
The Great Triangle Strategy: The whole world wants to pull the United States into the water!

author:Small porridge tells history
The Great Triangle Strategy: The whole world wants to pull the United States into the water!

Recently, the hotly discussed "big triangle strategy" on the Internet has attracted widespread attention, and many people feel that it is mysterious and unpredictable, as if it is a masterpiece carefully planned by a master. However, is this really the case? In my opinion, this so-called "big triangle strategy" is actually not so magical, but more like a natural result of following the trend.

All kinds of speculation and rumors about the "big triangle strategy" on the Internet remind people of those mysterious legends that have been passed down for thousands of years. However, when we unveil this mystery, we will find that the logic behind it is not complicated. Just as the river flows naturally and eventually forms a spectacular waterfall, the "Grand Triangle Strategy" only conforms to the trend of the development of the times and naturally forms the current pattern.

Therefore, we don't need to deify the "big triangle" too much, let alone attribute it to the behind-the-scenes manipulation of some master. It is just a product of the development of the times, and it is the result of the combined action of many factors. Let's look at this phenomenon with peace of mind and explore the real logic and driving force behind it.

The Great Triangle Strategy: The whole world wants to pull the United States into the water!

The core areas of the Great Triangle Strategy -- Eastern Europe, Central Asia, and the Asia-Pacific -- are like powder kegs in history, hiding deep contradictions and conflicts. Tracing back to the source, the crux of these problems lies in some unresolved historical issues after World War II.

When we talk about Eastern Europe, we cannot fail to mention the giant known as "Big Mao". During the Cold War, Eastern Europe was at the forefront of ideological confrontations, and its complexity was self-evident. With the collapse of the Soviet Union 30 years ago, the region suddenly lost its original balance, like a group of dragons without a leader, and all forces began to move. And the national revenge sentiment planted by "Da Mao" in this land is like a spark in a powder keg, which may ignite the flames of war at any time. They have been deceived for a long time, have been wronged for decades, and finally turned the table in anger, all of which is not so much a conspiracy of certain people or forces as an inevitability of the general trend of history. Therefore, it is somewhat one-sided to blame the powder keg in Eastern Europe on individual powers.

The Great Triangle Strategy: The whole world wants to pull the United States into the water!

The Middle East, an ancient land, where history and modernity are intertwined, tribes and kingships coexist, and the complexity of the issues is comparable to that of any epic. Here, the tribal system and the authority of the royal family are deeply entrenched, as if the wheel of time has stood still, allowing people to directly cross from the tribal chieftaincy system in the Middle Ages to the edge of modernization, but have never really stepped into the door of a modern state.

In this land, the power of religion and tribal chiefs is far greater than ordinary people think, and it carries more weight than the so-called national consciousness. However, Britain and the United States, these two historical "-stirring sticks", forcibly intervened and put a small bully in it, it is really "many incense burners and many ghosts", how can so many forces not cause conflict?

What's more, these forces are incompatible and have very different personalities, but they are simply pieced together. The harmonious coexistence between them is simply harder than hell. And in this land, there are also rich oil resources, just like an ignorant child holding a transparent plastic bag full of money, swaggering through the street, how can it not be coveted?

The issue of the Middle East is not only a long scroll of history, but also a picture of reality, in which various forces, interests, and contradictions are intertwined and constitute a knot that is difficult to untie. However, it is precisely this complexity and diversity that has made the Middle East the focus of the world, attracting the attention of countless people.

The Great Triangle Strategy: The whole world wants to pull the United States into the water!

Xiaobawang is eager to try and eagerly expand his territory, and Western capital is also secretly fiercely competing for precious oil resources. In this melee, the people of the Middle East are being bullied, and they are ready to rise up against it with the desire to regain their rights. In fact, everyone is well aware of this deep-seated contradiction, everyone is sticking to their own position, and no one is willing to back down. Therefore, simply blaming a certain force or person for the problems of the Middle East is obviously one-sided and unconvincing.

The Great Triangle Strategy: The whole world wants to pull the United States into the water!

Speaking of the Asia-Pacific region, hey, this is really the "hardest hit area" of historical problems. After World War II, the problems here were like a mess of stew, and they were so complicated that they were a headache. Footpot chickens, Philippine monkeys, white elephants, Wanwan, and those in Indochina are noisy and quarrelsome all day long. Everyone has a difficult scripture in their hearts, especially those disputes over territorial borders, which are simply a mess. In such an environment, it's no wonder if there are no problems! Sooner or later, we'll see.

But then again, the entanglement between these countries in the Asia-Pacific region can be regarded as a "feature" of their unique historical and cultural background. While these issues are a headache, it is precisely these disputes and controversies that enrich the history and culture of the Asia-Pacific region. As spectators, let's enjoy this "big show"!

