
Profit pulling, erotic seduction! The Ministry of State Security exposes the eco-espionage case

author:Well-off Magazine

  "Hello, I am a professor from country X, and I have made a special trip here to carry out transnational academic exchanges, and I would like to investigate the local ecological environment with you and provide you with generous financial remuneration!"

  Under the cover of academic cooperation, foreign personnel claiming to be professors from country X have installed instruments and equipment in a national wetland reserve, forest farm and other places on the mainland, established a number of small observation and test sites, and illegally collected a large number of sensitive data such as geography, meteorology, and biology in important nature reserves on the mainland.

Profit pulling, erotic seduction! The Ministry of State Security exposes the eco-espionage case

  ▲ Source: @央视新闻

  The state security organs, in conjunction with relevant departments, are to handle Professor X and other persons involved in the case in accordance with law. On May 13, the Ministry of State Security disclosed the details↓↓

Profit pulling, erotic seduction! The Ministry of State Security exposes the eco-espionage case
Profit pulling, erotic seduction! The Ministry of State Security exposes the eco-espionage case
Profit pulling, erotic seduction! The Ministry of State Security exposes the eco-espionage case
Profit pulling, erotic seduction! The Ministry of State Security exposes the eco-espionage case

  Establish a sense of counter-espionage, and spies may be lurking around us

  National security is the foundation of national rejuvenation and an important cornerstone of national stability. The Counter-espionage Law of the People's Republic of China, which came into effect on July 1, 2023, actively responds to the new situations and new problems faced by the mainland's counter-espionage struggle, further enriches the "legal arsenal" of anti-infiltration, anti-subversion, and anti-theft of secrets, and is of far-reaching significance for improving the national security rule of law system.

  In the eyes of many people, counter-espionage seems to be just a plot in TV dramas and movies, how can ordinary people have spies around them? But in fact, spies may be lurking right around us. Judging from the counter-espionage cases disclosed in recent years, Zhang, who is engaged in foreign language translation work in a certain ministry and commission, has provided dozens of classified documents and materials related to the mainland's internal and foreign affairs to the other party in disregard of law and discipline for several years; A female engineer fell into the "beautiful man scheme" and pulled her husband to sell intelligence for 17 years; Zhao, who thought he had found a good job, was asked to take photos of warships moored in the harbor for maintenance...... Whether it is taking the initiative to steal secrets, selling secrets, becoming an accomplice of spies under coercion and inducement, or being targeted by spies in an inadvertent photo, all this shows that intelligence theft is pervasive, and counter-espionage must be especially vigilant.

Profit pulling, erotic seduction! The Ministry of State Security exposes the eco-espionage case

  ▲ Source: Photo by Calle Pictures Ning Ying

  Counter-espionage work is not a "one-man operation" of the state security departments, but is closely related to everyone and requires everyone's participation and shared responsibility. The newly revised Counter-espionage Law clearly stipulates that "individuals and organizations that report espionage acts or make major contributions to counter-espionage efforts will be commended and rewarded in accordance with relevant state provisions". As ordinary people, we must not only abide by discipline and law, not be an accomplice of spies, and not be used by people with bad intentions, but also be vigilant and keep our eyes open, and once we discover suspicious situations that endanger national security, we should promptly call the national security organ to accept the telephone number 12339 to report it. Firmly establishing a sense of counter-espionage will certainly be able to form a powerful joint force to safeguard national security.

  Source: Xiaokang Toutiao WeChat public account, Ministry of National Security, CCTV News, People's Daily Online-Opinion Channel

  Editor-in-charge: Zhou Jingtao

  Review: Wu Jinyang

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