
Xuan Jing, vice president of Baidu, has worked in Xinhua News Agency and Huawei, and her personal background is not ordinary

author:Attentive Courtney 7e1

Quiet Event: Reflection on the Construction of Corporate Culture

In this era of efficiency, we often overlook the importance of human care. The Jingjing incident once again triggered people's reflection on the construction of corporate culture. An excellent enterprise manager not only needs professional ability, but also humanistic quality and empathy, and respects the personal dignity of every employee.

A quiet career

After graduating from Beijing Foreign Language University and Chinese University, she worked as a reporter for Xinhua News Agency before joining Huawei as Vice President of Public and Government Affairs and Head of China Media Affairs. In 2021, she joined Baidu as Vice President of Group Public Communications. From journalist to tech PR, Jing Jing's career can be described as a high-flying one, with an illustrious resume.

Xuan Jing, vice president of Baidu, has worked in Xinhua News Agency and Huawei, and her personal background is not ordinary

Xuan Jing recently posted a series of controversial remarks on her personal social media account, such as "I approve the employee for breaking up and resigning in seconds", "The public relations person has no holiday on the Spring Festival weekend", "I am not her mother-in-law", etc., which were accused of lack of humanity and ruthlessness. These remarks sparked strong dissatisfaction and public outrage among netizens, and also clearly conflicted with the corporate culture of Baidu, the company where she worked.

The importance of corporate culture

Corporate culture is the core values and code of conduct of an organization, which affects the development direction of the enterprise and the work attitude of employees. A positive corporate culture not only improves employee enthusiasm and efficiency, but also helps attract and retain top talent.

Xuan Jing, vice president of Baidu, has worked in Xinhua News Agency and Huawei, and her personal background is not ordinary

On the contrary, if there are problems in the corporate culture, such as excessive pursuit of profits, neglect of employees' rights and interests, lack of humanistic care, etc., it will seriously affect the long-term development of the enterprise. Employees can feel exploited and neglected, losing motivation to work or even choosing to leave. This not only results in a brain drain, but also damages the reputation and image of the business.

Build a people-oriented corporate culture

To build a positive corporate culture, you first need to establish the right values and treat employees as the most valuable resource of the company, rather than simply a factor of production. Companies should respect the human dignity of every employee and pay attention to their physical and mental health and work-life balance.

Xuan Jing, vice president of Baidu, has worked in Xinhua News Agency and Huawei, and her personal background is not ordinary

Enterprises should create an atmosphere of tolerance, respect and care, encourage communication and exchanges among employees, and establish good interpersonal relationships. Managers should lead by example, treat employees with empathy, listen to their voices, and solve their difficulties and needs.

Enterprises should provide employees with ample development space and opportunities to enable them to realize their potential and talents. It is also necessary to pay attention to the career planning of employees, provide them with necessary training and guidance, and help them realize their self-worth.

A win-win situation for enterprises and employees

Building a humanistic corporate culture is not only conducive to the physical and mental health and work enthusiasm of employees, but also conducive to the long-term development of the enterprise. A dynamic and creative team will surely bring a competitive advantage to the enterprise.

Xuan Jing, vice president of Baidu, has worked in Xinhua News Agency and Huawei, and her personal background is not ordinary

On the contrary, if enterprises only focus on short-term interests and ignore the rights and needs of employees, they will pay a heavy price. Employee turnover not only results in a brain drain, but also affects the operational efficiency and reputation of the business. The relationship between enterprises and employees should be win-win, and only mutual respect and care can achieve long-term sustainable development.

Xuan Jing, vice president of Baidu, has worked in Xinhua News Agency and Huawei, and her personal background is not ordinary

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