
BYD's power leakage caused the owner to be admitted to the ICU! The 4S store asked for a three-party test, and BYD responded

author:Brett the Brave 0Q7s

Copywriting|Brave Brett 0Q7s

Edit|Brave Brett 0Q7s

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Recently, something happened that caused an uproar in the circle.

There was a car owner who happily bought a brand-new BYD car, but who would have thought that this new car had only been driving for 4 days, and suddenly something big happened!

It is said that the car leaked, and the situation was quite serious, so he was directly sent to the hospital.

You say this is not strange, this is not a trivial matter, as soon as the news spread, it immediately attracted the attention of many people.

Everyone is talking about it, why does this new car leak electricity?

BYD's power leakage caused the owner to be admitted to the ICU! The 4S store asked for a three-party test, and BYD responded

The leakage also put people in the hospital, which is no joke.

People are curious, what is wrong with the car, is it an isolated case or a common situation?

This incident is like a pebble thrown into a calm lake, causing ripples and making the whole society focus on it.

Everyone is eagerly waiting for the follow-up development, wanting to know what the truth of the matter is and how BYD will deal with this matter.

I heard that the owner of the car was driving at the time, and suddenly he felt a wave of electricity coming very clearly, as if he had been hit by something, and the taste must be unpleasant.

BYD's power leakage caused the owner to be admitted to the ICU! The 4S store asked for a three-party test, and BYD responded

And not only that, but even the seat belt on the car was electrified, which is also terrible.

Later, because of this electric injury, the owner of the car had to be admitted to the hospital.

Don't you see it, he has a lot of blisters on his body, and his skin has taken off a layer, and that scene is really shocking and makes people feel terrified.

It's really not easy for this car owner to encounter this kind of bad luck.

He thought about finding a 4S store to solve the problem, but who would have thought that the 4S store wouldn't solve it at all, so he was sent away.

BYD's power leakage caused the owner to be admitted to the ICU! The 4S store asked for a three-party test, and BYD responded

The owner of the car really has no choice, and in desperation, he can only go to social media for help, hoping to let more people know what happened to him in this way, and also hope to get a reasonable explanation, an explanation that can make him feel better.

After all, he has suffered such a big crime, he can't just forget it so clearly, he just wants to protect his rights and interests.

But it's really complicated.

Netizens and doctors have different opinions on this matter.

Some netizens think that the owner's condition is not necessarily caused by electricity leakage, maybe there is something wrong with him, maybe it is other conditions such as cerebral hemorrhage.

BYD's power leakage caused the owner to be admitted to the ICU! The 4S store asked for a three-party test, and BYD responded

As for the doctors, they also have different opinions on the diagnosis of electric shock, and they say that according to the current situation, there is really no way to say with absolute certainty that it is caused by electric shock.

However, BYD officials gave a response, and they made it clear that the vehicle leakage was not the cause of the owner's illness.

They also stressed that their cars have a sound safety design, and the leakage monitoring does not show any abnormalities.

At the same time, they also expressed their willingness to actively cooperate with the relevant investigation to thoroughly understand the ins and outs of this matter and give an explanation to the car owners and the majority of people who are concerned about this matter.

BYD's power leakage caused the owner to be admitted to the ICU! The 4S store asked for a three-party test, and BYD responded

In such a state of divergent opinion, things are becoming more and more confusing, and everyone is waiting to see what the final investigation will look like and whether the mystery behind it can be solved.

Now, everyone generally believes that you have to find a third party to conduct professional testing.

After all, at present, all parties have different opinions, the situation is relatively chaotic, and only through a neutral and authoritative third party to conduct in-depth testing, can we really figure out whether it is the key problem of car leakage.

In this way, it is possible to avoid the parties having their own opinions because of different positions, and to examine and judge from a more objective and fair perspective.

BYD's power leakage caused the owner to be admitted to the ICU! The 4S store asked for a three-party test, and BYD responded

Moreover, through third-party testing, it can also be accurately figured out whether there is a relationship between the owner's condition and the car leakage.

This is not a trivial matter, if the two are indeed related, then it is necessary to investigate the potential dangers and problems of the vehicle in this regard; But if it doesn't matter, then BYD must be innocent, and false speculations and remarks cannot be allowed to spread.

Only in this way can the truth be truly revealed to the world and everyone can clearly understand what happened.

People are eagerly looking forward to the third-party testing to be launched as soon as possible to solve this mystery that plagues everyone, so that everyone can get a definite answer and conclusion, so as to calm this controversy and turmoil.

BYD's power leakage caused the owner to be admitted to the ICU! The 4S store asked for a three-party test, and BYD responded

The impact on society is really considerable.

First of all, there is a noticeable increase in the focus on the quality and safety of vehicles.

In the future, when buying a car, people may become extra cautious and will no longer make decisions as easily as before.

And they will pay more attention to the manufacturer's attitude and way of dealing with this kind of problem, after all, it is related to their future use experience and their own safety and security.

A manufacturer who deals with problems responsibly and actively will definitely be more favored by consumers.

Secondly, this also sounded a wake-up call for car companies, reminding them that they must pay more attention to product quality and safety testing.

BYD's power leakage caused the owner to be admitted to the ICU! The 4S store asked for a three-party test, and BYD responded

We can't always wait until something happens to realize it, and we can't shirk responsibility when facing problems, but we must have the courage to take responsibility and actively solve problems.

Only in this way can we win the trust and reputation of consumers.

For the majority of car owners, this incident made them deeply aware of the need to protect their rights and interests.

When encountering problems, we should not blindly compromise and retreat, but should stand up bravely and fight for the rights and interests and protection we deserve through reasonable and legal channels.

We must not let our rights and interests be infringed upon and remain indifferent, but dare to speak out and let our demands be valued and resolved.

BYD's power leakage caused the owner to be admitted to the ICU! The 4S store asked for a three-party test, and BYD responded

This incident has had a profound impact on society in many aspects, prompting the whole society to pay more attention to the quality and safety of vehicles, and also allowing car companies and car owners to have deeper thinking and action directions.

There is a deep expectation that this matter will be handled in a completely fair, impartial, clear and transparent manner.

We are really eager to properly handle this matter, so that car companies can more deeply understand the importance of quality from the bottom of their hearts, so as to strive for excellence in every aspect of production and manufacturing, improve quality control to a higher level, and avoid similar situations from happening again.

At the same time, it is also expected that through such events, the legitimate rights and interests of consumers can be more solidly protected, so that consumers can be more at ease and rest assured in the process of purchasing and using products.

BYD's power leakage caused the owner to be admitted to the ICU! The 4S store asked for a three-party test, and BYD responded

After all, consumers are the main body of the market, and only when their rights and interests are effectively safeguarded, can the entire market environment develop in a healthy and orderly manner.

Each of us is full of expectations and quietly waiting for the truth of the matter to be revealed to the world as soon as possible.

We are eager to see a clear outcome, let us know the ins and outs of the matter, let the responsibility be duly shouldered, and let fairness and justice be demonstrated.

In the process of waiting, everyone's eyes are always focused on this, hoping that day can come as soon as possible, so that the stone in our hearts can be set as soon as possible, so that we can be more confident in the quality of the vehicle and the protection of consumers' rights and interests.

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