
The couple quarreled and the wife went back to her parents' house, the husband was angry and didn't look for her for 2 months, and the wife was dumbfounded when he met him on the street

author:Voice of the Mind SKR

Li Ming and Wang Fang's home is located in a quiet community on the outskirts of the city. Their days, like most couples, are simple and repetitive. Li Ming is an ordinary office worker, while Wang Fang is a stay-at-home mom who takes care of their five-year-old son, Xiaojie.

One night, Li Ming came home late from overtime, and Wang Fang had already put Xiaojie to sleep and watched TV on the sofa alone. As soon as Li Ming entered the door, Wang Fang couldn't help but complain: "Why did you come back so late?" No one repairs the broken faucet at home, and you don't go to Xiaojie's parent-teacher meeting, when will you be able to have a snack at home? ”

Li Ming took off his coat and sat on the sofa tiredly, he rubbed his temples and responded, "Aren't I also here for this family?" Isn't it just that I work so late every day to make more money? ”

Wang Fang's anger was even greater: "Money money, money, you know money!" You never care about things at home, I feel like a single mother! ”

The couple quarreled and the wife went back to her parents' house, the husband was angry and didn't look for her for 2 months, and the wife was dumbfounded when he met him on the street

Li Ming was also a little impatient: "What about you?" Are you at home all day and can't even fix a faucet? ”

Wang Fang stood up angrily: "I'm at home all day? I take care of Xiaojie and do housework, which one is not a job? You're ignoring my efforts! ”

"Okay, okay, I don't want to quarrel with you." Li Ming got up and prepared to take a shower, trying to end the quarrel.

But Wang Fang's anger did not subside, she picked up the bag and said coldly: "I'll go back to my mother's house for a few days, you can think about it yourself!" ”

The couple quarreled and the wife went back to her parents' house, the husband was angry and didn't look for her for 2 months, and the wife was dumbfounded when he met him on the street

Li Ming stood in place and didn't chase him out, he regretted it a little in his heart, but he couldn't pull his head down to apologize. Wang Fang left home angrily and returned to her parents' home.

After Wang Fang returned to her parents' home, her parents did not ask too much, but silently provided her with a warm haven. In her mother's room, Wang Fang was lying on the bed, staring at the ceiling, with mixed feelings in her heart. She recalled the bits and pieces of her relationship with Li Ming, from acquaintance to love, to today's disputes and separation, every detail is vivid.

"Fangfang, what's wrong with you and Li Ming?" Wang Fang's mother gently pushed the door open and asked with concern.

Wang Fang sat up with confusion in her eyes: "Mom, I don't know what went wrong between us." We always quarrel over little things, I feel like he doesn't care about me, and he also feels like I don't understand him. ”

The couple quarreled and the wife went back to her parents' house, the husband was angry and didn't look for her for 2 months, and the wife was dumbfounded when he met him on the street

Wang Fang's mother sat on the edge of the bed and comforted softly: "Marriage requires the joint efforts of both parties, and both of you are responsible. But remember, communication is the key to problem solving. ”

Wang Fang nodded, and began to have new thoughts in her heart. She began to try to understand Li Ming's pressure, while also reflecting on her role in the marriage.

At the same time, Li Ming also felt more lonely at home than he had ever been. Without Wang Fang's home, it looks particularly deserted. He began to realize that his neglect and incomprehension of Wang Fang might have caused the breakdown of their relationship.

"Li Ming, what's wrong with you lately? It doesn't seem to be in a good mood. Li Ming's colleague Zhang Wei noticed the change in him and asked with concern.

The couple quarreled and the wife went back to her parents' house, the husband was angry and didn't look for her for 2 months, and the wife was dumbfounded when he met him on the street

Li Ming sighed: "I quarreled with my wife, and she is now back to her parents' house." ”

Zhang Wei patted him on the shoulder: "There is no quarrel between husband and wife, the key is to know how to take a step back." You might as well take the initiative to talk to her, maybe things will turn around. ”

Li Ming was silent, he knew he needed to make a change, but his inner self-esteem and stubbornness made it difficult for him to take this step.

Two months passed quietly, Wang Fang was thinking and growing every day in her mother's house, while Li Ming was struggling with self-blame and anger. The relationship between the two seems to be getting farther and farther apart, but deep down, they are both expecting some kind of change.

The couple quarreled and the wife went back to her parents' house, the husband was angry and didn't look for her for 2 months, and the wife was dumbfounded when he met him on the street

Two months seemed like a long and painful journey for Li Ming. He began to realize that without Wang Fang, everything lost its color. He tries to fill the emptiness in his heart with work, but in the dead of night, Wang Fang's smile always involuntarily comes to his mind.

One day, on his way home from work, Li Ming wandered aimlessly through the streets, trying to find some shadows of Wang Fang. At this moment, his eyes were drawn to a newly opened café, and through the bright window, he saw a familiar figure - Wang Fang.

Wang Fang was sitting by the window, chatting and laughing with a few friends. She wore a simple white shirt with a pair of black trousers, and she looked independent and confident. Li Ming stood outside the window, and was a little stunned for a while.

"Fangfang, you seem to be in good shape lately!" One of Wang Fang's friends praised with a smile.

The couple quarreled and the wife went back to her parents' house, the husband was angry and didn't look for her for 2 months, and the wife was dumbfounded when he met him on the street

Wang Fang responded with a smile: "Yes, I have learned a lot and understood a lot during this time. I realized that women can't always rely on others, they have to learn to be independent and learn to grow themselves. ”

When Li Ming heard this, he had mixed feelings in his heart. He suddenly realizes that the selfishness and stubbornness he has always been may be the obstacle that hinders the development of their marriage.

He plucked up his courage and walked into the café. When Wang Fang saw him, he was slightly stunned, but quickly regained his composure.

