
People are gone, who are you still doing these formalized things for? Netizens in the comment area are not calm


Title: People are gone, who are you still doing these formalized things for? Netizens in the comment area are not calm

People are gone, who are you still doing these formalized things for? Netizens in the comment area are not calm

Detonating topics: formalized hypocrisy and anger in the comment section

People are gone, who are you still doing these formalized things for? Netizens in the comment area are not calm

A social stage under the storm

People are gone, who are you still doing these formalized things for? Netizens in the comment area are not calm

When people walk around social networks, it is as if they are in the middle of a raging storm. Bizarre photographs, flashy propaganda, and formalized hypocrisy are everywhere. However, when these formalized things began to be made for whom, netizens in the comment area were not calm.

People are gone, who are you still doing these formalized things for? Netizens in the comment area are not calm

Illusion and Reality: Behind the Formalization

People are gone, who are you still doing these formalized things for? Netizens in the comment area are not calm

In this over-packaged society, we are shrouded in the illusion of formalization. The perfect photos on social media, the fancy decorations in the campaign, seem glamorous, but it is difficult to hide the falsehood and emptiness in them.

People are gone, who are you still doing these formalized things for? Netizens in the comment area are not calm

A real cry: anger in the comment section

People are gone, who are you still doing these formalized things for? Netizens in the comment area are not calm

Netizens in the comment area began to question: People are no longer there, who are they still doing these formalized things for? Their discontent with falsehood and hypocrisy quickly heated up in the comment section, forming a powerful opposition force.

People are gone, who are you still doing these formalized things for? Netizens in the comment area are not calm

The double-edged sword of social networks

People are gone, who are you still doing these formalized things for? Netizens in the comment area are not calm

The development of technology has opened the door to social networking, making it easier for people to communicate with each other. However, this was followed by a flood of formalization and falsehood, which made people begin to question the authenticity and meaning of social networks.

Looking to the future: Find an authentic social space

Perhaps, the anger of netizens in the comment section is a kind of call, calling for the arrival of a more authentic and sincere social network. A social platform that allows people to express themselves authentically, rather than being bound by formalities. In such a social space, people can regain trust and empathy, making social networking a healthier and more meaningful place.

The blend of technology and humanity

The integration of technology and human nature requires us to continue to explore and practice. On the stage of social networking, we need to constantly reflect and examine, so that technology can truly serve the development and progress of mankind, instead of becoming our shackles and fetters. Only in this way can we move towards a better future.

Personal opinion: In this era of information explosion, what we need more is truth and sincerity. I hope that the future of social networking will return to the roots of human nature, so that we can find true happiness and meaning in it. Only a social network built on a real basis can truly benefit mankind, let us live in harmony and create a better future together.