
"I was almost sucked in, it's a little scary to think about!"

author:Wonderful Piano pOi

I almost got sucked in, and I'm a little scared to think about it! This is a sentiment I heard when I interviewed a hip-hop artist on the street in the city center. This young man named Zhang Lei is a representative of a social phenomenon that I have been paying attention to recently. He was not a member of a well-known group and did not participate in any major competitions, but he was on the streets of the city, attracting the attention of many passers-by with his dances.

"I was almost sucked in, it's a little scary to think about!"

"Hey lad, your dancing is really cool!" I approached him and tried to talk to him.

"I was almost sucked in, it's a little scary to think about!"

He stopped what he was doing, revealing a mouthful of neat white teeth: "Thank you!" My name is Zhang Lei, and I am a resident of this neighborhood. ”

"I was almost sucked in, it's a little scary to think about!"

I was surprised by what he said, because I didn't expect an ordinary neighbor to have such good dancing skills. "Did you ever learn to dance?" I asked curiously.

"I was almost sucked in, it's a little scary to think about!"

He smiled: "Actually, no, when I was a child, I saw some dance videos and learned to imitate them by myself, and then I liked them more and more." ”

"I was almost sucked in, it's a little scary to think about!"

In my conversation with Zhang Lei, I learned that he is an ordinary office worker who works in an IT company during the day and takes time to come to this square at night to release his enthusiasm and pressure. His dance style is bold and powerful, attracting many passers-by, and some people even took out their mobile phones to record his dancing.

"I was almost sucked in, it's a little scary to think about!"

"Sometimes I feel a little nervous when I see passers-by, but more than that, I'm happy and satisfied." Zhang Lei said frankly.

"I was almost sucked in, it's a little scary to think about!"

His words made me think about the attitude of modern society towards individual expression. In this era of information explosion, people express themselves in various ways, and hip-hop, a cultural form originating from the streets, seems to be gradually becoming one of the important ways for young people to express themselves.

However, I can't help but worry about the future of this kind of free expression. In bustling urban centers, where every inch of land is precious, growing commercial interests can squeeze the living space of these street cultures. Although Zhang Lei's stage is only an inconspicuous square, it carries the young people's desire for freedom, passion and creativity.

The conversation with Zhang Lei made me think deeply that what we call "ordinary people" may also have extraordinary talent and potential. As he said, "Everyone has their own stage, and as long as they dare to express themselves, they can become a unique landscape." "Perhaps, we should give more attention and support to these ordinary people, so that the city is not just a pile of high-rise buildings and bustling businesses, but full of all kinds of life and cultural vitality.

However, I can't help but wonder where the future holds for this culture of free expression. Will we be able to preserve the purity and vibrancy of these street cultures? Perhaps this is exactly what each of us should be thinking about.