
The Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council takes action! Taiwan's "famous mouths" and their families who spread rumors about the mainland were punished, and the comment area was fried

author:North Island II

Today, when cross-strait relations are becoming increasingly complicated, some "celebrities" in Taiwan frequently make nonsense in front of the camera and fabricate all kinds of false remarks about the mainland, which has aroused the dissatisfaction and indignation of the people on both sides of the strait.

The Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council takes action! Taiwan's "famous mouths" and their families who spread rumors about the mainland were punished, and the comment area was fried

Recently, the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council finally made a move! It was announced that it would punish five Taiwanese "celebrities" and their families who had been spreading rumors and slandering the mainland for a long time, and this news quickly sparked heated discussions on social media, and netizens said: Happy people's hearts!

The Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council takes action! Taiwan's "famous mouths" and their families who spread rumors about the mainland were punished, and the comment area was fried

These so-called "famous mouths" usually speak like a river in front of the camera, but what they say is shocking. They have fabricated such absurd rumors as "the people of the mainland cannot afford to eat tea and eggs" and "the mainland's high-speed rail has no backing" in an attempt to smear the mainland's image and incite cross-strait confrontation through these remarks. These remarks not only misled some people on the island, but also hurt the feelings of countless mainland compatriots.

The Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council takes action! Taiwan's "famous mouths" and their families who spread rumors about the mainland were punished, and the comment area was fried

In response to these evil acts, the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council is finally no longer silent. At today's regular news briefing, Chen Binhua, spokesman for the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council, clearly pointed out that five Taiwan "celebrities" and their family members, including Huang Shicong, Li Zhenghao, Wang Yichuan, Yu Beichen, and Liu Baojie, who have long spread rumors and slandered the mainland, will be punished. This decision has not only won the unanimous support of the mainland people, but has also made many Taiwan compatriots feel excited.

The Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council takes action! Taiwan's "famous mouths" and their families who spread rumors about the mainland were punished, and the comment area was fried

In fact, the remarks of these "celebrities" have already aroused strong disgust among the majority of netizens. They not only ignore the mainland's development and progress, but also wantonly fabricate false information to attack the mainland. The punitive measures taken by the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council this time are undoubtedly a powerful response to these "famous mouths" and a timely correction to those misguided people on the island.

The Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council takes action! Taiwan's "famous mouths" and their families who spread rumors about the mainland were punished, and the comment area was fried

On social media, netizens expressed their support for the decision of the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council.

Some netizens commented: "These 'celebrities' should have been punished a long time ago!" They talk nonsense in front of the camera all day long, which not only misleads the audience, but also damages the image of Taiwan. Well, now that someone has finally stepped up to take care of them! ”

The Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council takes action! Taiwan's "famous mouths" and their families who spread rumors about the mainland were punished, and the comment area was fried

Some netizens said: "This punishment is really happy! I hope that we can continue to increase our efforts in the future and make those who spread rumors pay the price they deserve! ”

The Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council takes action! Taiwan's "famous mouths" and their families who spread rumors about the mainland were punished, and the comment area was fried

Of course, some people are worried that such punitive measures will further aggravate cross-strait antagonism and affect the peaceful development of cross-strait relations. But in my opinion, such concerns are unnecessary.

This punitive measure is not aimed at all Taiwan people, but at those "famous mouths" and their families who have been spreading rumors and slandering the mainland for a long time. As long as we can look at this issue rationally, we believe that cross-strait relations will still move toward peace and stability.

The Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council takes action! Taiwan's "famous mouths" and their families who spread rumors about the mainland were punished, and the comment area was fried

In short, the decision of the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council to punish Taiwan "celebrities" and their families who have been spreading rumors and slandering the mainland for a long time is undoubtedly a powerful deterrent to those who spread rumors and spread rumors, and is also a positive safeguard for peace and stability in cross-strait relations. Let us hope that cross-strait relations will usher in a brighter future at an early date!

The Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council takes action! Taiwan's "famous mouths" and their families who spread rumors about the mainland were punished, and the comment area was fried

In this regard, fellow citizens, do you support this?

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