is a project for young people, and it should be promoted in a way that young people like, especially by making good use of mobile Internet platforms. In the process of publicity, in addition to introducing the information of the Youth Preferential Housing Program itself, it is also necessary to take the Youth Preferential Housing Program as the starting point to tell the story of Qingdao and do a good job in promoting the image of Qingdao. Jiang Teng said.

The 30th phase of "Listening and Discussing" expands and improves the quality of life to help young people live in peace

Jiang Teng, member of the Provincial Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference and general manager of Shandong Times New Media Digital Economy Research Institute Co., Ltd., spoke at the consultation.

Promoting the convergence of the youth preferential housing plan and the housing subsidy policy for college students in Qingdao is also the focus of Jiang Teng's attention. Jiang Teng learned in the investigation that at present, Qingdao provides housing subsidies for full-time graduates with bachelor's degree or above in domestic colleges and universities within three years of graduation, among them, the standard for undergraduate graduates is 500 yuan per person per month, the standard for master's students is 800 yuan per person per month, and the standard for doctoral students is 1,200 yuan per person per month. "At present, the youth preferential housing plan and the housing subsidy policy for college students have not been opened, renting to pay rent and applying for housing subsidies are two different links, it is recommended that the relevant departments work together to provide convenience for young people, and transfer the housing subsidy for talents directly to the housing operator, and turn the 'separate office' into 'one-time operation'." Jiang Teng said.

He Xuting, member of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference and general manager of Qingdao Tian'an Science and Technology Innovation City Industry Co., Ltd., has been engaged in the development and operation of industrial real estate for a long time. In her research, she found that at present, the distribution of youth housing projects that have been completed and operated in Qingdao is uneven, especially in some areas with a large number of enterprises and young people, and the housing gap is large, which needs to be made up in a targeted manner. "Jianhongtan is a highland for the development of the high-speed train industry, and there are many related enterprises, which require a large number of high-quality and low-cost long-term rental apartments, but the actual operation of the 'Youth Youlai' project is relatively small, and it is difficult to meet the needs of enterprises." He Xuting suggested that the relevant departments should increase the supply of housing in such areas, explore the introduction of incentive policies, guide social capital to participate in the youth preferential housing plan, and increase the stock of housing.

Qingdao can learn from the experience of other places to transform these office buildings into houses suitable for young people under the premise of conforming to the plan, keeping ownership unchanged, meeting safety requirements, and respecting the wishes of the masses, which can not only solve the housing problem of young people, but also increase the vitality of the community." He Xuting said.

The 30th phase of "Listening and Discussing" expands and improves the quality of life to help young people live in peace

He Xuting, member of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference and general manager of Qingdao Tian'an Science and Technology Innovation City Industry Co., Ltd., spoke at the consultation.

Chang Xianfeng, a member of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) and director of the Qingdao Chengzhi Social Work Service Center, believes that in addition to renovating idle office buildings, Qingdao can also sort out scattered housing resources and include them in the youth preferential housing plan. The relevant departments can bid for a high-level operating agency to operate these houses in a unified manner and provide quality services to the young people who move in. Under the Youth Preferential Housing Scheme, the rent of the "Youth Advantage" project is 5%-10% lower than the market price. In order to encourage more landlords to participate in the Youth Preferential Housing Program, the government can give landlords a certain amount of financial subsidies and issue them with "Youth Preferential Housing Honor Cards". Hosts can get some extra discounts or conveniences when they go to visit attractions, fitness, and shopping with this honor card.

"In recent years, the real estate market has been in flux, and relevant policies are constantly being adjusted. The Youth Preferential Housing Plan cannot be set in stone, but should be adjusted in a timely manner with the general trend of the real estate market and changes in relevant policies, so that young people can truly benefit and enjoy the policy dividends. Chang Xianfeng suggested.

The 30th phase of "Listening and Discussing" expands and improves the quality of life to help young people live in peace

Chang Xianfeng, member of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) and director of Qingdao Chengzhi Social Work Service Center, spoke at the consultation.

At the negotiation site, Yan Hao, director of the operation and maintenance department of the Municipal Housing Security Center, introduced the progress of the affordable rental housing project to participate in the youth preferential housing plan. He said that in December 2023, the city will introduce the "Pilot Work Plan of "Affordable Rental Housing + Youth Preferential Station" to encourage qualified affordable rental housing projects to participate in the youth station plan, comprehensively build a "guaranteed" youth station, and give phased free residence and preferential rent policies for affordable rental housing, so that young people can not only "stay", but also "stay". In the next step, the Municipal Housing Security Center will announce the pilot project on an annual basis, so that more housing can be added to the pilot scope, and continue to meet the housing needs of new citizens, young people and college students who have just graduated from the youth to start a business and find employment.

The 30th phase of "Listening and Discussing" expands and improves the quality of life to help young people live in peace

Yan Hao, director of the operation and maintenance department of Qingdao Housing Security Center, was interviewed by reporters.

The CPPCC members' suggestions have received a positive response from relevant departments. "The suggestions of the committee members are very precise and pertinent and pragmatic. In the future work, we will increase publicity efforts, continuously improve the awareness of the youth preferential housing program, and at the same time, actively integrate the affordable rental housing and talent housing held by state-owned platform companies at all levels, and widely solicit hotels and apartments in economic parks, central business districts, industrial parks and other areas where young people are looking for jobs and working, so as to increase the supply of preferential housing through multiple channels, so that more young people can participate in the youth preferential housing program and help young people realize their dreams. Zhou Zheng said. (Qingdao Daily/Guanhai News Reporter Cui Wu, Luzi Jin Tao, Photographer Yu Xuan)