
The lack of integrity behind the "Qinghua porcelain" thermos cup incident and the transparency of the Internet era

author:1024 Playing Ball

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When a woman in Hangzhou went out to eat, she deliberately took out a thermos cup that she claimed to be 4,000 yuan, and asked the waiter to pour hot water for herself, but what the woman didn't expect was that the waiter poured boiling water into her own thermos cup, and suddenly the woman was anxious......

Such a thermos cup has to be called "blue and white porcelain": gently light, scratching flowers, touching porcelain porcelain!

The "porcelain" incident of this hot pot restaurant in Hangzhou is not only a simple consumer dispute, but also a microcosm of the lack of integrity and transparency in the Internet era.

Ms. Hu's behavior not only makes people question her personal morality, but also has a great impact on the integrity of the entire micro-business industry and even all businesses.

The lack of integrity behind the "Qinghua porcelain" thermos cup incident and the transparency of the Internet era

Ms. Hu's behavior is a typical "porcelain touching" behavior. She used her status as a consumer to try to achieve personal profit by fabricating facts and slandering businesses. This kind of behavior not only violates business ethics, but also violates the rights and interests of consumers.

In the age of the Internet, information spreads rapidly, and consumers can learn about merchants' products and services through various channels, but at the same time, they also face the risk of being misled by false information. Therefore, it is essential for merchants to operate with integrity.

The lack of integrity behind the "Qinghua porcelain" thermos cup incident and the transparency of the Internet era

Secondly, this incident also reflects many problems in the development process of the micro-business industry. As a new business model that has emerged in recent years, micro-business has attracted a large number of practitioners with its convenient and flexible characteristics.

However, due to the lack of effective supervision and restraint mechanisms, the micro-business industry is also facing problems such as uneven product quality and false publicity. Ms. Hu's behavior is a microcosm of the chaos in the micro-business industry. This also reminds us that while enjoying the convenience brought by micro-business, we should also be vigilant and choose reputable merchants and products.

The lack of integrity behind the "Qinghua porcelain" thermos cup incident and the transparency of the Internet era

In addition, the incident also revealed the importance of information transparency in the Internet age. With the help of tools such as surveillance video and social media, the hot pot restaurant owner was able to quickly clarify the truth and expose Ms. Hu's true face.

This also allows us to see that in the Internet age, the dissemination and access of information has become easier and more convenient, but at the same time, it also requires us to have the ability to discern when facing information and avoid being misled by false information.

The lack of integrity behind the "Qinghua porcelain" thermos cup incident and the transparency of the Internet era

This incident once again reminds us that honest management and truthful publicity are the principles that every business should adhere to. Only honest management and true publicity can win the trust and support of consumers and be invincible in the fierce market competition.

We should also strengthen the supervision and regulation of new business models such as micro-businesses to protect the rights and interests of consumers.

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