
Strength does not speak for itself, South Korea's high-profile is a signal, and the Taiwan issue can no longer be taken for granted


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Strength does not speak for itself, South Korea's high-profile is a signal, and the Taiwan issue can no longer be taken for granted
Strength does not speak for itself, South Korea's high-profile is a signal, and the Taiwan issue can no longer be taken for granted

Surprise visit to Taiwan! The visit to Taiwan by the vice speaker of the South Korean National Assembly sparked strong protests from China

Recently, an international incident has attracted widespread attention, that is, the surprise visit to Taiwan by the vice speaker of the South Korean National Assembly. According to reports, Kim So-ho, vice speaker of the South Korean National Assembly, led a delegation to Taipei on June 12 for a five-day visit. The visit was at the invitation of the Taiwan side to attend relevant events held during the World Health Assembly.

However, the visit triggered a strong protest from the Chinese Embassy in the ROK, saying that this act seriously violated the one-China principle and the political commitments of China and the ROK.

Against this background, South Korea's relations with China have been affected to a certain extent, and the Taiwan issue has once again become the focus of international public opinion. So, what is the deep meaning of this surprise visit? What impact will it have on the current international situation? Next, please follow the steps of the editor to take an in-depth interpretation of this international topic that has attracted much attention.

Strength does not speak for itself, South Korea's high-profile is a signal, and the Taiwan issue can no longer be taken for granted

1. Review of the incident: The visit to Taiwan by the Vice Speaker of the National Assembly of the Republic of Korea has triggered strong protests from China

In recent years, with the continuous changes in the international situation, exchanges and cooperation between countries have become more and more frequent, and the intricacies of international relations have always affected the interaction between countries. Against this backdrop, various international events have emerged one after another and have become the talk of the town.

The visit to Taiwan by the vice speaker of the South Korean National Assembly, which has attracted much attention, is one of them. It has been learned that Kim So-ho, vice speaker of the ROK National Assembly, led a delegation to visit Taiwan on 12 June, met with high-level officials of the Taiwan authorities, and attended relevant activities.

The visit was not overly fancy, given that there are no diplomatic relations between South Korea and Taiwan, and similar exchanges have taken place from time to time. However, unlike in the past, during this visit, the South Korean side did not inform China in advance, but chose to deal with it "in a low-key" manner.

In fact, this surprise visit soon aroused strong protests from the Chinese Embassy in South Korea, holding that the South Korean side's move seriously violated the one-China principle and the political commitments of China and South Korea.

In addition, the Chinese side also stressed that Taiwan is a part of China, and China resolutely opposes any form of official exchanges and military ties, and the Chinese side has lodged solemn representations and protests with the ROK side in this regard, demanding that the ROK immediately stop similar erroneous practices and not set any wrong precedents.

It can be said that the diplomatic turmoil caused by the visit to Taiwan by the vice speaker of the ROK National Assembly is not small, and China's strong opposition is also obvious. In this context, the relationship between South Korea and China is bound to be affected to a certain extent, and people can't help but wonder why South Korea is so "risky" and carries out this visit to Taiwan without authorization.

Strength does not speak for itself, South Korea's high-profile is a signal, and the Taiwan issue can no longer be taken for granted

2. Interpretation of the incident: South Korea began to play the "Taiwan card"?

As for South Korea's "bold" visit to Taiwan, the outside world's interpretation is naturally diverse, after all, the deep meaning behind an incident is not simple. Judging from the current situation, it is very likely that the visit of the vice speaker of the South Korean National Assembly is an attempt to release some "special signals" to the outside world on the occasion of the "World Health Assembly."

So, what kind of "special signal" is this? As a matter of fact, after careful analysis, it is not difficult to find that South Korea's current visit to Taiwan is not so much an "impulse" as it is more of a "tentative move" after careful consideration.

First of all, from South Korea's own point of view, the reason behind South Korea's "tentative move" is actually very obvious. In recent years, with the rising international status of China, the relationship between South Korea and China has become closer and closer, and there has been good cooperation in many fields.

At the same time, however, South Korea is well aware that its geopolitical environment is not peaceful, and changes in the surrounding situation may also have a certain impact on its own development. Therefore, South Korea needs to do a good job of "political maneuvering" between "China and the United States" and, to a certain extent, "look for some diplomatic activities" to protect its national interests.

