
At least two of Hawking's predictions are related to humanity, and 2020 is really a year of many disasters?


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The end of human civilization? Hawking's prophecy provoked deep thinking about the future around the world

At least two of Hawking's predictions are related to humanity, and 2020 is really a year of many disasters?

As we all know, Stephen Hawking is a world-renowned genius physicist, who not only has high achievements in the academic field, but is also a popular science writer. And a series of prophecies he made when he was alive have become one of the hot topics in today's society.

Among these predictions, Hawking made various inferences about the future of human civilization, the most notable of which are his predictions of global warming and the energy crisis. According to him, if humanity cannot effectively curb global warming, then there is a high probability that the Earth will become another Venus, when the surface temperature will reach 460°C, and the humans living on Earth will not be able to survive.

Such a prediction has undoubtedly brought a great impact on today's society, and has also caused more and more people to think deeply about global warming and energy issues. So, what led Hawking to make such a prediction? How should humanity respond to these challenges?

At least two of Hawking's predictions are related to humanity, and 2020 is really a year of many disasters?

1. Where did Hawking's prophecy come from?

To understand Stephen Hawking's prophecy in depth, we first need to understand the deeper meaning behind his prophecy. As we all know, Hawking's prediction of global warming and the energy crisis is mainly based on his deep understanding of science.

In Hawking's view, the series of environmental problems caused by global warming are actually a reflection of human behavior. And the crisis implicit in these problems is far from being as simple as people can imagine. If we do not reflect on and respond to these problems in a timely manner, it is very likely that the future of human civilization will face a devastating crisis.

Therefore, it can be said that the main reason why Hawking made such a prediction about global warming and energy crisis is that he hopes to arouse more people's attention to environmental issues in this way, so as to promote the development of human society in a more sustainable direction.

At least two of Hawking's predictions are related to humanity, and 2020 is really a year of many disasters?

2. Global warming has become one of the most pressing issues in today's society

In order to cope with Hawking's prediction, the most important thing is to fundamentally solve a series of environmental problems caused by global warming. In fact, global warming has become one of the most pressing issues in today's society, and the crisis it contains has begun to quietly manifest itself in all corners.

Recently, for example, there have been reports of historic high temperatures in Antarctica, and such high temperatures are also the direct impact of global warming. In addition, global warming may lead to a series of problems such as continuous sea level rise, frequent extreme weather events, and a sharp decline in biodiversity.

The impact of these problems is far beyond the environmental sphere, and may also involve all aspects of human society. If we fail to effectively address the problem of global warming, the challenges facing human society will be unprecedented.

At least two of Hawking's predictions are related to humanity, and 2020 is really a year of many disasters?

3. How should humanity respond to these challenges?

So, now that we know how serious the crisis is about global warming, how do we deal with the next set of challenges? In fact, it is not a simple matter to solve the root cause of global warming.

First of all, we need to realize that the series of environmental problems caused by global warming cannot be solved by a single country or region. On the contrary, it is only through cooperation and coordination on a global scale that it is possible to solve such problems at their roots.

Second, in order to better cope with global warming, countries need to carry out more in-depth cooperation and jointly formulate some effective environmental protection policies and measures to promote the green transformation of the global society from multiple aspects such as energy use, environmental protection, and sustainable development.

Of course, the actions of ordinary people in their daily lives will also have a direct impact on the problem of global warming. Therefore, people need to start from themselves, actively participate in various environmental protection activities, promote low-carbon life, and promote sustainable consumption, so as to contribute to the solution of global environmental problems.

At least two of Hawking's predictions are related to humanity, and 2020 is really a year of many disasters?


It can be said that Hawking's prediction has undoubtedly brought a profound warning to today's society. In order to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and fundamentally address the challenges posed by global warming and the energy crisis, everyone needs to be aware of their responsibilities and how they should act on them.

Only with the joint efforts of all mankind can we find effective ways to solve these problems and contribute to the sustainable development of human society.

At least two of Hawking's predictions are related to humanity, and 2020 is really a year of many disasters?
At least two of Hawking's predictions are related to humanity, and 2020 is really a year of many disasters?
At least two of Hawking's predictions are related to humanity, and 2020 is really a year of many disasters?

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