The Great Triangle Strategy: The whole world wants to pull the United States into the water!

Therefore, you don't have to worry about whether the triangle strategy is artificially designed. In fact, this is only because the three contradictions happen to be related to the United States, and a triangular pattern that seems to be directed at the United States is naturally formed. This is not the result of careful planning, but a tacit agreement reached by various forces in silence.

In this real world, as long as we have common interests and enemies, we will naturally become allies, even if there is no covenant. On the other hand, if there is no common interest, even if a covenant is signed, it is just a piece of paper that can be torn up at any time. History has proven this countless times, and those covenants that were once often turned up as waste paper in the toilet. So, ah, we should be more pragmatic and not indulge in these nihilistic covenants.

The Great Triangle Strategy: The whole world wants to pull the United States into the water!

Today's United States is actually quite entangled in its heart. They know that they cannot deal with more than two crisis points at the same time, but they do not want to show the slightest weakness, so they can only hold on to the end. For now, they may be able to use their past prestige to scare small countries, but in the event of a real military defeat, "oh roar," it would be embarrassing. The signboard of the Blue Star Boss is in jeopardy. Imagine when many countries around the world find out that the "rogue big brother" who has always been regarded as a strong man turned out to be a paper tiger, will they still be afraid? Once that fear is lost, how can the United States continue to control them?

The Great Triangle Strategy: The whole world wants to pull the United States into the water!

You must know that the United States has always controlled other countries and nations by scaring people and creating panic. If that doesn't work, then they'll be ruined. Don't think that with a nuclear bomb you can do anything, for those countries that have been oppressed to the limit, once a nuclear bomb war breaks out, everyone will be doomed. Anyway, barefoot people are not afraid of wearing shoes, and if you are lucky enough to not die after the fight, you can still make a comeback. Maybe those big countries will kill each other first, and then the small countries will be able to emerge and lead the way. Speaking of the 300-year curse of the Empire, this is not just our business, it is universal and no one can escape this catastrophe.

The Great Triangle Strategy: The whole world wants to pull the United States into the water!

Why did Trump suddenly change his stance and support military aid to Ukraine? You know, the Republican Party has always held opposite views with the Democrats on this issue, and has always been opposed. To answer this question, we must first be clear: in the current situation, Trump's choice of support is inevitable. Because they know in their hearts that if they continue to oppose it, they may trigger a huge crisis – a crisis that will turn against the European allies. Many of America's European allies have a deep hatred for Russia, and if the United States does abandon Ukraine, those countries that have always sided with the United States because of their hatred of Russia will feel in danger. France, in particular, has been waiting for such an opportunity. Once abandoned by the United States, France may initiate a plan to form a European legion, excluding the United States and Britain from Europe and establishing a military alliance without American and British interference.

The Great Triangle Strategy: The whole world wants to pull the United States into the water!

This matter is not complicated, NATO is like a bystander, turning a blind eye to the predicament of Ukraine and watching Russia get stronger and stronger, and the United States cannot shirk this responsibility. We don't think there's any hope of messing around with you, so it's better to play our own games, relying on you? Maybe even three meals a day will be a problem. Besides, you have to know that the EU is, to put it bluntly, the Europeans' own "little treasury", and if they come to another European legion, it will be even more terrible, military and economic grasping, self-sufficient, why do you need to get in the way in Europe? If the Europeans are no longer cold to the United States, Germany only needs to raise its arms and shout, and millions of people will be able to surround the US military bases, and we will protest peacefully, and if we don't do anything, we will force you to roll up and leave. What do you think the United States can do? Dare to shoot? As soon as you are tempted, it will be over, if you dare to shoot, I will dare to fight back, and the Eurocorps will be able to send you away logically, everything will come according to the rules, and the procedures will be in order. At that time, the United States was embarrassed, it was not to stay, it was not to leave, it was difficult to be a man no matter what.

The Great Triangle Strategy: The whole world wants to pull the United States into the water!

If America's grip on Europe were weakened, they would have suffered a lot of losses, the equivalent of having their thigh cut off. Think about it, how big of that responsibility must be? Can Trump and the Republican Party afford such consequences? So, he's going to have to support it anyway. Recalling his rhetoric during the election campaign, he called the Democratic Party so ruthless, and the result? At critical moments, attitudes change. The United States is now in a dilemma: they do not want to get involved in the battlefield themselves, but anti-American forces around the world are trying to drag them into the water; And those pro-American camps are also trying all kinds of tricks to get the United States to come to the rescue. Everyone is staring at the United States, and it depends on how they respond, and basically they can't hide from it. We'll see how it ends.

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