
It's their turn to have their "iron rice bowl" smashed? All localities began to clean up the urban management and auxiliary police

author:Elegant Spring X


The torrent of the times is surging, and the clarion call for reform has been sounded. The chengguan and auxiliary police, once known as the "iron rice bowl", are now facing an unprecedented test. Clean-ups have begun in various localities to make those who abuse their power and enforce the law arbitrarily pay the price they deserve. This article will delve into this phenomenon and reflect on what social change means for each of us.

It's their turn to have their "iron rice bowl" smashed? All localities began to clean up the urban management and auxiliary police

Once upon a time, the chengguan and auxiliary police enjoyed a lot of privileges and powers, and were regarded as "iron rice bowls", seemingly immovable. However, the progress of the times has fundamentally changed this situation. Now, all localities have begun to clean up the ranks of urban management and auxiliary police, and those who abuse their power and infringe on the rights and interests of the people are included in the scope of legal sanctions. It's time for those who smashed people's jobs to taste the taste of being smashed for themselves.

The chengguan and auxiliary police were once the guardians of our society, maintaining order and safety in the city. However, as some people abuse their power and threaten and maliciously bully the public in the process of law enforcement, their image is gradually tarnished. The accumulation of social dissatisfaction with these phenomena eventually led to a wave of reform.

It's their turn to have their "iron rice bowl" smashed? All localities began to clean up the urban management and auxiliary police

The beginning of the clean-up of the chengguan and auxiliary police forces in various localities is a just response and a wake-up call to abuses of power. They were supposed to be a force for social harmony, but some have deviated from their original intentions and used power as a tool to undermine the cornerstone of social fairness and justice. Today, they must take responsibility for what they do.

When we see the news that the chengguan and auxiliary police have been cleared, some people may be worried, worried that the dignity and prestige of this post will be affected. However, we should understand that the clean-up is not about eradicating the entire ranks, but about eradicating those who tarnish their image and undermine social justice. Only in this way can the chengguan and auxiliary police teams regain their credibility and become true guardians.

It's their turn to have their "iron rice bowl" smashed? All localities began to clean up the urban management and auxiliary police

Social change is inevitable, and every eternal iron rice bowl may be smashed. This process is both a redress for injustice and a pursuit of justice. Whether it is chengguan, auxiliary police, or any other profession, when it becomes a tool for abusing power and harming the interests of the people, it should be cleaned up and rectified.

It's time for the power of social justice to be revealed, and for those who smash people's jobs to taste for themselves. Social change requires everyone's participation and support, and only by working together can we build a more just and harmonious society.