
Gu Junye doesn't go home at night? Big S is suspected of losing his dignity on Mother's Day, and he quarreled with Gu Junye upside down!

author:Ace said something

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Gu Junye doesn't go home at night? Big S is suspected of losing his dignity on Mother's Day, and he quarreled with Gu Junye upside down!

Essay Ace said something

Editor|Ace said things

In the starry world of the entertainment industry, the marriage between Da S and Gu Junye has always attracted much attention.

The couple's married life seems to be shrouded in a fog that makes one wonder if something has gone wrong between the two.

Gu Junye doesn't go home at night? Big S is suspected of losing his dignity on Mother's Day, and he quarreled with Gu Junye upside down!

Gu Junye, the South Korean artist, has attracted countless fans with his unique musical style and deep eyes.

In his married life with Big S, he doesn't seem to show the enthusiasm and initiative that people expect.

According to people familiar with the matter, Gu Junye often repeats the same actions in his daily life, and the communication with Da S is also a little difficult, and the communication between the two sometimes even needs to rely on gestures or special English words.

Such a state of life can't help but make people question whether their marriage is really as happy as the outside world sees.

Mother's Day, a festival full of warmth, often becomes a touchstone for testing the feelings of husband and wife.

Gu Junye doesn't go home at night? Big S is suspected of losing his dignity on Mother's Day, and he quarreled with Gu Junye upside down!

Gu Junye behaved quite "silently" on this special day.

It is reported that when he first met S's mother, he did not bring any gifts, which is obviously out of place in traditional Chinese etiquette.

What's even more puzzling is that he also didn't say anything about it for the next two Mother's Day.

In contrast, Xiao S is more intimate and thoughtful, and she can always send holiday surprises to her mother in a variety of ways.

Big S may also be looking forward to Gu Junye being able to give her mother a carefully selected gift like her ex-husband Wang Xiaofei, but obviously, her expectations have not been responded.

Gu Junye doesn't go home at night? Big S is suspected of losing his dignity on Mother's Day, and he quarreled with Gu Junye upside down!

Gu Junye's "silence" is not only reflected in his attitude towards S's mother.

On a material level, he doesn't seem to be sincere enough.

According to people familiar with the matter, Gu Junye did not take the initiative to give in his married life, but was more demanding.

The gift he gave to Da S was only two watches, although such a gift was worth a lot of money, but it lacked that heart and warmth.

In contrast, Wang Xiaofei's contribution in marriage is more generous and thoughtful.

Gu Junye doesn't go home at night? Big S is suspected of losing his dignity on Mother's Day, and he quarreled with Gu Junye upside down!

This also made Big S feel Gu Junye's coldness and only say but not do in the comparison.

Against this background, there seems to be a rift in the married life of the two.

According to people familiar with the matter, they are suspected of having an argument over Mother's Day.

After the quarrel, Gu Junye chose to find a friend to complain and did not return home at night.

Such behavior has undoubtedly exacerbated the contradictions and estrangement between the two.

So, does Big S regret giving up Wang Xiaofei?

This is a question worth pondering.

Gu Junye doesn't go home at night? Big S is suspected of losing his dignity on Mother's Day, and he quarreled with Gu Junye upside down!

Although Wang Xiaofei and Da S's marriage finally came to an end, their tacit understanding and mutual support in marriage are talked about.

Wang Xiaofei's dedication and care in marriage also let people see his deep affection for Big S.

In contrast, Gu Junye's performance in marriage is a little cold and selfish.

This also made Big S feel lost and dissatisfied in the comparison.

Married life is ultimately a matter for two people.

Gu Junye doesn't go home at night? Big S is suspected of losing his dignity on Mother's Day, and he quarreled with Gu Junye upside down!

Whether the marriage between Da S and Gu Junye can continue depends on them to decide.

Perhaps they can resolve conflicts and problems through communication and understanding; Perhaps they can also re-examine their outlook on marriage and values to find a new direction for happiness.

In this entertainment industry full of variables, the married life of Da S and Gu Junye is still full of suspense and uncertainty.

We hope that they will find a balance between each other and get this marriage back on track; I also look forward to them being able to bravely face the challenges and difficulties of the future and create a happy life for them together.

Gu Junye doesn't go home at night? Big S is suspected of losing his dignity on Mother's Day, and he quarreled with Gu Junye upside down!

As the married life of Da S and Gu Junye continues to deepen, the speculation and attention of the outside world do not seem to have decreased, but have become stronger because of the subtle changes between the two.

On the glamorous stage of the entertainment industry, every interaction between them is amplified and becomes a topic of conversation after dinner.

Behind these superficial glamour, whether the two have really found a fit in each other's hearts is the biggest mystery in their marriage.

Da S, the once smash hit Taiwanese actress, has won the love of countless people with her tenacious character and independent personality.

Gu Junye doesn't go home at night? Big S is suspected of losing his dignity on Mother's Day, and he quarreled with Gu Junye upside down!

In married life, she seems to be looking for her own happiness and stability.

Gu Junye's arrival once made her see new hopes and possibilities, but as time passed, those initial expectations and longings seemed to be slowly fading.

Gu Junye, a South Korean artist, has attracted the attention of countless people with his unique charm and talent.

In his married life, however, he does not seem to have fully adapted to this new role.

His silence and passivity made Da S feel an unprecedented loneliness and powerlessness in his marriage.

Gu Junye doesn't go home at night? Big S is suspected of losing his dignity on Mother's Day, and he quarreled with Gu Junye upside down!

This subtle change between the two makes the outside world can't help but start speculating about the future of their marriage.

Some people believe that this is just a temporary trough, and they only need to find that original intention through more communication and understanding; Others believe that this change may have heralded the end of their marriage.

No matter how the outside world speculated and discussed, Da S and Gu Junye chose to remain silent.

They all seem to be dealing with the problems and challenges of this marriage in their own way.

Big S may be trying to understand Gu Junye's silence and passivity, and Gu Junye may also be trying to adapt to this new environment and role.

Gu Junye doesn't go home at night? Big S is suspected of losing his dignity on Mother's Day, and he quarreled with Gu Junye upside down!

Marital happiness is not achieved through the efforts of one partner alone.

It requires mutual commitment and mutual understanding on both sides.

Whether Da S and Gu Junye can find a balance between each other and get this marriage back on track will take time to verify.

In this process, we may be able to give them more understanding and support.

After all, everyone has their own confusions and problems to face and solve.

As public figures, Da S and Gu Junye have received more attention and expectations for their married life.

Gu Junye doesn't go home at night? Big S is suspected of losing his dignity on Mother's Day, and he quarreled with Gu Junye upside down!

We look forward to them finding their own direction of happiness, and we also look forward to them being able to bravely face the challenges and difficulties in the future.

After all, in this entertainment industry full of variables, it is not easy to find a happiness that truly belongs to you.

And whether Da S and Gu Junye's marriage can withstand the test of time and the doubts of the outside world will also become the most challenging and meaningful experience in their life journey.

Gu Junye doesn't go home at night? Big S is suspected of losing his dignity on Mother's Day, and he quarreled with Gu Junye upside down!
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