
Looking at the current situation of 66-year-old Wan Ziliang, I understand that Chow Yun-fat has already said the answer?

author:Hu Zai said gossip

First, let's pay attention to the living situation of the 66-year-old Wan Ziliang! Walking through the bustling streets of Hong Kong, you may stumble upon a silver-haired, wrinkled elderly man performing on a cramped stage with all his might.

Looking back on the past, Wan Ziliang can be called the "big brother" account in the Hong Kong film industry, and his unique hairstyle with a big back, a cigar that will never be abandoned in his hand, and a gloomy and cold appearance have made him successfully create a classic villain big brother image in many films.

Whether it is "Waiting for Dawn" co-starred with Chow Yun-fat, or his masterpiece "Big Brother", Wan Ziliang's superb acting skills have fascinated the majority of fans and deeply impressed by his "big brother style".

Looking at the current situation of 66-year-old Wan Ziliang, I understand that Chow Yun-fat has already said the answer?

However, the years are merciless, and the former superstar is now in his sixtieth year, and his life situation is so embarrassing that he needs to rely on such meager commercial performances to make ends meet. Despite his tired face, he still swayed freely on stage, reminding Wan Ziliang's best friend Chow Yun-fat who once said: "Luck is just a word, and what really determines the future is unremitting efforts."

Indeed, it is Chow Yun-fat, who is fiercely competing with him in the film industry, who revealed part of the reason for the current state of Wan Ziliang's life many years ago.

2. Looking back on the glorious years

Looking at the current situation of 66-year-old Wan Ziliang, I understand that Chow Yun-fat has already said the answer?

Dating back to the eighties and nineties of the last century, Wan Ziliang was undoubtedly a hot star in the Hong Kong film industry at that time. His unique and iconic look - big back hairstyle, cigar in his hand and gloomy and cold face have made him successfully create the classic "villain big brother" role in many film and television works.

Whether it was "Waiting for Dawn" with Chow Yun-fat in 1982 or in his masterpiece "Big Brother" in 1988, Wan Ziliang's outstanding acting skills have won warm praise from the audience.

The "big brother demeanor" exuded by him is truly unmatched, as if everything he goes is awe-inspiring.

Looking at the current situation of 66-year-old Wan Ziliang, I understand that Chow Yun-fat has already said the answer?

In the Hong Kong film industry of that era, Wan Ziliang and Chow Yun-fat can be described as two superstars who are neck and neck and equally divided. Chow Yun-fat has become the ideal lover in the hearts of countless girls with the sunny and positive image in "God of Gamblers"; And Wan Ziliang won the title of "big brother" respected by everyone with his negative villain image.

Their performance in the film industry is like a "double tiger competition", which is eye-catching.

However, the world is always full of striking contrasts! Wan Ziliang, a once hot entertainment star, has now quietly slipped to the trough of his life, and even some followers can't accept that he has been reduced to the point where he has to make a living with small-scale commercial performances.

Looking at the current situation of 66-year-old Wan Ziliang, I understand that Chow Yun-fat has already said the answer?

Looking back on the past, Wan Ziliang's brilliance undoubtedly confirms the famous words of his friend Chow Yun-fat: "Luck is just a word, what really determines your future is your unremitting struggle in the future."

Part 3: Feelings about Chow Yun-fat's motto

Chow Yun-fat's famous quote - 'Luck is just a word, what really determines your future direction is your unremitting struggle after that', although this sentence is short, but it contains a profound philosophy of life.

Looking at the current situation of 66-year-old Wan Ziliang, I understand that Chow Yun-fat has already said the answer?

The reason why Wan Ziliang can dominate the film industry is that there is certainly a certain factor of luck and opportunity, but if you want to maintain this glory for a long time, you need to put in more effort and perseverance.

Life is like this, everyone experiences alternating good times and bad times. The question is, can people continue to work hard and resolutely when the winds of luck dissipate? Unfortunately, judging from Wan Ziliang's later life trajectory, he does not seem to have fully practiced Chow Yun-fat's motto.

He was satisfied with the success at the beginning, but he ignored that luck is not eternal, and he is not fully prepared for the future life.

Looking at the current situation of 66-year-old Wan Ziliang, I understand that Chow Yun-fat has already said the answer?

This made him have to face all kinds of difficulties in the second half of his life, and even fell into the dilemma of living in poverty for a while.

Part 4: Review of Wan Ziliang's emotional journey

If you look at Wan Ziliang's emotional journey, his life experience can be described as magnificent, twists and turns. Let's start with his later married life.

Looking at the current situation of 66-year-old Wan Ziliang, I understand that Chow Yun-fat has already said the answer?

In 1994, Wan Ziliang and Guo Mingli, who was 16 years younger than him, entered the marriage hall, which was once hailed as a match made in heaven. Subsequently, they ushered in the crystallization of love and formed a warm new family.

