
Humorous joke: Husband, we still have to have someone to stay at home full-time, whoever earns less will come!

author:China Haiyang Health Brigade

In the midst of a busy city life, the balance between family and work can always be elusive. A humorous joke went viral: a wife said to her husband: "Husband, we still have to have someone to stay at home full-time, and whoever earns less will come!" This simple joke reflects the common problem faced by modern couples - the dilemma between family and career.

Li Ming and Zhang Fang are a young couple who are struggling in their busy workplaces. Li Ming is an engineer, while Zhang Fang is a teacher. Their lives are full of hectic and stressful situations, and it is difficult for both of them to find time to take care of their families.

One night, Li Ming and Zhang Fang sat on the sofa in the living room, exhausted. They began to discuss the balance between family and work.

Li Ming sighed and said, "Fang, I think we really need to think about this issue. Our lives seem to be occupied by work, and we have little time for each other. ”

Zhang Fang nodded and agreed: "Ming, you're right. We really need to find a solution. But what do we do? ”

Li Ming thought for a moment, and then said, "I think we can try the suggestion in that humorous joke." We see who earns less, and then that person stays at home full-time and takes care of the family. ”

Humorous joke: Husband, we still have to have someone to stay at home full-time, whoever earns less will come!

Zhang Fang looked at Li Ming with some surprise: "Are you serious?" Do you think this is possible? ”

Li Ming smiled and replied, "Why not?" It's just an attempt, and maybe it will make a difference. ”

So, they decided to give it a try. After some discussion and calculation, they found that Zhang Fang's salary was lower than Li Ming's. Therefore, they decided to let Zhang Fang stay at home full-time and take care of the family's affairs.

At first, Zhang Fang felt a little uncomfortable. She has been an independent woman since she was a child, and she is used to working hard in the workplace. However, as time went on, she began to slowly adapt to this new way of life. She used her time at home to learn new skills, such as cooking and gardening. She also began to re-examine her life and values.

At the same time, Li Ming also began to realize that family is no less important than work. He began to cherish the time he spent with his family even more, and tried to find time to spend with Zhang Fang outside of work.

However, the attempt did not last long. After a few months, Zhang Fang began to feel bored. She realizes that she still enjoys working in the workplace, interacting and interacting with people. So, she sat down with Li Ming and discussed the issue again.

Humorous joke: Husband, we still have to have someone to stay at home full-time, whoever earns less will come!

Zhang Fang said: "Ming, I think I still want to go back to work. Although I have learned a lot at home, I still feel that I am better suited to develop in the workplace. ”

Li Ming nodded in understanding and replied, "Fang, I understand your feelings. We're all trying to find a balance, maybe we can try something else. ”

So, they started looking for other solutions. Eventually, they decided to hire a housekeeper to help them with household chores so they could continue to develop in their careers while also spending more time with each other.

This small attempt made them realize that balancing family and career is not an easy task. However, through communication and understanding, they found a solution that worked for them.

The story sparked by this humorous joke gives us a glimpse into the struggles and struggles of modern couples between family and career. Although the joke may seem simple, the issues behind it are unavoidable for everyone. Through the stories of Li Ming and Zhang Fang, we see the importance of the need for mutual understanding and support between husbands and wives to find balance together.

Humorous joke: Husband, we still have to have someone to stay at home full-time, whoever earns less will come!