It is very likely that this "visit to Taiwan" is a kind of diplomatic activity that South Korea is "tentatively" looking for against this background. Through such actions, South Korea intends to send a "signal" to the outside world, that is, South Korea has begun to "play the 'Taiwan card'" and hopes to seek some "diplomatic support" in this way.

Second, if we look at the Taiwan side, we will find that the Taiwan authorities, which have always regarded the ROK as a "competitor," are also "full of joy" and have warmly welcomed this visit.

This also confirms from the side that in the big chess game of international relations, the positions and choices of various countries may be "flexible", and South Korea's "tentative move" may also seize this point.

Strength does not speak for itself, South Korea's high-profile is a signal, and the Taiwan issue can no longer be taken for granted

III. In-depth Thinking on Events: What Are the Differences in the Strategic Objectives of China and the United States on the Taiwan Strait Issue?

Judging from the current international situation, both the ROK's "tentative move" and Taiwan's "enthusiastic response" have fully demonstrated one point, that is, the current international political landscape is undergoing profound changes, and the positions and choices of various countries in this are becoming more and more colorful.

Against such a backdrop, both the "game" between China and the United States and the "diplomatic activities" of neighboring countries may be affected to a certain extent, and this aspect of the "Taiwan Strait issue" is naturally no exception.

As a matter of fact, the positions and choices of China and the United States on the Taiwan Strait issue are different from the strategic objectives behind them. From China's point of view, China has always advocated "peaceful reunification" and hopes to eventually realize the great cause of "reunification of the motherland" through peaceful means.

In this process, China is pursuing a "peaceful and stable" regional environment, and hopes that other countries can "understand and support" China's position and efforts.

However, unlike China's position, the United States has been constantly "stirring up incidents" and has repeatedly expressed its so-called "support for Taiwan" position on the Taiwan issue, and even put forward the so-called "six guarantees" to openly advocate the "Ukrainization of the Taiwan region."

It can be said that what the United States has done on the Taiwan Strait issue is entirely from the angle of "very sinister intentions," and such "provocative acts" have also brought great impacts and hidden dangers to regional peace and stability.

Strength does not speak for itself, South Korea's high-profile is a signal, and the Taiwan issue can no longer be taken for granted

Fourth, the enlightenment of the incident: China needs to consider its strategic initiative more comprehensively

In the face of such a complex international situation, as well as various "games" and "provocations" between China and the United States, China needs to be more soberly aware that the current international landscape is not so "peaceful and peaceful", and various "risks and challenges" may arise at any time.

Against this backdrop, China needs to consider the meaning of "strategic initiative" more comprehensively. First of all, it is necessary to have sufficient "strategic determination", clearly understand where one's own development path and national interests lie, and not be subject to external interference and "temptation."

Second, we must have the awareness of "strong strength to open up the gap", and only by maintaining a "leading" position in "comprehensive national strength" and "core competitiveness" can we better protect our national interests and have more "right to speak" and "influence".

Finally, it is also necessary to have the ability to "seize the initiative", effectively respond to various "external challenges" through flexible and diverse diplomatic means and "soft power" resources, and play a more active role in "international rule-making" and "management of international affairs".

Through this incident of a surprise visit to Taiwan, it can be seen that the current international situation is indeed "turbulent," with various "games" and "challenges" emerging one after another, and the external environment facing China is not very "friendly."

Therefore, on the road of future development, China needs to be more aware of the changes in the external environment, and also need to have stronger strategic determination" and "change ability", maintain "high vigilance" in the face of various risks and challenges, and be able to make "wise responses".

At the same time, China also needs to participate more actively in various international affairs and international cooperation, and make greater contributions to world peace and development through its own "constructive efforts".

It is hoped that in the near future, we will see an increase in mutual understanding and trust among all countries, an effective solution to various "hot issues," and a truly "era of peace and stability."

Strength does not speak for itself, South Korea's high-profile is a signal, and the Taiwan issue can no longer be taken for granted
Strength does not speak for itself, South Korea's high-profile is a signal, and the Taiwan issue can no longer be taken for granted

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