
Unmarried women plan to borrow sperm to have children, sperm bank donation standards are exposed, and a group of people break the defense after reading it

author:Optimistic rice ball T

Some single female friends, for various reasons, don't want to get married but want to have a child to accompany them, what should they do?

So, they came up with the idea of borrowing sperm to have children, planning to select a suitable sperm from the human sperm bank, and then "go to the father and keep the child" and raise the child alone. It sounds cool, but the question is, is it feasible on the mainland?

Unmarried women plan to borrow sperm to have children, sperm bank donation standards are exposed, and a group of people break the defense after reading it

According to the current laws and regulations in the mainland, assisted reproductive technology is only open to legal couples. In other words, unmarried women want to borrow sperm to have children through a human sperm bank, and that won't work!

This disappointed hopeful single women, who said, "It's not fair!" Why can't we enjoy this right? ”

But don't be too discouraged.

Unmarried women plan to borrow sperm to have children, sperm bank donation standards are exposed, and a group of people break the defense after reading it

Although unmarried women cannot use sperm from sperm banks directly, there are still ways to do it.

Experts say that if an unmarried woman really wants to borrow sperm to have a child, she must also operate it through a formal reproductive medicine center.

These centers conduct rigorous screening and testing of sperm donors to ensure the quality and safety of sperm. Then, they give the sperm to eligible legal couples.

Unmarried women plan to borrow sperm to have children, sperm bank donation standards are exposed, and a group of people break the defense after reading it

So why is the mainland restricting the use of human sperm banks by unmarried women? Actually, there is a reason behind this.

First of all, from a legal perspective, marriage is the foundation of the family, and the family is the basic unit of society. If unmarried women were allowed to borrow sperm to have children, it would break down this family structure and bring instability to society.

Unmarried women plan to borrow sperm to have children, sperm bank donation standards are exposed, and a group of people break the defense after reading it

Secondly, from a medical point of view, sperm donation and fertility also have certain risks. If the source of the sperm is unknown or the quality is not up to standard, it will pose a threat to the child's health. That's why the mainland will restrict this issue.

Of course, we can't beat all unmarried women to death with a stick. After all, everyone has their own lifestyle and choices.

However, on the road of choosing to borrow sperm to have children, everyone has to think twice!

Unmarried women plan to borrow sperm to have children, sperm bank donation standards are exposed, and a group of people break the defense after reading it

After all, this is no small matter! You have to think about your financial situation, your ability to raise children, the future of your children, and a series of other issues!

In addition, it is not so easy for men to become sperm donation volunteers!

There are a number of conditions that must be met! For example, you must be a Chinese citizen, aged 20-45, with a height of 168cm or above, a bachelor's degree or above, etc.

Unmarried women plan to borrow sperm to have children, sperm bank donation standards are exposed, and a group of people break the defense after reading it

This standard made the viewers in the comment area collectively break their defenses. Some people questioned: The height is only 168? That's too low! Moreover, you have to go through a strict health check and screening!

In addition, the professor of the National People's University advocated that giving birth to children is a kind of labor contribution of women, and should be subsidized, and it is best for the government to directly issue a house, one room for each child, so as to form a virtuous circle.

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