"Fangfang, can we talk?" Li Ming's voice trembled a little.

The couple quarreled and the wife went back to her parents' house, the husband was angry and didn't look for her for 2 months, and the wife was dumbfounded when he met him on the street

Wang Fang nodded and motioned for him to sit down. Although the conversation between the two was a little awkward, Li Ming could feel Wang Fang's maturity and change.

"I... I thought about it for a long time, and I knew I was doing a lot wrong. Li Ming said sincerely, "I hope you can give me a chance to start over." ”

Wang Fang was silent for a while, and then slowly spoke: "Li Ming, in the past two months, I have also been reflecting. Marriage is a matter of two people, and we all need to grow and change. I'm willing to give you, and give yourself a chance. ”

A warm current surged in Li Ming's heart, he held Wang Fang's hand tightly, and the eyes of both of them were full of expectation and hope.

The couple quarreled and the wife went back to her parents' house, the husband was angry and didn't look for her for 2 months, and the wife was dumbfounded when he met him on the street

The road to reconciliation between Li Ming and Wang Fang was not all smooth sailing. Li Ming knows that in order to truly repair this relationship, it takes not only verbal apologies, but also proof of actions. He began to try to understand Wang Fang's feelings, to care about her daily life, and to participate in family affairs.

One day, Li Ming plucked up the courage and invited Wang Fang to a family gathering. He hopes that through this opportunity, Wang Fang can see his changes and let his family witness the process of their reconciliation.

On the day of the family reunion, Li Ming's parents and Wang Fang's parents came to their house. At the dinner table, everyone sat together, and the atmosphere was both warm and a little tense.

Li Ming stood up, took a deep breath, and said sincerely: "Parents, father-in-law, parents-in-law, I invite everyone here today because I want to do one thing. He turned to Wang Fang, his eyes full of apology, "Fangfang, I was wrong. I used to be too selfish, I didn't care about you well, and I didn't take on the responsibilities of the family. I apologize to you. ”

The couple quarreled and the wife went back to her parents' house, the husband was angry and didn't look for her for 2 months, and the wife was dumbfounded when he met him on the street

A hint of surprise flashed in Wang Fang's eyes, but it was quickly replaced by emotion. She stood up and held Li Ming's hand: "Li Ming, I also have my own mistakes. I'm too impatient at times and don't give you enough understanding and support. ”

The conversation between the two made the family members present breathe a sigh of relief. Li Ming's mother had tears in her eyes: "I'm really relieved to see you like this. Between husband and wife, it is necessary to understand each other and support each other. ”

Wang Fang's father also said with emotion: "Yes, marriage is like a boat, it takes two people to paddle together to go further." ”

With the support and encouragement of their families, Li Ming and Wang Fang regained their trust and love for each other. They begin to plan for the future together and face life's challenges together.

The couple quarreled and the wife went back to her parents' house, the husband was angry and didn't look for her for 2 months, and the wife was dumbfounded when he met him on the street

After the meal, Li Ming and Wang Fang cleaned up the tableware together, and the cooperation between the two was tacit and natural. Li Ming's mother looked at them and said to Wang Fang's mother with a smile: "Looking at them like this, I think our worries are all superfluous. ”

Wang Fang's mother nodded, her eyes full of relief: "Yes, as long as they can support each other, I believe they will be able to go further." ”

As time passed, the relationship between Li Ming and Wang Fang gradually warmed up. They began to appreciate each other more and face every little challenge in life together. Li Ming learned to listen, and Wang Fang learned to speak. Communication between the two became frequent and candid.

One night, Li Ming and Wang Fang sat on the sofa in the living room, Xiaojie had already slept, and the home seemed extraordinarily peaceful. Li Ming held Wang Fang's hand and said gently, "Fangfang, I want to talk to you." ”

The couple quarreled and the wife went back to her parents' house, the husband was angry and didn't look for her for 2 months, and the wife was dumbfounded when he met him on the street

Wang Fang looked up at him with expectation in his eyes: "Well, you can say it." ”

"I know I didn't do well enough before and always ignored your feelings." There was a hint of guilt in Li Ming's voice, "What I want to say is that I will work harder in the future, not only for you, but also for our family." ”

A trace of tears flashed in Wang Fang's eyes, and she smiled and said, "Li Ming, I haven't done enough. I'm too impatient sometimes and don't give you enough space. In the future, I will try to be more patient. ”

The two looked at each other and smiled, and their hands tightened together. They begin to plan for the future, discuss how to better balance work and family, and how to educate Xiaojie together so that he can grow up in a loving environment.

The couple quarreled and the wife went back to her parents' house, the husband was angry and didn't look for her for 2 months, and the wife was dumbfounded when he met him on the street

"Shouldn't we add a brother or sister to Xiaojie?" Li Ming said half-jokingly.

Wang Fang slapped him with a smile: "You, let's do your own things well first." ”

The laughter of the two echoed in the living room, full of happiness and warmth. They know that there is still a long way to go, but as long as they join hands with each other, nothing is impossible.

Since then, Li Ming and Wang Fang's lives have become more harmonious. They do housework together, play with Xiaojie together, and attend parent-teacher conferences together. Their relationship is stronger than ever.

The couple quarreled and the wife went back to her parents' house, the husband was angry and didn't look for her for 2 months, and the wife was dumbfounded when he met him on the street

"Look, Mom and Dad are so good now." Xiaojie said proudly to the kindergarten children.

"yes, because they learned how to love each other." The child nodded earnestly.

The story of Li Ming and Wang Fang, like the story of thousands of Chinese families, is full of twists and turns, but also full of love. They use their own experience to tell us that as long as we are willing to communicate, understand, and change, happiness is not far away.

This article is a microfiction, please do not sit in the opposite seat