
Who was behind the Shu army's first victory over the Wei army on a frontal battlefield during Zhuge Liang's reign?

author:Dawn Moon Falls

It has long been heard that Zhuge Liang, the general of Shu Han, has failed to expand the territory of Shu Han after worshipping the post of prime minister in 229 AD after five northern expeditions. In 230, Emperor Cao Rui of Wei Ming personally set out with a heavy army in an attempt to seize the land of Hanzhong in one fell swoop. In the face of the ferocious four-way Wei army, Prime Minister Zhuge Liang was solid and confident. At the end of the rainy season, the Wei army was blocked by heavy rain and finally had to look home. However, at this time, a member of the Shu army laughed at the enemy in the northwest border, so that Shu Han won the first head-on victory during the prime minister's reign! Who is the one who wields the westward expedition to turn the tide? How did this behind-the-scenes hero defeat the enemy army with his clever use of troops? Let's go back in time to the autumn of 230 years when the smoke of war was full of gunfire.

Who was behind the Shu army's first victory over the Wei army on a frontal battlefield during Zhuge Liang's reign?

The Wei army was pressed by the four-way army, and the prime minister was strategizing

In the autumn of 230, Cao Rui ordered the great Sima Cao Zhen and the great general Sima Yi to lead the elite divisions of the Wei State to suppress the Shu Han from all directions. Cao Zhen personally commanded the main force, from Chang'an to the south into the Meridian Road, is expected to highlight the Meridian Valley, and go straight to the south of Zhengcheng in Hanzhong County; Zhang He guarded the ramp and waited for the opportunity to go out of the valley to attack; Sima Yi traced the upper reaches of the Han River and tried to open up the waterway to the rear of the Shu army; Guo Huai attacked from Longxi in an attempt to cut off the supply line northwest of Shu Han.

The stormy attack undoubtedly caught the Shuzhong army off guard. Immediately, Prime Minister Zhuge Liang responded calmly, first gathered the main force of the Shu army in Seoul and Lecheng, and listed Akasaka as a front-line position to guard against Cao Zhen's army. At the same time, he ordered Li Yan of Jiangzhou to dispatch 20,000 elite divisions to Hanzhong as soon as possible.

In the court, Chen Qun and other ministers saw that Cao Zhen relied on the national strength of Wei and brazenly entered Sichuan, and they couldn't help but be worried, and they spoke to dissuade him, but Cao Zhen turned a deaf ear and acted rashly. The prime minister knew the strength of the Wei army and knew that it was difficult to fight, so he decided to stick to the situation and wait and see what happened.

The weather was beautiful, and dozens of days of showers fell in the autumn rainy season, so that the meridian road and the Baochuan road were washed away by floods, and the Wei army's march was seriously hindered. Chen Qun and others took advantage of the situation to reiterate their reasons, and Cao Rui finally ordered the class teacher. Cao Zhen had no choice but to give up the attack and retreat.

Who was behind the Shu army's first victory over the Wei army on a frontal battlefield during Zhuge Liang's reign?

And at this moment, just when the Shu army was taking precautions and was overjoyed, a beast-like Wei army had already seen the opportunity and quietly pressed the situation. They were led by Guo Huai, and their goal was to control the Wudu of the northwest gate of Shu Han! Zhuge Liang expected the enemy to be courageous, and wittily arranged arm assistance, which led to the next thrilling scene.

Li Yan put forward the conditions in the letter, and the prime minister weighed the pros and cons

Zhuge Liang's arrangement has been decided, and only the last fierce general is left to gather in Hanzhong. Jiangzhou Jiedu made Li Yan command 20,000 elite soldiers, which was the key one. But who expected, when the news came, Li Yan actually took out a piece of military paper, and insisted that Cheng would allow him to open the mansion, and he would go to Shu with his troops.

Since Zhuge Liang became prime minister, Li Yan has been a stranger, behaved obediently, and repeatedly violated military discipline. As early as the Second Northern Expedition, the prime minister besieged Chencang, and Li Yan guarded Jiangxia, but he refused to defend the fortress for no reason. Afterwards, the prime minister was so annoyed that he almost had to be severely punished. Fortunately, at that time, Li Yan's soldiers testified that Li Yan was taking the initiative to open the way to the evil formation, so he was criticized, and the prime minister reluctantly remembered the old relationship of being a minister who took care of his life and forgave him.

