
Men's lower body always feels itchy and can't help but scratch it, and these treatment methods are worth trying

author:Liu Suzhen ear, nose and throat

1. Real case: a man with itching and trouble

Recently, Mr. Zhang has been feeling itching in his lower body, especially when he is busy at work or irritable. He tried various methods to alleviate it, but the results were not satisfactory. Sometimes the itch is really unbearable, and he can't help but scratch it, and the result is often more and more itching, which may also lead to skin breakdown.

Men's lower body always feels itchy and can't help but scratch it, and these treatment methods are worth trying

Mr. Zhang was very distressed by this, which not only affected his daily life and work, but also made him feel embarrassed in social situations. He tried buying some anti-itch ointments on his own, but the effect was not noticeable, and sometimes he had an allergic reaction.

Later, Mr. Zhang decided to go to the hospital for treatment. After a detailed examination and diagnosis by the doctor, it turned out that he was suffering from a common skin inflammation. The doctor told him that this condition is more common in men and is usually related to lifestyle habits, personal hygiene and other factors.

2. To understand the cause of itching, symptomatic treatment is the key

To treat itching in the lower body, it is first necessary to understand the cause of itching. Itching of the lower body in men can be caused by a variety of factors, such as skin inflammation, fungal infections, allergies, etc. Different causes require different treatments, so symptomatic treatment is key.

Men's lower body always feels itchy and can't help but scratch it, and these treatment methods are worth trying

Skin inflammation is one of the common causes of itching in the lower body in men. This inflammation can be caused by factors such as local friction, excessive cleansing, or dry skin. To treat skin inflammation, the first thing to do is to avoid irritants and keep the area clean and dry. At the same time, some anti-inflammatory creams can be used to relieve symptoms.

Fungal infections are also a common cause of itching in the lower body in men. This type of infection is usually caused by fungi such as Candida and presents with symptoms such as localized redness, swelling, itching, and scaling. Treatment of fungal infections requires the use of antifungal drugs, as well as attention to local hygiene to avoid cross-infection.

3. Improve living habits and prevent recurrence of itching

In addition to symptomatic treatment, improving lifestyle habits is also an important measure to prevent recurrence of pruritus. Male friends should pay attention to the following points in their daily life:

Keep the area clean and dry: Wash your lower body daily with warm water and avoid using cleaning products that are too harsh. After washing, gently dry with a clean towel to avoid bacteria growth in a humid environment.

Men's lower body always feels itchy and can't help but scratch it, and these treatment methods are worth trying

Avoid over-cleansing: While it's important to keep clean, over-cleansing can disrupt your skin's natural barrier, leading to worsening itching. Therefore, avoid frequent use of cleaning products such as soap and shower gel.

Choose breathable and comfortable underwear: The material and breathability of underwear have a big impact on the health of men's lower body. It is advisable to choose cotton, breathable underwear and avoid tight or synthetic underwear.

Dietary regulation: Diet is also associated with itchy skin. It is recommended to eat more foods rich in vitamins and minerals, such as fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, etc., to strengthen the skin's resistance. At the same time, it is necessary to avoid eating excessively spicy and greasy foods to avoid aggravating the itching symptoms.

Men's lower body always feels itchy and can't help but scratch it, and these treatment methods are worth trying

Fourth, the correct use of anti-itch drugs to avoid misunderstandings

When treating itching in men's lower body, it is also very important to use anti-itch drugs correctly. Many men buy anti-itch creams or potions to use when they experience itching symptoms, but they often do not work well or even aggravate the condition. This is mainly due to their misconceptions about the use of anti-itch medications.

First, it is important to make it clear that antipruritic drugs are only an adjunct to symptomatic relief and do not cure the cause. Therefore, anti-itch drugs should be used along with treatment of the cause.

Second, pay attention to the composition and usage of the drug. Different anti-itch medications have different ingredients and different usages. Some medications may contain hormonal ingredients, and long-term use may cause side effects such as skin thinning and pigmentation. Therefore, it is best to consult your doctor's advice before using antipruritic drugs and follow the instructions for proper use.

Men's lower body always feels itchy and can't help but scratch it, and these treatment methods are worth trying

Also, avoid over-reliance on anti-itch medications. While anti-itch medications can temporarily relieve itching symptoms, long-term use may make the skin resistant to the drug, leading to a decrease in the effectiveness of the medication. Therefore, while using anti-itch drugs, it is also necessary to pay attention to improving lifestyle habits and preventive measures.

5. Psychological adjustment to relieve the pressure caused by itching

Itching in the genitals in men not only causes physical discomfort but can also have a negative psychological impact. Itching symptoms may cause male friends to feel irritable, anxious and even have low self-esteem, affecting daily life and work. Therefore, psychological adjustment is also an important aspect of relieving itching symptoms.

Men's lower body always feels itchy and can't help but scratch it, and these treatment methods are worth trying

First and foremost, keep a positive mindset. Itching, while uncomfortable, is not an incurable disease. Most itching symptoms can be relieved or cured with aggressive treatment, lifestyle improvements, and following your doctor's recommendations.

Second, learn to shift your attention. When itching symptoms appear, try doing other things to distract you, such as reading a book, listening to music, or doing physical activity. This will reduce the discomfort of itching.

In addition, psychological support can be sought. If itching is seriously affecting your daily life and mental health, consider seeking help from a professional counselor. They can provide effective psychological support and advice to help male friends better cope with the stress of itching.

Men's lower body always feels itchy and can't help but scratch it, and these treatment methods are worth trying

6. Regular follow-up and re-examination to ensure the effect of treatment

In the treatment of pruritus in the lower body of men, regular follow-up is also very important. Through follow-up review, doctors can keep abreast of the changes in the patient's condition and the effect of treatment, and adjust the treatment plan according to the situation.

At the same time, patients should also take the initiative to give feedback to the doctor about problems and feelings during the treatment process. If the itching does not improve significantly or new symptoms appear, the doctor should be informed for further diagnosis and treatment.

In addition, regular follow-up check-ups can also help patients establish correct health concepts and lifestyle habits. Doctors can provide personalized health advice and guidance based on the patient's specific situation to help patients better prevent pruritus recurrence.

Men's lower body always feels itchy and can't help but scratch it, and these treatment methods are worth trying

In conclusion, itching of the genitals in men is a common skin problem, but it is not incurable. By understanding the causes of itching, improving lifestyle habits, using anti-itch drugs correctly, and psychological adjustment, most male friends can effectively relieve itching symptoms and restore health.