
Research activities will become a new risk point for campus corruption

author:Lucky Girl

In this bustling and noisy world, the pace of education always seems to be rushed, and research activities, a term that has emerged in the education industry in recent years, have become a trend. However, with the rise of this trend, some unknown shadows have gradually emerged, and research activities seem to be becoming a new risk point for campus corruption.

When the haze of the epidemic gradually dissipated, the research drama in various places kicked off again. Buses carrying children full of longing are shuttling through the streets and alleys of the city to various scenic spots. However, behind this seemingly beautiful thing, there are many hidden problems.

Research, as the name suggests, is research-based learning, which allows children to learn and grow through practical exploration and hands-on experience. However, in reality, research activities are often alienated as a product of formalism. The children sat on the bus, visited the scenic spots, took pictures, and then returned to school to write a so-called research report, and completed the whole research process. Is this kind of research really meaningful?

Research activities will become a new risk point for campus corruption

Even more worrying is the financial problems behind the research activities. Every research activity requires parents to contribute money and teachers to contribute. Fares, tickets and other expenses can easily be hundreds or thousands, which is undoubtedly a large expense for a family. However, are all these expenses really spent on the children? Are there any rebates in between? Are there any that are not credited to the school's account? Is there anyone to supervise those funds? These questions are worthy of our deep consideration.

Thinking back to my daughter's experience, I can't help but feel a pang of heartache. She is in sixth grade this year, and she is at the age when she is curious about the world and eager to explore. However, last week, she resolutely did not want to go to the research activities organized by the school. She said that we had already been to the place where we went to study a few times, and she would rather brush a few papers at home than waste any more time going there. However, the teacher's words made her feel stressed. The teacher said that the children who did not go to study were all sick in the brain, and also said that one-third of the children in the class did not go, and he had no face. Such words are undoubtedly extremely harmful to children.

Research activities will become a new risk point for campus corruption

As parents, we certainly want our children to be well-rounded, able to learn both knowledge and experience life. However, when research activities become formalistic and costly, should we still support them? Should we force our children to go when they don't want to?

I know that many parents are facing this dilemma. They want their children to experience life and increase their knowledge, but they don't want their children to be hurt unnecessarily. However, how can we find a balance in this complex and ever-changing society?

Research activities will become a new risk point for campus corruption

Perhaps, we need to re-examine the meaning and value of research activities. The research activity is not only a simple trip or visit, but also a process of practical exploration and personal experience. In this process, children should be able to truly feel the power of knowledge and experience the beauty of life. Rather than being shackled by formalism and utilitarianism, and oppressed by the expectations of teachers and parents.

At the same time, we also need to strengthen the supervision and management of research activities. Schools should have clear research plans and goals to ensure the quality and effectiveness of activities. At the same time, it is also necessary to strengthen the supervision and management of research funds to ensure that every penny is spent on children. Only in this way can the value and significance of research activities be truly realized.

Research activities will become a new risk point for campus corruption

Finally, I would like to say that as parents and educators, we should work together to create a healthy, harmonious, and meaningful learning environment for children. Let children learn by practice and grow through experience, rather than being bound by formalism and utilitarianism. Only in this way can we truly realize the purpose and value of education.

However, in the face of the possible corruption behind research activities, should we be more vigilant and concerned? When we look at the hundreds or thousands of research expenses, should we ask where and what they are used for? When we hear teachers say those weird things to children who don't want to participate in research activities, should we stand up and speak up for the children?

Research activities will become a new risk point for campus corruption

In this era of change and challenges, we need to pay more attention to the essence and value of education. We need to return education to its essence – to foster the holistic development of the human being. As one of the important forms of education, research activities should be valued and paid more attention to. Let's work together to create a better and more meaningful learning environment for children!

Research activities will become a new risk point for campus corruption

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