
has been a junior for 30 years and has not been in the position, and she wants to pay for the loss of youth, and she was scared when she said something

author:Simple lark S6

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has been a junior for 30 years and has not been in the position, and she wants to pay for the loss of youth, and she was scared when she said something

My name is Li Lin, I am 40 years old, and I am an ordinary housewife. I was born in an ordinary family in a small city, my parents were workers, and I had an older brother at home. Since I was a child, I was instilled with the idea of being hardworking and hardworking, because my family was not wealthy, and my parents always wanted me to live a good life.

When I was eighteen years old, I married my first boyfriend, Wang Hao. At that time, we were both young and full of longing to enter the palace of marriage. In the beginning, we didn't have a very good life, and we were struggling to make ends meet, but we loved each other and felt that none of this mattered. Wang Hao is an ordinary office worker, and I work as a clerk in a small company, although the life is ordinary, we feel very happy.

However, happiness doesn't last forever, and our marriage is slowly deteriorating. Time passed, and I began to notice changes in Wang Hao. He is getting busier and busier, and he has less and less time to go home. When I asked him, he was always hesitant and wouldn't say anything. It wasn't until one day that I stumbled upon a message on his phone that I learned he was having an affair.

It was an ordinary weekend night, and I was preparing to cook a sumptuous dinner for Wang Hao. He suddenly received a phone call, looked a little flustered, and left the house in a hurry. I didn't think much of it at first, thinking he was doing something temporary. However, while I was sorting out his clothes, I accidentally dropped his phone on the ground. The phone screen lit up with a message from an unfamiliar number: "Honey, I'm waiting for you." ”

My heart sank to the bottom. I couldn't believe it, but again I had to face it. I sat on the couch waddling with a mess in my mind. I remembered the past, the vows we had made, the laughter and tears we had experienced together. I don't know why he did such a thing, I feel betrayed.

Just when I was in despair, Wang Hao came back. He saw my pale face and seemed to realize his mistake. He tried to explain, but I didn't have the strength to listen to his excuses. The contradictions between us erupted all at once.

"Linlin, you have to believe me, I didn't do anything to be sorry for you!" Wang Hao said anxiously.

"It's useless what you say, I've seen it." I interrupted him coldly, "Do you think I'm too old and want to find a younger one?" ”

"No, Linlin, you have to believe me!" Wang Hao's voice was full of anxiety and helplessness.

"Trust you? Do you think I'm a fool? I stood up, tears rolling in my eyes, "What is the relationship between us?" Can you abandon our years of marriage for the sake of a junior? ”

"Linlin, I was wrong, I knew I was wrong." Wang Hao knelt in front of me and grabbed my hand, "Don't leave me, I beg you." ”

I pushed him away, tears streaming silently, my heart full of helplessness and pain. I don't know what to do, I don't know if our marriage will ever be salvageable. My youth, my dedication, was it just abandoned?

Wang Hao's plea did not change the doubts and pain in my heart. I needed time to calm down and think, so I chose to leave. I told him I needed some time alone to sort out my emotions.

has been a junior for 30 years and has not been in the position, and she wants to pay for the loss of youth, and she was scared when she said something

I came to a mountain hut in my hometown, which I used to visit when I was a child, and I wanted to find some peace and answers here. The environment is very peaceful, surrounded by dense woods and clear streams, and the smell of earth and grass fills the air, as if to wash away my irritability and restlessness.

I closed my eyes and sat quietly in the courtyard of the hut, listening to the chirping of birds and the sound of the wind blowing through the leaves. I think back to the bits and pieces between us, reminiscing about the happiness and joy we once had. However, whenever I think of his cheating, the pain in my heart is like a sharp knife, stabbing every inch of my skin.

I didn't know what to do, and I felt like I was in a situation where I couldn't help myself. I don't know if our marriage will ever be salvageable, and I don't know if I'll ever be able to forgive him. I need time to think calmly, I need to find my own answers.

During my time here, I began to re-examine my life. I remembered my dreams and ideals, and I remembered my hopeful self when I was young. I realized that even if our marriage was irretrievable, I could not allow myself to sink into pain and despair. I needed to pick myself up again and regain my courage and self-confidence.

During this time, I re-examined my life and values. I began to reimagine my future and no longer pin all my hopes on marriage. I decided that I wanted to regain my independence and self-confidence and pursue the life I wanted.

While I was thinking, Wang Hao was also constantly sending me messages to express his apologies and guilt. He promised to change himself and be a good husband again. However, I know that all this is not easy, and the problems between us are not just because of his infidelity, but because there are problems in communication and understanding between us.

I knew I needed to talk to him and talk to him about what I was thinking and feeling. I hope we can be honest with each other, re-examine our relationship, and find a solution to the problem.

Soon after, I decided to go back to the city and have a good talk with Wang Hao. I know that the problems between us are not unsolvable, and that as long as we are willing to be honest with each other and re-examine our relationship, everything will change.

