
The Party Group of the Jiading District Procuratorate held a reading class for party discipline study and education and the first special study seminar

author:Ping An Jiading
The Party Group of the Jiading District Procuratorate held a reading class for party discipline study and education and the first special study seminar

On the afternoon of May 10, the Party Group of the Jiading District Procuratorate held a reading class for party discipline study and education and the first special study seminar to study in depth the general provisions of the "Regulations on Disciplinary Actions of the Communist Party of China" (hereinafter referred to as the "Regulations"). Ge Jianjun, secretary of the party group, chief procurator and head of the special class for party discipline study and education of the district procuratorate, presided over the meeting, and the members of the party group of the procuratorate respectively received the study and exchanged speeches.

The Party Group of the Jiading District Procuratorate held a reading class for party discipline study and education and the first special study seminar
The Party Group of the Jiading District Procuratorate held a reading class for party discipline study and education and the first special study seminar
The Party Group of the Jiading District Procuratorate held a reading class for party discipline study and education and the first special study seminar

Comrade Ge Jianjun emphasized

Keep an eye on the target requirements

We should further put the study and education of quasi-party discipline in the right direction

Study the "Regulations" in their original form, chapter by chapter, article by article, accurately grasp the essence of the essence, and learn to understand and understand the spirit. Deeply understand the spiritual essence, rich connotation, and practical requirements of the "Regulations", and continuously enhance the political, ideological, and action consciousness of studying and implementing the "Regulations", so as to provide a solid discipline and work style guarantee for advancing the modernization of procuratorial work.

Be clear about your learning priorities

Further establish a standard for the daily words and deeds of party members and cadres

Accurately grasp the main essence and requirements of the "six disciplines", grasp the ins and outs and internal logic, strengthen the "four determinations", and promote the study and education of party discipline into the heart. We should do a good job in studying, educating and warning in an integrated manner, and transform iron discipline into daily habits and consciously follow them. Leading cadres should take the lead in establishing a correct outlook on power, political achievements, and undertakings, consciously accept supervision, and truly be strict with themselves, strictly assume their responsibilities, and strictly manage their jurisdiction.

Play an exemplary role

It is necessary to further build a strong ideological line of defense against corruption and degeneration

Party members and leading cadres should learn one step ahead and learn one level deeper, give full play to the role of leading and promoting learning, drive the cadres and police of the whole hospital to continuously improve their learning consciousness and initiative, and promote the study and education of party discipline to achieve results. Deepen the use of the "four forms" of supervision and discipline, adhere to the "three distinctions", deeply analyze typical cases of discipline violations, and let party members and cadres be alerted, know the bottom line, and know and respect. Conscientiously implement the "one post and two responsibilities" of leading cadres, closely combine the study and education of party discipline with the special action of "procuratorial protection of enterprises" and "inspection and protection of people's livelihood" and the key work of the hospital, and transform the results of party discipline study and education into practical measures and practical results to promote the modernization of Jiading's procuratorial work.

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