
Men who pretend to love you probably have the following 3 manifestations, don't understand

author:Who am I 19862

That day, the sun was just right and the breeze was not dry, and Li Meng, as usual, walked into the small bookstore where she worked. The shop was quiet, save for the sound of pages turning and the occasional noise of the streets. However, it was such an ordinary day, but because of that long-dusty diary, it became no longer ordinary.

Li Meng picked up the diary, the cover was already yellowed, and the corners were a little worn. She remembered that it was left by her grandfather before his death, but the family never mentioned its contents. Curiosity drove her to turn the first page, only to find that the handwriting in the diary seemed to be closely related to her life. The diary records bizarre stories, as if prophetic reflection of all kinds of strange things she has encountered recently.

Men who pretend to love you probably have the following 3 manifestations, don't understand

Just as Li Meng was immersed in this mysterious world, the door of the bookstore was suddenly pushed open with a "bang", and a stranger rushed in. His eyes were flustered, and he looked around, as if looking for something. Li Meng's heart tightened, and he subconsciously hid the diary behind him. The man didn't seem to notice her, but walked straight to the bookshelf, frantically rummaging through it.

At this moment, Li Meng's mobile phone suddenly rang. When she looked at the screen, it was a message from her best friend Xiaofang: "Mengmeng, be careful lately, I heard that someone is asking about you." Li Meng's heart trembled, thinking of the stranger's behavior just now, she couldn't help but shudder.

Men who pretend to love you probably have the following 3 manifestations, don't understand

"What are you looking for?" Li Meng plucked up his courage and walked over to the man and asked. The man was startled and turned sharply, a flash of panic in his eyes. He hesitated and said, "No, nothing, I'll just take a look." With that, he left the bookstore in a hurry.

Li Meng looked at the man's back, and an inexplicable fear surged in his heart. She realized that the diary must be inextricably linked to the strange events she had experienced. She decides to dig deeper and uncover the truth of it all.

Men who pretend to love you probably have the following 3 manifestations, don't understand

In the next few days, Li Meng began to pay attention to everything around him. She found that there were always people who appeared inadvertently to her, and there was an indescribable weirdness in their eyes. She even found traces of someone in her home, something she had never told anyone, but it was known.

Li Meng became more and more scared, but she knew that she couldn't just sit still. She decided to start with a diary to look for clues. She found that many of the places mentioned in her diary were places she had been to or heard about. She decided to follow the clues in the diary and investigate them one by one.

Men who pretend to love you probably have the following 3 manifestations, don't understand

The first clue is an abandoned factory. Li Meng followed the description in his diary and found the factory. The factory has been abandoned for many years, overgrown with weeds and the walls are crawling with vines. She cautiously walked into the factory, only to find it empty. Just as she was about to leave, she heard a faint cry. She followed the cry and found a little girl locked in a cage.

The little girl was in rags and her face was covered with tears. When she saw Li Meng, a glimmer of hope flashed in her eyes. Li Meng's heart tightened, and she realized that this little girl might have something to do with everything she had been through. She decides to rescue the little girl and take her home.

Men who pretend to love you probably have the following 3 manifestations, don't understand

On the way home, the little girl told Li Meng that her name was Xiaoling and that she had been captured by a mysterious organization. This organization seems to have some kind of special interest in Li Meng's family, and has been secretly investigating her. Xiaoling also said that she once heard people in the organization mention a secret about a "mysterious treasure", and this secret was hidden in the ancestral house of the Li Meng family.

Li Meng was shocked when he heard this. She had never heard of any treasures in the family, but Xiao Ling's words made her have to believe it. She decided to take a trip home and see if she could find any clues.

Men who pretend to love you probably have the following 3 manifestations, don't understand

Back at home, Li Meng began to carefully search every corner of the ancestral house. She found some strange symbols and patterns that seemed to be related to some ancient legend mentioned in the diary. She became more and more convinced that the diary had a strong connection to the family's secrets.

However, just as she was about to uncover the truth, someone from the mysterious organization found her. They captured Li Meng and Xiaoling and took them to a remote cave. The cave was dark and damp, full of traps and traps. Li Meng knew that she was in danger, but she didn't give up, and she decided to use her wits and courage to fight against this mysterious organization.

Men who pretend to love you probably have the following 3 manifestations, don't understand

In the cave, Li Meng and Xiaoling encounter various dangers. Not only do they have to dodge traps and traps, but they also have to deal with vicious enemies. But Li Meng did not flinch, she relied on her firm belief and tenacious perseverance to turn danger into disaster again and again.

In a fierce battle, Li Meng finally found the leader of the mysterious organization. She discovers that the leader turned out to be a friend of hers—a friend who had betrayed her out of jealousy. Her heart was filled with anger and disappointment, but she knew that now was not the time to vent her emotions. She decides to use this opportunity to uncover the truth and fight for a chance to survive for herself and Xiaoling.

In the confrontation with the leader, Li Meng used his wisdom and courage to gradually gain the upper hand. She succeeds in uncovering the secrets of her family and the legend of the "mysterious treasure". It turned out that her family was once an ancient aristocratic family with a huge fortune and treasure. However, with the decline of the family and the outbreak of war, this wealth and treasure gradually disappeared into the long river of history.

And that mysterious organization is the force that has been looking for this treasure. They mistakenly thought that Li Meng knew the whereabouts of the treasure, so they launched an investigation and hunted her down. Now that the truth is revealed, the leader of that mysterious organization has realized his mistake and stupidity. He asked Li Meng