When Chen Zhen came back from Soochow, he bluntly warned the prime minister: "Li Yan has scale armor in his abdomen, so don't approach lightly." The prime minister was also quite concerned when he heard this, and weighed the pros and cons for a while, should he get rid of this uncontrolled old warlord, or let him go into chaos?

In the end, the prime minister decided to take a step back and embrace all rivers. After all, the current situation is grim, Shu Han is trapped in the situation of being attacked on all sides, and when employing people, it is really difficult to be strict about personality and conduct, as long as you are willing to be loyal to the king, you can cover it.

Who was behind the Shu army's first victory over the Wei army on a frontal battlefield during Zhuge Liang's reign?

As a result, the prime minister specially ordered Li Feng under Li Yan to take charge of the Jiangzhou Governor's Mansion and take over his father's position, and at the same time rewarded Li Yan with the nickname of "General Pingxi" to comfort his self-esteemed and arrogant old warlord mentality. Only then did Li Yan nod in agreement, slowly led his troops north, and rushed to Hanzhong as scheduled.

The prime minister knows people well and thinks about the overall situation everywhere. But who would have expected that Li Yan, a veteran with a high-flying style on weekdays, would do his best to help the prime minister at the current critical moment of the great enemy, and achieved a thrilling victory. It is true that if a person is not a sage, who can be without fault?

Guo Huai marched into Wudu, and Wei Yan sent a surprise army

On the battlefield of the Western Front, Wei Yan, the general of Shu Han, had been hiding for a long time, and finally waited for the perfect opportunity to attack.

It turned out that Guo Huai, the general of the Wei army on the western road, took advantage of the opportunity of Cao Allah's power to contain the Shu army, and suddenly marched from Longxi to Wudu. Wudu is the military stronghold of Shu Han to control the northwest region, and if Wudu is lost, Shu Han will be cut off from the northwest lifeline, and it will not be able to allocate grain and grass from the Ganliang region.

In the face of the sudden attack, the Wudu guards were at a loss, and the morale of the army gradually fluctuated. At the critical moment, Wei Yan was ordered to personally supervise the battle and rushed to the scene bravely. Seeing that the defenders' deployment was sloppy and extremely discouraged, Wei Yan suddenly felt that the matter was very important and could no longer be ignored. He immediately ordered a comprehensive elimination of the drunken and unrestrained hooligans in the city, and rectified military discipline; and dispatched thousands of elite divisions to choke the passages around Wudu; In the end, he personally set up the cannon fire of the building ship at the head of the city, and the strong wall was open to wait for the enemy.

Who was behind the Shu army's first victory over the Wei army on a frontal battlefield during Zhuge Liang's reign?

In an instant, the momentum in the city of Wudu was vibrating, and the iron man's spirit was fully displayed. Wei Yan set up an ambush, took a false breath, and attacked with defense, waiting to give the enemy a surprise and fierce response.

Sure enough, Guo Huai was furious when he saw that the city was well defended, and ordered his generals to attack Wudu, showing the majesty and courage of the Wei army. The two sides fought for a series of battles under the city of Wudu, but failed to distinguish the winner.

Guo Huai saw that he could no longer attack quickly, and was afraid that the main reinforcements of the Shu army would arrive, and he would fall into passivity, so he decided to withdraw temporarily, move to the west of Yangxi, and wait for another battle. He personally led the army, guarded the west bank of Yangxi, and decided to cut off the supply line of grain and grass for the Shu Han Dynasty to attack it with thirst.

It can be described as a tiger standing in the middle of the dragon, and the undercurrent is turbulent! Wei Yan of the Shu army looked at the situation, deliberated repeatedly, and finally made a decision that amazed future generations - he crossed Yangxi by surprise and attacked the enemy's camp, which caught Guo Huai off guard!

The Shu army won a great victory, and the heroes were rewarded heavily

Although Shu Han's troops were weak, the general Wei Yan made a decision and won a thrilling victory.

Who was behind the Shu army's first victory over the Wei army on a frontal battlefield during Zhuge Liang's reign?

The main force of the Western Front of the dignified Wei army suffered heavy losses in the Battle of Yangxi. Guo Huai lost tens of thousands of soldiers, and personally led the army to escape in the rain overnight, and fled back to Longxi in a hurry. When the news came, Cao Rui was furious and immediately ordered Guo Huai to be severely punished. Since ancient times, the military has been a crime to defeat again and again.

