
More and more men are not getting married, not because they don't have money, and many men are speaking their minds.

author:Happy dragon fruit

Amid the hustle and bustle of the city, there is a thought-provoking phenomenon quietly spreading - more and more men are choosing not to get married. It's not that they lack material resources, but that they have hidden emotional considerations deep down. Today, let's step into the inner world of these men and explore the stories behind them.

More and more men are not getting married, not because they don't have money, and many men are speaking their minds.

The protagonist of the story is a young man named Lin Hao, who is a middle manager in a well-known company with an enviable income and position. However, although friends and colleagues around him have entered the palace of marriage, Lin Hao has always remained single. His friends often teased him: "Lin Hao, are you too ambitious?" There are so many good girls, why can't you look down on any of them? In this regard, Lin Hao always smiled and did not speak.

More and more men are not getting married, not because they don't have money, and many men are speaking their minds.

In fact, Lin Hao is not a high vision, but he has his own understanding and expectations for marriage deep down. He once had a chance conversation with an elder who told him, "Marriage is not only the union of two people, but also the union of two souls." It requires understanding, inclusiveness and joint efforts on both sides. This sentence deeply touched Lin Hao's heart, and he began to think about his true expectations for marriage.

More and more men are not getting married, not because they don't have money, and many men are speaking their minds.

Lin Hao's upbringing was not smooth. His parents divorced when he was very young, and he lived with his mother. Although his mother gave him endless love and care, his father's absence was always a scar in his heart. He longs to have a complete family, but is also afraid of repeating the mistakes of the past and falling into an unhappy marriage again.

More and more men are not getting married, not because they don't have money, and many men are speaking their minds.

Therefore, Lin Hao's attitude towards marriage has become extremely cautious. He is afraid that he will not be able to shoulder the responsibilities and obligations in marriage, and that he will hurt the other party because of his own mistakes. He starts trying to date different girls, but each time he breaks up for various reasons. He found it difficult to find someone with whom he had a heart and soul, and even harder to imagine spending his life with each other.

More and more men are not getting married, not because they don't have money, and many men are speaking their minds.

However, fate always seems to be full of surprises. At a friend's party, Lin Hao met a girl named Xiaoya. Xiaoya is gentle, kind, and empathetic, and her appearance made Lin Hao feel unprecedented heartbeat. They began to date frequently, chat, and share each other's lives and dreams. Lin Hao found that he had deep feelings for Xiaoya, and he began to look forward to entering the palace of marriage with her.

More and more men are not getting married, not because they don't have money, and many men are speaking their minds.

However, just as Lin Hao was about to confess to Xiaoya, he unexpectedly learned a shocking news - Xiaoya had experienced a failed marriage. This news made Lin Hao fall into a deep entanglement. He began to wonder if he had made the right choice and whether he should continue to pursue Xiaoya. He was afraid that his past would affect their future, and he was even more afraid that Xiaoya would be hurt because of his past.

More and more men are not getting married, not because they don't have money, and many men are speaking their minds.

In his inner struggle and hesitation, Lin Hao decided to be honest with Xiaoya. He told her about his concerns and worries, and also expressed his deep feelings for her. Xiao Ya didn't get angry or disappointed after hearing this, but comforted him gently: "Lin Hao, I know that your past has made you cautious and sensitive. But trust me, I'm not the one who will hurt you again. I am willing to face all the challenges and difficulties in the future with you. ”

More and more men are not getting married, not because they don't have money, and many men are speaking their minds.

Xiaoya's words moved Lin Hao. He realizes that he has been using the shadow of the past to bind himself, and Xiaoya's appearance makes him regain his expectations and confidence in marriage. They began to get to know each other better and plan their future together. In the depths of Lin Hao's heart, he understood a truth: marriage is not a constraint or responsibility, but a beautiful relationship that supports each other and grows together.

More and more men are not getting married, not because they don't have money, and many men are speaking their minds.

In the end, Lin Hao and Xiaoya walked into the palace of marriage hand in hand. Their wedding was simple and warm, full of love and blessings. Their stories have also spread throughout the city and have become a model for many young people to aspire to.

More and more men are not getting married, not because they don't have money, and many men are speaking their minds.

In this story, we see the reason why more and more men choose not to get married - they are not because of lack of material conditions or high vision, but because they have higher expectations and pursuits for marriage. They are eager to find someone with whom they can connect with their hearts and souls and walk through every stage of life together. This serious attitude towards marriage deserves to be learned and respected by each and every one of us.

More and more men are not getting married, not because they don't have money, and many men are speaking their minds.

However, the ending of the story surprises and surprises us. The story of Lin Hao and Xiaoya tells us that as long as we manage and maintain our marriage with our hearts, we can overcome all difficulties and challenges, and let the flowers of love and marriage bloom forever.

So, dear readers, have you ever chosen not to get married for various reasons? Maybe you have your own stories and experiences. But please believe that as long as we look for and cherish the person who is connected with our hearts, we will be able to have our own happiness and beauty. At the same time, we should also respect everyone's choices and decisions, and make love and marriage the most beautiful gifts in our lives.

Finally, let's look forward to a warm ending to every beautiful love story!

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