However, to everyone's surprise, this seemingly perfect marriage ended in a breakdown, and the two went their separate ways ever since.

Prior to this, Wan Ziliang's emotional road was also bumpy. In 1990, he tied the knot with the well-known actress Tian Niu, and this unprecedented wedding attracted many film and television giants to serve as best men, and the atmosphere was warm and extraordinary.

Looking at the current situation of 66-year-old Wan Ziliang, I understand that Chow Yun-fat has already said the answer?

However, this couple, known as the "marriage of the century", finally failed after only a short period of 4 years.

If you move the timeline back to the 80s of the last century, it is not difficult to find that Mr. Wan Ziliang and Ms. Tang Cuiwen, who are also powerful actors, once had a long and sweet relationship.

Although the age gap between the two is as high as more than 10 years and bears countless doubts and obstacles, Wan Ziliang at that time still loves and cares for this young girlfriend very much, and it is a pity that this good time did not last long, and finally ended in tragedy due to many factors, and the relationship came to an end.

Looking at the current situation of 66-year-old Wan Ziliang, I understand that Chow Yun-fat has already said the answer?

Looking back on the long journey of life, how can anyone have smooth sailing? This emotional journey, full of twists and turns, may be the fuse that led to Mr. Wan Ziliang's later acting career gradually going to a trough.

Thankfully, however, he is not alone on this path, always with the support of his family.

Fifth, a turning point in the career

Looking at the current situation of 66-year-old Wan Ziliang, I understand that Chow Yun-fat has already said the answer?

It is an indisputable fact that Mr. Wan Ziliang has made good achievements in the film and television industry, and many of the classic images he created are still remembered by people today. However, a major change in the direction of his career has put him in a difficult situation on the road of life.

It is understood that Wan Ziliang, who had already risen to prominence back then, resolutely decided to devote himself to business for various reasons, and this entrepreneurial spirit is certainly worthy of appreciation, but real life is often cruel and ruthless.

Mr. Wan Ziliang poured a lot of financial resources and energy, but in the end he reaped a vacuum, not only did not get a considerable profit, but suffered a heavy loss. This undoubtedly dealt a heavy blow to Mr. Wan Ziliang and completely shattered his dream of transforming into a business.

Looking at the current situation of 66-year-old Wan Ziliang, I understand that Chow Yun-fat has already said the answer?

As a professional actor, he finally had to choose to return to the film and television industry.

However, when he returned to the stage, the focus of the stage had changed, and the once brilliant actor was now difficult to achieve success in the film industry. The loss of a stable source of income makes it increasingly difficult to support the family.

Faced with the problem of food and clothing for his wife and children, Mr. Wan Ziliang had no choice but to rely on participating in some small business activities to barely maintain the basic living needs of the whole family.

Looking at the current situation of 66-year-old Wan Ziliang, I understand that Chow Yun-fat has already said the answer?

From devoting himself to the business world with full of enthusiasm, to finally falling to this point step by step, I am afraid that even Mr. Wan Ziliang himself did not expect that his life would embark on this tortuous and bumpy road. His dear friend Chow Yun-fat's sentence "Luck is just a noun, and the next effort is the key" has been profoundly confirmed at this moment.

VI. Conclusion

On the other hand, the bumpy life of Hong Kong film superstar Wan Ziliang is really emotional! He once stood at the top of glory, but with the passage of time, he gradually slipped to today's trough, when he was over the age of six, he described himself as haggard, and in his twilight years, he performed life on a small stage, just to maintain the basic living needs of the family.

Looking at the current situation of 66-year-old Wan Ziliang, I understand that Chow Yun-fat has already said the answer?

With such twists and turns, how can it not make people feel sad?

I have to admit that a cautionary quote from his best friend Chow Yun-fat in his early years has now been confirmed by Wan Ziliang: "Luck is just a short-term word, and what really determines fate is unremitting efforts."

Looking at the current situation of 66-year-old Wan Ziliang, I understand that Chow Yun-fat has already said the answer?

Wan Ziliang, who once rose to prominence with his superb acting skills and a bit of good luck, failed to consistently sweat enough. Not only did he choose to move to the mall in the prime of his career, but he failed, and his love life was also magnificent and he went through many clutches.

These factors are intertwined, which makes his development in the second half of his life difficult, and even fell into a life of poverty for a time.

The vagaries of life are unpredictable, but perseverance is the only way to overcome all obstacles. This point, perhaps it was not until Wan Ziliang in his later years that he really understood.

Looking at the current situation of 66-year-old Wan Ziliang, I understand that Chow Yun-fat has already said the answer?

However, fortunately, he is still struggling to survive today, and finally understands and practices Chow Yun-fat's wise words back then.

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