
Heavy! The Chinese Academy of Sciences has made a major breakthrough in the research of extreme ultraviolet light sources, and the domestic lithography machine is really coming!

author:Dark Horse Caiyi
Heavy! The Chinese Academy of Sciences has made a major breakthrough in the research of extreme ultraviolet light sources, and the domestic lithography machine is really coming!


The domestic lithography machine is really coming! This news is undoubtedly a spring breeze for China's semiconductor industry. For a long time, high-end lithography machines have been "stuck in the neck", and now the breakthrough of the Shanghai Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences in the extreme ultraviolet light source has provided a guarantee for China to break the chip deadlock and achieve scientific and technological independence.

Heavy! The Chinese Academy of Sciences has made a major breakthrough in the research of extreme ultraviolet light sources, and the domestic lithography machine is really coming!

As Thomas Edison said, "Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration." Behind this breakthrough is the hard work and unremitting pursuit of countless scientists. We're excited to see how this breakthrough will change the landscape of the global semiconductor industry.

1. Milestone in the research and development of extreme ultraviolet light source

Extreme ultraviolet (EUV) light is a mysterious source of light that is born in extreme heat, as intense as the sun's corona, but is blocked by the Earth's thick atmosphere and does not touch the ground.

In the field of science and technology, especially in high-precision lithography technology, the mastery of extreme ultraviolet light symbolizes the march towards nanoscale chip manufacturing, and every technology giant is struggling and struggling for it. But until recently, in the race for technology, the research team of the Shanghai Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (SIPT) brought the world's attention to the news that they had made a major breakthrough in the research and development of extreme ultraviolet light sources.

Heavy! The Chinese Academy of Sciences has made a major breakthrough in the research of extreme ultraviolet light sources, and the domestic lithography machine is really coming!

This breakthrough is the result of years of intensive work by Chinese scientists in various fields such as materials science, optical design, and quantum physics. One of the biggest challenges for any scientist studying EUV light is how to artificially generate enough EUV light on Earth, but also with enough stability and intensity to perform precision lithography.

European and American countries have been working in this field for more than ten years, and ASML's extreme ultraviolet lithography machine has become the darling of the market with a wavelength of 13.5 nanometers, and its technical threshold and price are prohibitive.

Heavy! The Chinese Academy of Sciences has made a major breakthrough in the research of extreme ultraviolet light sources, and the domestic lithography machine is really coming!

China's breakthrough was achieved on a more sophisticated level. Using the advanced Fermat-spiral photon sieves technology, the research team of the Shanghai Institute of Optics and Mechanics has successfully achieved precise control of extreme ultraviolet light for the first time, which improves the output power of the light source and more importantly, greatly improves the stability and availability of the beam. The realization of this technology means that in the future lithography machine, the accuracy and efficiency of chip manufacturing will be greatly improved, and the cost will be reduced.

Such a technological breakthrough has undoubtedly brought new tension to the international technological competition pattern. Especially in the context of the increasingly tense global semiconductor supply chain, China's technological progress is of great significance to the independent and controllable domestic chip industry, and also has a non-negligible impact on the balance of power in the global market.

Heavy! The Chinese Academy of Sciences has made a major breakthrough in the research of extreme ultraviolet light sources, and the domestic lithography machine is really coming!

2. Domestic lithography machine: the hope of breaking the international monopoly

High-end lithography machines have always been controlled by a few companies, with high prices and tight technical blockades. These lithography machines are the heart of chip manufacturing and determine the production capacity and cost-effectiveness of chips. Over the past few decades, China has relied on imports in this area, especially on the Dutch company ASML. This dependence puts China at a technological and strategic disadvantage, and the scientific and technological development of the entire country is controlled by others.

However, the Shanghai Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences has made a major breakthrough in the field of extreme ultraviolet light sources, and the situation has begun to change. This breakthrough symbolizes China's gradual transformation from a follower to an innovator in lithography machine technology. The research and development of domestic lithography machines is related to technological independence and an important part of the national strategy. With this technological breakthrough, the development of domestic lithography machines has entered a new stage, which means that in the near future, chips made in China may be completely produced using domestic equipment, achieving true technological independence.

Heavy! The Chinese Academy of Sciences has made a major breakthrough in the research of extreme ultraviolet light sources, and the domestic lithography machine is really coming!

The development status of domestic lithography machine is promising. With a breakthrough in extreme ultraviolet light source technology, Chinese research teams have been able to manufacture lithography machines that meet some commercial standards. These machines are capable of producing chips at 10nm or even smaller, directly challenging international process technologies of 5nm and below. Although there is still a long way to go before full commercialization, the pace of progress is unstoppable. China is gradually gaining a foothold in the global semiconductor market and reducing its dependence on foreign technology.

In the current situation of global chip supply shortage, countries that can independently produce key equipment undoubtedly have a greater voice and market competitiveness. It can improve the efficiency and reduce the cost of domestic chip manufacturing, and may also promote China to become a new center of global chip manufacturing. Technological breakthroughs have also led to the development of related industries, such as materials science, precision mechanics and electronic engineering, which are key pillars of the country's economic development.

