
The strategy of boosting domestic demand has been questioned: experts call for consumption, but workers face a consumption dilemma

author:A little U came today

Recently, the strategy of stimulating domestic demand proposed by the state has become a hot topic. However, this strategy does not seem to be widely accepted, especially among some groups of workers. They are faced with the dilemma of declining income, increasing pressure on their lives, and limited spending power. Experts have called for consumption to boost the economy, but workers say they are "too much to do." This article will explore this phenomenon from multiple perspectives, revealing the dilemma and way out of the strategy of stimulating domestic demand.

In this era of economic changes, stimulating domestic demand has become an important strategy for national development. Recently, however, there has been a vocal skepticism about whether this strategy is truly benefiting workers. In the face of experts' calls for consumption, workers are caught in a consumption dilemma, what is going on?

The strategy of boosting domestic demand has been questioned: experts call for consumption, but workers face a consumption dilemma

First, the income of workers has decreased, and the consumption power is limited

In recent years, with the fluctuation of the global economic situation, many industries have been affected to varying degrees. Workers are facing the dilemma of increasing employment pressure and declining income. In this case, their spending power is naturally limited. Although the state has put forward a strategy to stimulate domestic demand, the workers said: "We also want to consume, but how can we consume if we don't have money?" ”

Second, the cost of living has risen, and the pressure on consumption has increased

In addition to declining incomes, workers are also facing the rising cost of living. Spending on housing prices, education, health care, etc., accounts for most of their income. In this case, it is difficult for them to withstand the extra pressure, even if they want to consume. Therefore, the experts' call to consumption looks to them more like a "luxury" proposal.

Third, the concept of consumption has changed, and rational consumption has become the mainstream

With the development of society and the improvement of people's living standards, more and more workers have begun to change their consumption concepts. They no longer blindly pursue material comforts, but pay more attention to the quality of life and spiritual satisfaction. Therefore, even if they have a certain amount of spending power, they are more inclined to choose rational consumption rather than blindly following the trend. This change in consumption concept has also affected the implementation effect of the strategy of stimulating domestic demand to a certain extent.

The strategy of boosting domestic demand has been questioned: experts call for consumption, but workers face a consumption dilemma

Fourth, there is a disconnect between policy orientation and workers' needs

In the process of stimulating domestic demand, there is often a certain disconnect between policy guidance and the actual needs of workers. Some policies place too much emphasis on the quantity of consumption and ignore the actual needs of consumers. This kind of orientation is not only difficult to stimulate the enthusiasm of workers for consumption, but also may lead to the waste of resources and the unhealthy development of the market. Therefore, policymakers need to pay more attention to the actual needs of workers and formulate policies that are closer to people's livelihoods.

5. Explore solutions: balance development and improvement of people's livelihood

Faced with the dilemma of the strategy of stimulating domestic demand, we need to find solutions from many aspects. First, the government should increase its support for workers to raise their incomes and reduce the pressure on their lives, so that they can have more spending power and confidence. Second, promote industrial upgrading and transformation, create more employment opportunities, and enable workers to share the fruits of economic development. In addition, strengthening the protection of consumer rights and interests and improving the transparency and fairness of the consumer market are also important measures to stimulate consumer enthusiasm.

The strategy of boosting domestic demand has been questioned: experts call for consumption, but workers face a consumption dilemma

At the same time, we also need to recognize that boosting domestic demand is not an overnight process. It requires the joint efforts and collaboration of governments, businesses and all parties in society. Only through comprehensive and multi-pronged measures can we gradually solve the consumption dilemma faced by workers and promote sustained and healthy economic development.

Sixth, let the strategy of stimulating domestic demand benefit more workers

The strategy of stimulating domestic demand is one of the important strategies for national development, but in order to truly play its role, it is necessary to pay attention to the actual needs and living conditions of workers. We should not only stop at the level of calling for consumption, but also start from many aspects such as policies, industries, and markets to create a better consumption environment and conditions for workers. Only in this way can the strategy of stimulating domestic demand truly benefit the vast number of workers and promote all-round economic and social progress.