laitimes has entered the game strongly, and the double billion has detonated the content consumption boom! There is a big frenzy in the creative circle!

author:Autumn cold has entered the game strongly, and the double billion has detonated the content consumption boom! There is a big frenzy in the creative circle!'s billion-yuan increase in content ecology detonated a creative frenzy is making every effort to increase the content consumption track, investing one billion cash and one billion traffic as rewards to attract more high-quality creators and institutions to settle in. This blockbuster move will undoubtedly bring unprecedented opportunities for creators, and it also indicates that the competition in the content consumption market will become more intense.

As a traditional e-commerce giant,'s move is intended to take advantage of the east wind of content consumption and inject new vitality into the platform. In recent years, the rise of short videos and live streaming has made content consumption a must for major e-commerce platforms. According to the data, 71.2% of users make online purchases because of watching short videos and live broadcasts, and content consumption has become the key to attracting new users and improving user stickiness. has entered the game strongly, and the double billion has detonated the content consumption boom! There is a big frenzy in the creative circle!'s billion-yuan cash increase aims to stimulate creators' creative enthusiasm and attract them to produce more professional and interesting content. Specifically, eligible creators can receive a cash creation subsidy of up to 30,000 yuan, and can also enjoy video playback subsidies and commissions for bringing goods.

In addition to cash subsidies, will also provide more exposure opportunities for high-quality original videos through algorithm-weighted and fixed traffic coupons. At the same time, it will also increase the display forms of content such as evaluation and clothing on the product detail page to bring traffic to good content. has entered the game strongly, and the double billion has detonated the content consumption boom! There is a big frenzy in the creative circle! has also set up an incentive list of up to 5 million yuan for the organization. As long as the institution can successfully introduce creators of a certain scale, they will have the opportunity to receive generous cash subsidies every month, and JD will also provide one-to-one operation guidance services for the settled institutions.

The construction of content ecology detonates new opportunities for creators's heavy investment in the construction of the content ecosystem will undoubtedly bring unprecedented opportunities to creators. On the one hand, the cash subsidy and sharing mechanism directly increases the income of creators; On the other hand, the support of algorithms and traffic tilt bring greater exposure to high-quality content, indirectly improving the influence and monetization ability of creators. has entered the game strongly, and the double billion has detonated the content consumption boom! There is a big frenzy in the creative circle!

For individual creators, the cash subsidy provided by is undoubtedly the most direct benefit. A single-cycle subsidy of up to 30,000 yuan can be obtained, which is a considerable income for many creators. In addition, video playback subsidies and sales sharing are important channels for generating revenue.

In the past, creators often relied on ad placement, live streaming and other ways to monetize, and the source of income was single and unstable. Now with's subsidies and shares, creators' income sources are more diversified and more secure. has entered the game strongly, and the double billion has detonated the content consumption boom! There is a big frenzy in the creative circle! will also provide more exposure opportunities for high-quality original videos through algorithmic weighting, fixed traffic coupons, etc. For creators, getting enough exposure is a prerequisite for influence and profit. With's traffic blessing, creators' content will be easier to discover and disseminate.

Individual creators working alone face no small challenges. The continuity and professionalism of content production are all problems that need to be solved. has also set up a special incentive policy for institutions to encourage institutions to settle in and bring in more high-quality creators. has entered the game strongly, and the double billion has detonated the content consumption boom! There is a big frenzy in the creative circle!

For content organizations such as MCN, the cash subsidy and one-to-one operation guidance provided by are undoubtedly a major benefit. By partnering with, institutions can obtain stable cash flow while improving their own operational capabilities to better serve creators.

With a professional division of labor and large-scale production capacity, the organization can continue to output high-quality content efficiently, which is exactly what JD needs. The cooperation between and institutions has a strong complementarity and synergistic effect. has entered the game strongly, and the double billion has detonated the content consumption boom! There is a big frenzy in the creative circle!'s billion-yuan increase will bring tangible benefits to creators and institutions, and is conducive to attracting more excellent content forces to settle in. But creators are also facing greater competitive pressure and need to continuously improve the quality and influence of their content in order to get a piece of this wave of content consumption.

A new track of content consumption Creators have both opportunities and challenges's billion-yuan investment will undoubtedly promote the further development of the content consumption market. But creators are also facing unprecedented opportunities and challenges. has entered the game strongly, and the double billion has detonated the content consumption boom! There is a big frenzy in the creative circle!

On the one hand, provides creators with generous cash subsidies, traffic support and professional guidance, which will undoubtedly attract more outstanding creative forces to settle in.'s strong e-commerce genes will also bring more monetization opportunities for creators, such as live streaming, commodity sharing, etc., which is conducive to creators to achieve diversified income.

But on the other hand, the competition in the content consumption track will also intensify. Douyin, Kuaishou and other leading platforms have long been deployed, and e-commerce platforms such as Taobao and Xiaohongshu are also accelerating the transformation of content. Creators not only need to seek a breakthrough across platforms, but also compete with other creators for exposure and traffic on the same platform. has entered the game strongly, and the double billion has detonated the content consumption boom! There is a big frenzy in the creative circle!

To get a piece of this wave of content consumption, creators need to continuously improve their professional capabilities and influence. Content quality is fundamental, and only by consistently outputting valuable and interesting high-quality content can we gain the favor of users and the support of the platform.

Creators also need to cultivate their own personal IP and brand influence to stand out in the massive amount of homogeneous content. Some of the top Vs have initially achieved this, such as the fashion outfit of "Oriental Selection", the down-to-earth planting of "Crazy Brother Yang", etc., and they have won a large number of fans with their distinctive personal style and professional field. has entered the game strongly, and the double billion has detonated the content consumption boom! There is a big frenzy in the creative circle!

Creators also need to learn to operate private domain traffic and cultivate a core group of paying users.'s "Exclusive Membership" feature provides this opportunity for creators to provide exclusive content and services to attract users to pay for long-term subscriptions, thereby achieving stable monetization.

Content consumption is becoming a must for e-commerce giants, and creators are ushering in a new window of opportunity. However, the pressure of competition is also increasing day by day, and creators need to improve in content quality, personal IP, private domain operation and other aspects in order to win a place in this new track.