At the same time, Zhuge Liang was overjoyed with his victory. The situation on the western route has changed from passive to active, and the morale of the army has been greatly boosted, which is conducive to stabilizing the northwest border. He sighed that Wei Yan was far-sighted, strategic, decisive and heroic, and was rewarded with many rewards.

First of all, Wei Yan was posthumously awarded the title of "General of the Western Expedition", highlighting his meritorious service for his hard work and high achievements in guarding the western region.

Secondly, the four counties under the jurisdiction of Pingxi County were divided, the land was rewarded to Wei Yan, and the title of "Marquis of Nanzheng" was added, which was intended to encourage morale, make it meritorious to defend the country, and reward him heavily.

Thirdly, he wrote an essay to widely publicize Wei Yan's outstanding exploits in leading the army out of Yangxi to victory, and commended him throughout the army.

Since then, Wei Yan's reputation has been rising, and he is a very popular minister, and he is unrivaled for a while. Even if people such as Zeng Ying were jealous and slanderous of him, the prime minister turned a deaf ear and regarded it as child's play, and only praised his merits with pleasure.

Who was behind the Shu army's first victory over the Wei army on a frontal battlefield during Zhuge Liang's reign?

Outstanding meritorious service, powerful and powerful. Wei Yan's great victory in this battle made the prestige of the Shu division increase sharply, making Zhuge Liang more calm when he attacked Chencang or Yexian again. As for Cao Zhen, although he personally led the Wei army out of the army, he returned in vain, and even returned defeated. This battle shocked the entire Wei military circles, and the morale of the army fell again and again.

It can be seen that Zhuge Liang is good at appointing people on the basis of merit, and he was the first to recognize Wei Yan's outstanding military exploits and reward the meritorious ministers in a well-deserved way, which is the secret of the later Shu Han being able to stand tall and not fall down.

Taking advantage of the victory to pursue, Cao Jun fled in despair

After winning the victory in Yangxi, the Shu army pursued the victory, and the momentum was like a bamboo.

Wei Yan left an elite division to defend Wudu and led the main force to pursue and defeat the remnants of the Wei army's large army on the western front. Guo Huai fled to Longxi in embarrassment and rebuilt the defense line, and he was in a panic.

The Shu army was like a mad tiger pounced, and successively captured Longxi, Jiuquan and other counties, and severely damaged the northwest front of the Cao Wei army. Guo Huai's front was in a hurry, and he hurriedly wrote a book to ask for help from the Cao Wei Central Committee.

Who was behind the Shu army's first victory over the Wei army on a frontal battlefield during Zhuge Liang's reign?

Cao Rui was furious and reprimanded Guo Huai for his incompetence, so he ordered the general Wang Qiong to take command and personally conquer to suppress the frenzy of the Shu army. Wang Qiong was secretly complacent, and supervised the westward march of the army overnight, hoping to take the opportunity to make a name for himself.

However, after Wang Qiong arrived, she had trouble sleeping and eating. Wei Yan is brave and good at fighting, invincible. Every time Wang Qiong fights, he will be defeated. He saw that the overall situation had gone, so it was better to withdraw and reorganize, so as not to make the Shu army further aggressive.

Unexpectedly, just as Wang Li was preparing for the class, Li Yanxiao's cavalry army suddenly joined Wei Yan's troops, joined forces, and the momentum was like a raging wave, approaching Wang Qiong's camp!

Wang Qiong panicked and ordered the whole army to retreat again and again. The Shu army pursued the victory, rushing all the way, and the Wei army was defeated and fled. The defense line of Cao Wei's western front was almost completely broken, and Wang Qiong retreated to the Longxi base camp in a hurry, secretly escaping by luck.

At this time, Wei Yan intended to take advantage of the hot iron, continue to attack, and take Longxi in one fell swoop. Li Yan objected, advocating a break from the three armies, so as not to be too tired. The two generals had a dispute, so they had to stop for the time being and no longer pursue.

Wei Yan used his troops boldly and decisively, ruthlessly, and forged ahead; Li Yan has the demeanor of a veteran, cautious, and weak when he is strong. Different styles formed this time. History has given the answer to which method of using troops is more clever.