
The 4-year-old girl got lost in the mall and asked the security guard to call her father's name on the radio, and the audience laughed

author:four seasons

#q1# [The cute little girl was lost in the mall, and the security guard shouted her father's name on the radio, and the audience laughed! ] 】

The 4-year-old girl got lost in the mall and asked the security guard to call her father's name on the radio, and the audience laughed

Today in a shopping mall, an interesting thing happened that makes people laugh! A cute 4-year-old girl accidentally got lost, but she actually made the audience laugh happily. This scene touched countless people and became a hot topic of discussion in the mall.

Everyone knows that it's easy to get lost in the mall, especially for young children. Today, this little girl is the main character.

The story takes place in the toy section of a shopping mall, where there is a lot of people and a variety of toys. The little girl's dad had just gone shopping at the next store, while she was happily playing alone in the toy area. Unexpectedly, when she looked up, she found that the people around her didn't seem to know her, and she panicked in her heart.

At this time, an attentive security guard noticed the unusual behavior of the little girl, and he immediately stepped forward to inquire about the situation. The little girl cried and told the security guard that she was lost, but she did not know her father's name and phone number. The security guard thought about it for a moment and decided to help the little angel find his family through the mall radio.

The 4-year-old girl got lost in the mall and asked the security guard to call her father's name on the radio, and the audience laughed

The radio sounded, and the security guard shouted in a firm and gentle voice: "Please dad call **little cutie**, your baby daughter is waiting for you in the toy area!" Repeat, ask dad to call **little cutie**. ”

The sound of this radio not only spread throughout the mall, but also touched everyone's heart. Suddenly, the customers in the mall were engaged in the search for the father. Some people shouted the name "cutie" in all corners of the mall, while others searched the corners of the mall's corridors.

While everyone was nervously searching, a young father ran over in a panic. He heard the "cutie" mentioned on the radio and instantly understood that his daughter was lost. He searched through the crowd with anxious and joyful eyes, and finally found the little girl who was crying silently. At this moment, his eyes were filled with tears, and he excitedly hugged his daughter tightly in his arms.

This heartwarming story touched all the witnesses, and the people applauded and cheered. The little girl smiled happily because she was no longer scared and felt endless love and care. The security guard also became the most popular figure of the day, and everyone highly praised him for his attentiveness and warmth.

The 4-year-old girl got lost in the mall and asked the security guard to call her father's name on the radio, and the audience laughed

This cute little girl and her dad let us see the greatness of family affection and the warmth of society. Their stories also remind us that in our busy lives, we need to always pay attention to the people around us, especially children. With a warm heart, everyone can be a guardian angel for others.

May this heartwarming story warm your heart, and let's pray together for this lovely little girl and all the children that they can thrive and have a happy childhood!

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