
A generation of grandmasters - Huo Yuanjia

author:Brother Hang'er story

A generation of grandmasters - Huo Yuanjia

In the long history of Chinese martial arts, there is a figure who has become a generation of grandmasters admired by future generations with his outstanding martial arts, noble character and far-reaching influence, he is the famous patriotic martial artist Huo Yuanjia in the late Qing Dynasty.

Huo Yuanjia (January 18, 1868 - September 14, 1910), known as Junqing, was born in Jinghai County, Tianjin (now Jingwu Town, Xiqing District), and his ancestral home was Anletun, Dongguang County, Cangzhou City, Hebei Province. Born into a family of dart masters, he has had a keen interest in martial arts since he was a child. However, due to his frail childhood, his father Huo Endi once opposed his martial arts practice, fearing that he would damage the reputation of the Huo family in the future. But Huo Yuanjia had lofty ambitions, and when he was passing on his father to his brothers, he practiced hard in the secluded jujube forest outside the house. In the end, because of his talent and perseverance, he made great progress in his skills and stood out among his brothers.

A generation of grandmasters - Huo Yuanjia

Huo Yuanjia's martial arts road was not all smooth sailing. In his early years, he was opposed and thwarted by his family, but with his strong belief and unremitting efforts, he gradually made a name for himself in the martial arts world. He fused the strengths of various families and developed the ancestral "Secret Sect Boxing" into the "Lost Trace Art", which brought the ancestral boxing art to a new peak. In the autumn of 1890, Huo Yuanjia defeated a martial artist who came to the door to compete, and since then he has become famous.

Huo Yuanjia is not only strong in martial arts, but also has noble morals. He was chivalrous and righteous, helping the needy, and was deeply respected and loved by the people. In the Tianjin area, he gradually established his prestige and status. He worked as a steward at Foot Walk (an organization where bullies exploited porters) and later worked at the Huaiqing Pharmacy outside the North Gate of Tianjin. While working in the pharmacy, he was able to stir up thousands of catties of medicinal herbs and push two large bluestone stones, and people gave him a nickname: "Huo Hercules".

In 1901, the Russian Hercules Skovanlov came to perform in the Tianjin Theater and claimed that "he was invincible in China". After Huo Yuanjia learned of this, he resolutely decided to challenge this Russian strongman. Before the competition, Sqifanlov privately learned that Huo Yuanjia was strong in martial arts and decided to compromise. On the day of the agreed competition, Skovanlov begged for mercy, and finally admitted his mistake and left Tianjin. This incident not only demonstrated Huo Yuanjia's martial arts, but also showed his spirit of not being afraid of power and daring to challenge.

A generation of grandmasters - Huo Yuanjia

In 1909, the British Hercules Obiyin set up a ring in Shanghai and ridiculed the Chinese as the "sick man of East Asia". In the face of this provocation, Huo Yuanjia stepped forward and accepted the challenge. In the competition, he successfully defeated Obiyin with his superb martial arts and extraordinary courage. This victory not only won honor for the Chinese martial arts community, but also inspired the national pride and self-confidence of the Chinese people.

Huo Yuanjia's success is not accidental. He knows that the essence of martial arts is to strengthen the body and defend the country. Therefore, while teaching martial arts, he also paid attention to cultivating the moral character and patriotic feelings of his disciples. He founded the Jingwu Sports Association, cultivated a large number of martial arts talents, and made outstanding contributions to strengthening the national physique and inheriting the martial arts culture. Mr. Sun Yat-sen spoke highly of Huo Yuanjia's courage in "protecting the country and strengthening the species with force".

However, Huo Yuanjia's life was not only brilliant and successful. While in Shanghai, he was framed and poisoned by the Japanese, and eventually died young. But his spirit and deeds are forever engraved in people's hearts. His life is the best interpretation of the spirit of martial arts, and it is also the best embodiment of the national spirit.

A generation of grandmasters - Huo Yuanjia

Looking back on Huo Yuanjia's life, we can see the qualities and demeanor of a true grandmaster. He is strong in martial arts, noble in character, patriotic and daring to challenge. He practiced the spirit of martial arts with his actions and set an eternal example for us. In today's era, we still need a grandmaster like Huo Yuanjia to lead us forward. Let us remember the deeds and spirit of this generation of grandmasters, and work hard to realize the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation!


A generation of grandmasters - Huo Yuanjia