
The happiest family structure today: an only child marries an only daughter, and both parents work within the system

author:Reasonable family affairs

Shenzhen, a city at the forefront of reform and opening up, has never lacked glamorous stories. In such a corner of the city, Li Wei and Zhang Yun, like many ordinary white-collar workers, bloom with extraordinary brilliance in their ordinary lives.

Li Wei, known as Section Chief Li, is full of official documents in the glass room of a state-owned enterprise, and the setting sun is reflected on his serious side face through the window. Outside of work, his biggest hobby is waking up to the sun on weekend mornings and going for a run in a nearby park. And on the other side of the city, Zhang Yun, the bank's relationship manager, switches between busy numbers and kind smiles every day. In her spare time, she always likes to go to art exhibitions, looking for the delicacy and touching of life.

The two met thanks to a spring rain and an umbrella forgotten in a café. "This umbrella, isn't it yours?" Li Wei asked, Zhang Yun was stunned for a moment, and then smiled, "Yes, I didn't expect to see it again." ”

The happiest family structure today: an only child marries an only daughter, and both parents work within the system

Later, the love affair was like being fast-forwarded. The acquaintance and love of the two only children have received strong support from both parents. Li's father is a teacher, and he always likes to annotate a few notes on the newspaper he reads in the morning; Zhang's father was in a government unit, and he was cautious all his life, but he was happy with new things. Li's mother works in the hospital, and she is also busy and gentle; Zhang's mother is in a public institution, and everything is in order.

"Wei'er, you and Xiao Yun think more about your feelings, your parents support you." Li Wei's father always had a gentle face when he told him.

"Mom, I know it's not easy, but I think he's the right person." When Ms. Zhang chatted with her mother on a Sunday afternoon, her tone was full of certainty.

Both parents also began to communicate frequently. "Teacher Li, the children are like this, do we also have to help each other and communicate more?" Zhang Yun's father proposed.

The happiest family structure today: an only child marries an only daughter, and both parents work within the system

"That's right, Lao Zhang, the two children are busy, fortunately, we can support them." Li Wei's mother replied while making tea.

The love of young people was soon upgraded - marriage. The two decided to get married and live up to their time. Their parents were overjoyed by the marriage.

"Yunyun, marry me, we will have the best future." Li Wei proposed to Zhang Yun in the quiet moonlight.

"Fool, I do." Zhang Yun said with a smile.

The happiest family structure today: an only child marries an only daughter, and both parents work within the system

So, they began to prepare for the marriage, and the small things of the family became the focus of discussion between the two families. Whether it is choosing a wedding dress or setting a wedding candy, there is a busy and happy atmosphere everywhere.

"Dad, Mom, what do you think of this wedding dress?" Zhang Yun took her parents to visit.

"Xiaowei, is there anything missing from this recipe?" Li Wei is discussing the details of the wedding banquet with his father.

In this way, in the busy, they built their own little world. But they all know that this happiness also hides the challenges that may arise in the future, and all of this will unfold in married life. Marriage is a poem of family life, but when it is paired with two families, the poem has a more complex rhyme. After Li Wei and Zhang Yun's sweet honeymoon period, the two face the practical problem of how to take care of the family. And on this issue, the parents of both sides put forward different opinions.

The happiest family structure today: an only child marries an only daughter, and both parents work within the system

"Weier, you have to think about the future when buying a house, I think the newly opened community is good, the environment is good, and it is close to the city center." Li Wei's mother earnestly made suggestions at the family dinner on Sunday.

But Zhang Yun's parents have other considerations, "The house is for living, it's comfortable, there is no need to be so expensive, our old community here is very good and affordable." ”

The two young people were caught in the opinion of their parents, and some had no choice. They also have their own ideas in private, but both parents clearly want to give advice to their children.

The parents of both sides even disagreed on the parenting style of their grandchildren. As a medical worker, Li's mother has her unique opinion, "Children's immune systems are not perfect, and the home should be disinfected regularly, and the diet should be organic. ”

The happiest family structure today: an only child marries an only daughter, and both parents work within the system

Zhang's mother felt that being too strict was not conducive to the growth of children, "When I was a child, I had more contact with the natural environment and ate some soil to grow antibodies, so that I could be healthy." ”

Faced with such a situation, Li Wei and Zhang Yun had to start countless small-scale talks, "Li Wei, we have to be assertive, and we can't always listen to our parents." Zhang Yun discussed with Li Wei in a low voice in the living room.

Li Wei nodded, "I know, but they are for our good, we have to find a compromise." ”

In such an atmosphere, a family meeting began again, and Li Wei's father said: "Everyone is good for the child, it is better for everyone to give way." ”

The happiest family structure today: an only child marries an only daughter, and both parents work within the system

Zhang Yun's mother also responded gently: "Yes, we are willing to take a step back and let the children decide for themselves." ”

However, the actual operation did not go as smoothly as expected. Parents will still inadvertently express their ideas, such as how much they invest in their children's education and even debate over the choice of kindergarten.

"I took a look, this international kindergarten is very good, and it is best for our grandchildren to go." Mother Li proposed at a meal.

"Mom, education is important, but there is no need to put so much pressure on children so early." Li Wei said disagreeably.

The happiest family structure today: an only child marries an only daughter, and both parents work within the system

"Indeed, Xiao Li, how could we have these things when we were children, haven't we grown up." Zhang's father continued.

