
The 28-year-old man had diarrhea for 2 hours in a row and was sent to the hospital for first aid, and the doctor scolded: I ate these three things

author:Liu Suzhen ear, nose and throat

1. The guy was rushed to the hospital for diarrhea, and the doctor's diagnosis revealed the truth

28-year-old Xiao Li is an office worker who is usually busy with work and does not eat regularly. That night, he asked a few friends to have dinner after work, and everyone ate very happily, and Xiao Li couldn't help but eat a few more bites. Unexpectedly, not long after returning home, Xiao Li began to feel sick to his stomach and had diarrhea.

The 28-year-old man had diarrhea for 2 hours in a row and was sent to the hospital for first aid, and the doctor scolded: I ate these three things

He thought it was an ordinary bad stomach, so he didn't pay much attention to it. However, two hours passed, and the diarrhea did not improve at all, but became more and more severe. Xiao Li felt weak and dizzy, so he quickly called the emergency number.

Soon, Xiao Li was sent to the hospital. After careful examination by the doctor, it was found that Xiao Li's diarrhea was caused by food poisoning. The doctor told Xiao Li that the food he ate may contain bacteria or toxins, causing severe gastrointestinal irritation. Hearing the news, Xiao Li regretted it, he didn't expect that a moment of gluttony would bring him so much trouble.

Second, the doctor scolded: These foods are not edible

Under the doctor's questioning, Xiao Li recalled the dinner party that night. He told the doctor that they ordered a lot of dishes, including some sashimi, coleslaw, and barbecue. After hearing this, the doctor immediately scolded: "These foods are easy to cause food poisoning, how can you eat them casually?" ”

The 28-year-old man had diarrhea for 2 hours in a row and was sent to the hospital for first aid, and the doctor scolded: I ate these three things

The doctor explained that sashimi can easily carry bacteria or parasites if it is not strictly sterilized; Coleslaw is also susceptible to contamination during the production process; And barbecued food can also produce harmful substances if it is not grilled properly. Once ingested, these foods can cause damage to the stomach and intestines, causing symptoms such as diarrhea and vomiting.

After hearing this, Xiao Li suddenly realized, and he realized why he had food poisoning. He regretted that he didn't pay attention to food safety and ate the food casually. The doctor told him that in the future, he must pay attention to food hygiene, try to choose fresh and hygienic ingredients, and avoid food poisoning.

The 28-year-old man had diarrhea for 2 hours in a row and was sent to the hospital for first aid, and the doctor scolded: I ate these three things

3. Hazards and prevention of food poisoning

Food poisoning is a common food safety problem, which poses a great threat to people's health. Food poisoning can cause not only gastrointestinal symptoms such as diarrhea and vomiting, but also serious consequences such as systemic infections and shock. Therefore, it is very important to prevent food poisoning.

First of all, we should pay attention to the hygiene and quality of food. When buying food, it is necessary to choose formal channels and buy food with quality assurance. During the cooking process, pay attention to the heating temperature and time of the food to ensure that the food is fully cooked. At the same time, it is necessary to avoid eating expired and spoiled food.

Secondly, we need to develop good eating habits. Try to avoid eating raw or semi-raw foods, especially meat, fish and other foods that can easily carry bacteria. In addition, it is also important to eat a balanced diet and eat more nutritious foods such as vegetables and fruits.

The 28-year-old man had diarrhea for 2 hours in a row and was sent to the hospital for first aid, and the doctor scolded: I ate these three things

Finally, we also need to learn to recognize the symptoms of food poisoning. Once there are digestive symptoms such as diarrhea and vomiting, it is necessary to seek medical examination in time to avoid delaying treatment. At the same time, it is also necessary to pay attention to personal hygiene, wash hands and disinfect frequently to avoid the spread of germs.

Fourth, the reflection and change of the young man after recovery

After the doctor's timely treatment and Xiao Li's active cooperation, his condition gradually improved. During the recovery process, Xiao Li deeply reflected on his eating habits and food safety awareness. He realized that eating healthy is not only about satisfying his appetite, but also about being responsible for his own health.

In order to change the wrong habits in the past, Xiao Li began to take the initiative to learn food safety knowledge and understand the cooking methods and precautions of various foods. He also made it a habit to clean the refrigerator regularly and check the expiration date of food to ensure that the ingredients at home were fresh and hygienic.

The 28-year-old man had diarrhea for 2 hours in a row and was sent to the hospital for first aid, and the doctor scolded: I ate these three things

In addition, Xiao Li also began to pay attention to the balance and variety of his diet. He increased his intake of fruits and vegetables and reduced his intake of greasy and spicy foods. He also tried some healthy cooking methods, such as steaming, boiling, stewing, etc., to make the food more nutritious and healthy.

5. Food safety is about everyone's health

Xiao Li's story is a wake-up call to us: food safety is about everyone's health, and we can't take it lightly. In our daily lives, we should always pay attention to food safety issues and improve our awareness of self-protection.

First of all, we should choose formal dining establishments and avoid eating in street stalls or places with poor hygiene. When ordering, pay attention to the hygiene of the food and avoid choosing foods that look unclean or suspicious.

The 28-year-old man had diarrhea for 2 hours in a row and was sent to the hospital for first aid, and the doctor scolded: I ate these three things

Second, we need to focus on the origin and processing of the food. When buying food, it is important to know where it comes from and whether the production process is safe and hygienic. When processing food, pay attention to the control of cooking temperature and time to ensure that the food is cooked thoroughly and free from contamination.

Finally, we need to strengthen the publicity and education of food safety knowledge. Popularize food safety knowledge through the media, communities and other channels, and improve the public's food safety awareness and self-protection ability. Only when everyone pays attention to food safety can we work together to create a healthy and safe eating environment.

6. Healthy eating starts with your daily routine

Xiao Li's experience makes us realize that healthy eating needs to start from daily life and cultivate good eating habits from small things. We should pay attention to the hygiene and quality of food and avoid diseases from entering the mouth. At the same time, it is also necessary to pay attention to the balance and diversity of the diet to ensure that the body receives sufficient nutrients and energy.

The 28-year-old man had diarrhea for 2 hours in a row and was sent to the hospital for first aid, and the doctor scolded: I ate these three things

In addition to paying attention to the choice of food and the way it is cooked, we also need to pay attention to our own eating habits. For example, it is necessary to develop the habit of eating regularly and quantitatively to avoid overeating or excessive hunger; Chew slowly to allow food to be fully mixed with saliva to reduce the burden on the stomach; It is also important to eat in a happy mood and avoid eating in a state of nervousness or anxiety.

In addition, we should also pay attention to our physical condition and dietary needs. Different people have different physiques and needs, and we need to choose the right food and cooking method according to our situation. For example, for people who are prone to fire, you can add some light food; For people who need supplementation, you can eat more foods rich in protein and vitamins.

In conclusion, healthy eating is a long-term process that requires continuous learning and practice.