
High-value girls go on blind dates, don't want houses and bride prices, and the man shakes his head when he hears the work: don't stick it upside down

author:Who am I 19862

It is said that this night, Li Ming worked overtime until late at night, and on the way home, he always felt that something was wrong. The street lights were dim, the shadows were sparse, and there was an indescribable sense of oppression in the air. He tightened his coat and quickened his pace, wanting to get back to the warmth of his home as soon as possible.

Just then, he heard a rush of footsteps, as if someone was chasing something. Li Ming's heart tightened, and he couldn't help but look back. I saw a black shadow pass quickly, so fast that it was like a bolt of lightning. Before he could react, the shadow vanished into the darkness.

A sense of uneasiness swelled up in Li Ming's heart, and he quickened his pace, wanting to leave this strange place as soon as possible. However, the footsteps followed him like a bone appendage. He walked faster and faster, and his footsteps got closer and closer. Finally, around a corner, he was jerked from behind, and he fell to the ground.

Li Ming struggled to stand up, but felt a huge force pressing down on his shoulder. He looked up and saw a man wearing a black mask and fierce eyes standing in front of him. The man held a dagger in his hand, flashing with a cold light, and pointed it directly at Li Ming's throat.

"You...... Who are you? Why are you attacking me? Li Ming asked with a trembling voice.

High-value girls go on blind dates, don't want houses and bride prices, and the man shakes his head when he hears the work: don't stick it upside down

The man didn't answer, just smiled coldly, and then waved his hand violently, and the dagger cut through Li Ming's clothes, leaving a deep gap. Li Ming felt a sharp pain, but he knew he couldn't just give up. He struggled to get up, but was kicked to the ground by the man.

Just when Li Ming felt desperate, suddenly, a bright light shone from the corner of the street. He looked up and saw a police car speeding towards him and stopping in front of him. As soon as the car door opened, several police officers rushed down and surrounded the man who had attacked him.

Li Ming was overjoyed and struggled to stand up. Before he could thank the policemen, he was pulled aside by one of them.

"Are you Li Ming? We've been looking for you! The policeman said breathlessly.

"Looking for me? Why? Li Ming was confused.

High-value girls go on blind dates, don't want houses and bride prices, and the man shakes his head when he hears the work: don't stick it upside down

"We've received a report that someone has been kidnapped, and your information matches the characteristics of the kidnapper." The police explained.

When Li Ming heard this, he was immediately stunned. How could he have been kidnapped? He was obviously just working overtime a little late, walking on the way home! However, he quickly thought of the man who attacked him, could it be that he was an accomplice of the kidnapper?

"The man who attacked me, he is ......," Li Ming said, pointing to the man who was surrounded by police.

"He's one of those we're looking for!" The policeman interrupted Li Ming, "However, you don't have to worry, we have taken control of the situation." Now, we need your cooperation with our investigation to help us find the kidnapped. ”

Li Ming nodded and followed the police into the police car. Along the way, he thinks about the relationship between the man who attacked him and the kidnapped man. Who are they? Why kidnap him? It was all like a huge mystery that shocked and confused him.

High-value girls go on blind dates, don't want houses and bride prices, and the man shakes his head when he hears the work: don't stick it upside down

When he arrived at the police station, the police poured Li Ming a cup of hot water and told him to calm down first. Then, they began to inquire about Li Ming's situation in detail. Li Ming told the police everything about his attack, and also mentioned the man wearing a black mask.

When the police heard this, their brows furrowed. They told Li Ming that the man was a member of a criminal gang specializing in kidnapping for ransom, and that they had recently targeted Li Ming's company to extort a huge sum of money by kidnapping employees. And Li Ming is one of their chosen targets.

After Li Ming heard this, he was afraid for a while. He didn't expect to be involved in such danger. However, he also knows that now is not the time to be afraid. He must cooperate with the police to find the kidnapped person as soon as possible and stop the plot of that criminal gang.

So, under the arrangement of the police, Li Ming began to recall the clues of the criminal gang. He carefully recalled the man's accent, mannerisms, and dress, trying to find some useful information from it. He also told the police about his situation in the company, hoping to provide them with some help.

After a night of intense investigation and tracking, the police finally found the hiding place of the criminal gang. They moved quickly to wipe out the gang. Among the kidnappers who were rescued, Li Ming saw the man who attacked him. It turned out that the man was also one of the victims who was kidnapped by that gang!

High-value girls go on blind dates, don't want houses and bride prices, and the man shakes his head when he hears the work: don't stick it upside down

Li Ming was shocked. He didn't expect that the seemingly fierce man was also a victim. A mixed emotion welled up in his heart, both sympathy and pity for the man, as well as happiness and gratitude that he was able to escape.

With the help of the police, both Li Ming and the man were taken back to the hospital. After some treatment, their injuries were brought under control. In the hospital bed, Li Ming chatted with the man. They discover that they each have different backgrounds and stories, but they both suffer misfortunes because of that criminal gang.

Through this experience, Li Ming deeply realized the complexity and danger of human nature. He realized that in this world of temptations and pitfalls, we must always be vigilant and clear-headed. Only in this way can we avoid being put in danger and keep ourselves and our families safe.

At the same time, he also cherishes his life and work even more. He understands that only by working hard and living an active life can he and his family have a better life. He decided to let go of the shadows and hurts of his past and start his life and work again.

And that man was redeemed and reborn through this experience. He decided to leave that criminal gang and start a new life. When they said goodbye to each other

High-value girls go on blind dates, don't want houses and bride prices, and the man shakes his head when he hears the work: don't stick it upside down

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