Heavy! The Chinese Academy of Sciences has made a major breakthrough in the research of extreme ultraviolet light sources, and the domestic lithography machine is really coming!

With the increasing maturity of domestic lithography machine technology, we will witness the arrival of a new technological era. China is not only improving its own scientific and technological strength, but also contributing to the development of the global high-tech industry.

3. Policy and market reactions: domestic and foreign perspectives

When the news of a major breakthrough in domestic lithography machine technology spread, the response from all walks of life was rapid and clear, which fully reflected the support of the policy for scientific and technological progress. China has long promoted technological self-reliance, especially in the strategic sector of semiconductors. Funding for semiconductor research has increased dramatically, and a series of policies to encourage innovation have been introduced, including tax breaks, R&D subsidies, and various incentives for R&D personnel. These measures have greatly stimulated the R&D enthusiasm of domestic scientific research institutions and enterprises, and laid a solid foundation for the breakthrough of domestic lithography machines.

Heavy! The Chinese Academy of Sciences has made a major breakthrough in the research of extreme ultraviolet light sources, and the domestic lithography machine is really coming!

Of course, the support for high-tech enterprises is not limited to financial assistance, but also includes the formulation of relevant industrial policies and market access standards to ensure that new technologies can be quickly promoted and applied in the domestic market.

This policy environment provides a broad stage for the research and development of domestic lithography machines, enabling Chinese companies to be more competitive in the global semiconductor market. These efforts of the state have gradually increased China's position in the global semiconductor industry chain, significantly reduced its dependence on foreign countries, and injected vitality into the prosperity of the domestic market.

Heavy! The Chinese Academy of Sciences has made a major breakthrough in the research of extreme ultraviolet light sources, and the domestic lithography machine is really coming!

The response of international markets and competitors is complex and varied. Technology companies in the United States and Europe, especially those that dominate the lithography machine market, are a little interested in China's progress in extreme ultraviolet light source technology. These companies have long relied on technological barriers to maintain a market advantage, and China's technological breakthroughs could have an impact on their market position. Faced with this situation, some companies have begun to increase R&D investment in an attempt to stay ahead of the curve through technological upgrading, while others have tried to share the benefits of the market by strengthening cooperation with Chinese companies.

The future trend of domestic lithography machine technology is at a critical crossroads. With the continuous maturity of technology and the gradual opening of the market, domestic lithography machines are expected to rewrite the map of global semiconductor manufacturing. Supporting policies will continue to play a key role, and the dynamics of the international market will also have an important impact on the development of domestic lithography machines. How to maintain the momentum of innovation in this process and effectively respond to international competition will be an important test for the future development of China's semiconductor industry.

Heavy! The Chinese Academy of Sciences has made a major breakthrough in the research of extreme ultraviolet light sources, and the domestic lithography machine is really coming!

4. Future outlook: technology, industry and economic impact

Future applications and trends herald a technological revolution to come. This technology will be an integral part of the lithography machine and an important symbol of technological progress in the global semiconductor industry. The maturity of extreme ultraviolet light source technology will make chip manufacturing more sophisticated, promote the wafer manufacturing process to 5 nanometers or even smaller size, and greatly improve the performance and energy efficiency of integrated circuits. This is a qualitative leap forward for the semiconductor industry and will have an impact on the entire electronics ecosystem.

The development of this technology will further promote the implementation of the national intelligent manufacturing strategy and help the manufacturing industry to upgrade. The application of extreme ultraviolet light source technology will make electronic components in many fields, from smartphones and computers to new energy vehicles, more efficient and miniaturized.

Heavy! The Chinese Academy of Sciences has made a major breakthrough in the research of extreme ultraviolet light sources, and the domestic lithography machine is really coming!

With the promotion and application of technology, the relevant supply chain will also be optimized and upgraded, and domestic suppliers will have the opportunity to enter the global high-end supply chain and provide key equipment and materials.

In terms of economic benefits, the maturity of extreme ultraviolet light source technology will significantly enhance the international competitiveness of China's semiconductor industry. This would reduce reliance on external technology and equipment, and could also make China one of the major suppliers to the global chip market. In the long run, this will provide sustained growth momentum for China's economy, while increasing the country's influence on the global technology stage.

Heavy! The Chinese Academy of Sciences has made a major breakthrough in the research of extreme ultraviolet light sources, and the domestic lithography machine is really coming!

With the continuous development and application of extreme ultraviolet light source technology, the global semiconductor industry will enter a new competitive landscape. China's leadership in this technology field will put it in a more advantageous position in the global technology competition. This will also encourage global technology companies to increase innovation and drive the global technology industry forward.


The popularity and maturity of this technology heralds a profound shift in the global technological, industrial and economic landscape, and China is at the forefront of this transformation.

Praise our great researchers!

Heavy! The Chinese Academy of Sciences has made a major breakthrough in the research of extreme ultraviolet light sources, and the domestic lithography machine is really coming!


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