In this series of arguments and collisions, Li Wei and Zhang Yun learned how to balance the opinions of their parents, and tried to find a way to satisfy their parents and adapt to their own family needs.

During this time, the two gradually learned to be honest with their parents and discuss the future of their family and children. With more communication and understanding, the generation gap and conceptual conflict between family members have gradually weakened, and the helm of the family has gradually moved towards harmony. The family is a welcoming harbor, but when a new life is about to arrive, this harbor can also make waves. The news blew gently like a morning breeze that Zhang Yun was pregnant. When Li Wei's mother overheard the news at a weekend party, she was smiling, but a little stunned.

"Really? I'm going to be a grandmother? She asked nervously and excitedly.

The happiest family structure today: an only child marries an only daughter, and both parents work within the system

"Mom, it's true, we're going to have new family members." Li Wei held Zhang Yun's hand and replied gently.

Zhang Yun rubbed her stomach and said softly, "I hope we can give our children a warm home." ”

The waves in Li Wei's mother's heart couldn't help but ripple, and all the previous stubbornness and disputes seemed to be less important in an instant. She began to reflect on how to provide a more harmonious family environment for her newborns.

"My grandson is coming, and we have to think about him." Li Wei's father also began to adjust his position, and they decided to invite Zhang Yun's parents to have a sincere conversation.

The happiest family structure today: an only child marries an only daughter, and both parents work within the system

"Lao Zhang, Lao Wang, as the grandparents of our future grandchildren, do we have to put aside our prejudices and strive for cooperation?" Father Li proposed it at the meeting.

"Teacher Li is right, we should join forces to prepare for the arrival of the children." Father Zhang nodded in agreement.

At the meeting, the parents of both sides put aside the previous arguments one by one and began to focus on how to create a healthy and happy growth environment for their children. "On the issue of parenting, I think everyone has a consensus." Mother Zhang said with a smile.

"Yes, let it pass, after all, home and everything is prosperous!" Mother Li also agreed.

The happiest family structure today: an only child marries an only daughter, and both parents work within the system

This calm exchange not only dissolves the haze but also lights up hope, although there are still many unknowns in the future, but at least at this moment, home is the warm answer in everyone's heart.

"Mom, I think we should listen more to the thoughts of the little couple." Zhang Yun's mother proposed softly at the dinner table.

"You're right, we will." Li Wei's mother nodded slightly.

Subsequently, Li Wei and Zhang Yun also expressed their opinions: "In fact, we advocate natural parenting, more contact with nature, and less unnecessary intervention. ”

The happiest family structure today: an only child marries an only daughter, and both parents work within the system

Hearing the thoughts of young people, the older generation understands in their hearts that finding a balance between respect and help is the most important thing. As a result, the contradiction of intergenerational family affection has been alleviated at this important juncture. The air is filled with the joy and anticipation of the new life that is coming. Every member of the family, in their own way, is preparing to welcome this little new member. The moonlight is like a wash, caressing the joy of the family preparing for a new life. Family meetings are like a process of constant running-in, and finally after all the dust has settled, the essence of harmony is revealed. The child's room is carefully decorated, and in the eyes full of love and expectation, there are not only Li Wei and Zhang Yun, who are about to become parents, but also the tenderness and perseverance of the four prospective grandparents.

"We decided, the baby is in this room, there are trees outside the window, and the sun is just right." Li Wei said as he showed his family on the terrace.

"It's a warm color, I like it." Zhang Yun smiled and nodded.

"Look at the child's things, we are almost ready, just wait for him to be born." Mother Li told everyone excitedly.

The happiest family structure today: an only child marries an only daughter, and both parents work within the system

"Yes, we've already agreed to take turns to help, don't be too tired of the young people." Zhang's father also joined the discussion.

All this is arranged not only for the material conditions of the family, but more importantly, for emotional care. Both parents began to respect the ideas and choices of the young couple more, no longer as a one-sided guide, but as a kind of warm companionship and guidance.

Finally, the long-awaited day arrived. In the hospital, the miracle of life was staged, and Zhang Yun gave birth to a healthy baby safely accompanied by Li Wei. The arrival of the child warmed every heart like a spring breeze.

"Baby, welcome to this world, you see how cute he is." Li Wei gently hugged the child to his chest.

The happiest family structure today: an only child marries an only daughter, and both parents work within the system

"What an angel." Zhang Yun had tears in her eyes, and her heart was full of gratitude and joy.

"The patriarch of our family is here." Mother Li blinked her moist eyes and laughed softly.

"Look at his little fingers, he will definitely be able to become a big tool." Father Zhang said proudly.

That night, Starlight outside the hospital seemed to be applauding the new addition to the family. After a series of family meetings and communication, an open mind and inclusive love have allowed this big family to find the key to cooperation and harmony, and the child is born in such a family, destined to be a sea of stars.

The happiest family structure today: an only child marries an only daughter, and both parents work within the system

Li Wei and Zhang Yun also understand that this is not just the end, but a new beginning. The joy of the baby's birth makes them even more convinced that love can overcome everything. For the sake of the baby, everyone can temporarily let go of themselves and unite as one.

At this warm moment, Li Wei asked Zhang Yun softly: "You say, isn't this the happiest family in our minds?" ”

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