
Atorvastatin is taken for a long time, be wary of 4 adverse reactions! The early you understand, the early you benefit

author:Dr. Wang of Health Science Popularization
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Today we are going to talk about atorvastatin, a common drug. Many people may have been taking it for a long time to regulate blood lipids, but did you know that taking atorvastatin for a long time can be wary of 4 adverse reactions? The early we understand this, the better we can protect our health and benefit early!

Atorvastatin is taken for a long time, be wary of 4 adverse reactions! The early you understand, the early you benefit

Atorvastatin is a commonly used lipid-lowering drug, which has a significant effect on lowering cholesterol and LDL. In the prevention and treatment of cardiovascular diseases, atorvastatin has made a "great contribution".

However, just like any drug has two sides, atorvastatin can also experience some adverse effects over the course of long-term use.

Atorvastatin is taken for a long time, be wary of 4 adverse reactions! The early you understand, the early you benefit

First, muscle-related problems.

Some patients may experience symptoms such as muscle pain, weakness, etc., after taking atorvastatin. In severe cases, rhabdomyolysis may even occur. This can be a nuisance, not only will it make you uncomfortable, but it can also cause damage to organs such as the kidneys.

Atorvastatin is taken for a long time, be wary of 4 adverse reactions! The early you understand, the early you benefit

So how can you tell if this is the case? If you feel muscle soreness after taking the drug, especially if the pain persists or gets worse, don't take it seriously, and be sure to go to the hospital in time to check creatine kinase and other indicators to see if it is caused by the drug.

Atorvastatin is taken for a long time, be wary of 4 adverse reactions! The early you understand, the early you benefit

Second, liver damage.

While this is relatively rare, it is true that long-term use of atorvastatin may affect liver function.

How do you know if your liver is affected? Checking your liver function regularly is key! If aminotransferases are found to be elevated, it is a cause for concern. However, don't be too nervous, sometimes it may be just a temporary fluctuation, and the doctor will determine whether the treatment plan needs to be adjusted according to the specific situation.

Atorvastatin is taken for a long time, be wary of 4 adverse reactions! The early you understand, the early you benefit

Third, abnormal blood sugar.

Studies have shown that long-term use of atorvastatin may cause an increase in blood sugar and increase the risk of diabetes.

What can I do? On the one hand, we can't stop taking atorvastatin because of this, after all, its cardiovascular protective effect is very important. On the other hand, for those who are already at risk of diabetes, it is even more important to monitor blood sugar changes closely while taking medications.

Atorvastatin is taken for a long time, be wary of 4 adverse reactions! The early you understand, the early you benefit

Fourth, digestive problems.

Such as nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, etc. While these symptoms are generally not too severe, they can make you feel uncomfortable. If you have these symptoms, you can observe them first to see if they go away on their own. If the symptoms persist or worsen, it is also necessary to communicate with the doctor in time.

Atorvastatin is taken for a long time, be wary of 4 adverse reactions! The early you understand, the early you benefit

Having said so many adverse reactions, isn't it a little scary for everyone? Don't worry, atorvastatin can still be used safely and effectively as long as we do the following:

1. Be sure to take the drug strictly according to the doctor's advice, and do not increase or decrease the dose or stop the drug suddenly.

Atorvastatin is taken for a long time, be wary of 4 adverse reactions! The early you understand, the early you benefit

2. It is necessary to have regular reexaminations, including blood lipids, liver function, creatine kinase, blood sugar and other indicators, so that doctors can find problems in time and adjust the treatment plan.

3. Maintain a healthy lifestyle, such as a reasonable diet, moderate exercise, quitting smoking and limiting alcohol, etc. These are important for controlling blood lipids and preventing cardiovascular disease.

Atorvastatin is taken for a long time, be wary of 4 adverse reactions! The early you understand, the early you benefit

In addition, I would like to remind you that atorvastatin may be tolerated differently by different people. Some people may take it for a long time without any adverse reactions, while others may be more sensitive.

Therefore, if you have any questions or discomfort during the taking process, be sure to communicate with your doctor in time. The doctor will conduct a comprehensive assessment based on your specific situation and give you the most suitable recommendation for you.

Atorvastatin is taken for a long time, be wary of 4 adverse reactions! The early you understand, the early you benefit

Atorvastatin is a very important drug, but long-term use does require vigilance against the above 4 adverse effects. Everyone must understand as early as possible in order to benefit early.

Don't be afraid to take medication for fear of adverse reactions, and don't take adverse reactions lightly. Work closely with doctors to protect our health! I hope everyone can correctly understand and use atorvastatin, so that it can better serve our health!

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