When I returned home, I saw Wang Hao's anxious eyes, and when he saw me, his eyes were full of hope and expectation. We sat staring at each other, neither of us speaking. At this moment, I felt as if the distance between us had become even more distant, and I wondered if we would ever be able to get back together.

"Linlin, I know I was wrong, and I am willing to bear all the consequences for my mistakes." Wang Hao finally spoke, "I don't want to lose you, you are the most important person in my life." ”

Hearing his words, I felt a trace of warmth, but at the same time I also felt a trace of helplessness. I know he loves me, but the problem between us is not a momentary emotional problem, but a deep-rooted one. I don't know if we'll ever be able to get back together, I need time to think calmly.

"Wang Hao, I need time to think about our relationship." I took a deep breath and tried to keep myself calm, "I hope you'll be able to think about our problems and see if we can still get together." ”

has been a junior for 30 years and has not been in the position, and she wants to pay for the loss of youth, and she was scared when she said something

Wang Hao listened to my words, was silent for a while, and then nodded, "Okay, I'll think about it." ”

Although the conversation between us was brief, it was full of helplessness and heaviness. I know that the problem between us is not a temporary emotional problem, but a deep-rooted problem. I need time to think calmly, I need to find my own answers.

After a few days, I finally decided to sit down with Wang Hao and have a good talk. We chose a weekend afternoon to sit down in the living room of our home, ready to face each other's problems.

I looked at Wang Hao, he looked a little nervous, and his eyes revealed anxiety and uneasiness. I know he's worried about our relationship as well, and he wants us to be able to get back together.

"Linlin, I know I'm sorry for you, and I'm willing to bear all the consequences for my mistakes." Wang Hao spoke, his voice was full of sincerity and apology, "I don't want to lose you, you are the most important person in my life." ”

I was silent for a while, my heart full of contradictions and helplessness. I know he loves me, but the problem between us is not a momentary emotional problem, but a deep-rooted one. I don't know if we'll ever be able to get back together, I need time to think calmly.

"Wang Hao, I know you love me, but the problem between us is not a temporary emotional problem, but a deep-rooted problem." "I need time to think calmly, I need to find my own answers." ”

Wang Hao listened to my words, was silent for a while, and then spoke again, "Linlin, I know that the problem between us is not easy to solve, but I am willing to work hard for our relationship. I will change myself and be a good husband again. ”

I looked him in the eye and felt his sincerity and determination. I know he loves me, but I also know that the problem between us is not a temporary emotional problem, but a deep-rooted problem. I don't know if we'll ever be able to get back together, but I'm willing to give our relationship a chance.

"Wang Hao, the problem between us is not a temporary emotional problem, but a deep-rooted problem." "But I'm willing to give our relationship a chance to see if we can get back together." ”

Wang Hao listened to my words and showed a smile of hope, "Thank you, Linlin, I will work hard." ”

Although the conversation between us was brief, it was full of helplessness and heaviness. I know that the problem between us is not a momentary emotional problem, but a deep-rooted problem. But I'm willing to give our relationship a chance to see if we can still get back together.

has been a junior for 30 years and has not been in the position, and she wants to pay for the loss of youth, and she was scared when she said something

In the days that followed, Wang Hao and I worked hard to adjust our lives and relationships. Our communication has become smoother and our understanding of each other has become deeper. I feel that the distance between us is slowly narrowing, and our relationship is slowly improving.

During this time, I also re-examined my life and values. I realized that even if our marriage was irretrievable, I could not allow myself to sink into pain and despair. I started to regain my independence and self-confidence to pursue the life I wanted.

Slowly, I found myself becoming stronger and more confident. I stopped pinning all my hopes on marriage and started paying attention to my heart and feelings. I rediscovered my dreams and ideals and started working hard to pursue the life I wanted.

During this time, I also re-examined the relationship between myself and Wang Hao. I began to cherish our relationship more and worked hard to manage and maintain our relationship. I no longer give up easily, but try to save our relationship.

Slowly, the relationship between me and Wang Hao became stronger and stronger. Our trust and understanding of each other has also deepened. I feel that I have grown and gained in this relationship, and I am willing to go on with Wang Hao and face the challenges of the future together.

After a period of adjustment and hard work, the relationship between me and Wang Hao finally started to get back on track. Our communication has become smoother and our understanding of each other has become deeper. I feel that the distance between us is slowly narrowing, and our relationship is slowly improving.

One weekend afternoon, Wang Hao and I went for a walk in the park. The sun is shining, the breeze is blowing, and the whole world looks extraordinarily beautiful. We held hands and strolled through the park, filled with warmth and happiness for each other.

"Linlin, you know what, I really appreciate you." Wang Hao held my hand tightly, his eyes were full of gratitude and love, "It was you who gave me the courage to start again, and it was you who made me rediscover the direction of my life." ”

I listened to his words, and my heart was filled with sweetness and emotion. I knew he meant it, and I felt that he valued and valued our relationship. I am willing to walk with him and face the challenges of the future together.

"Wang Hao, the relationship between us needs each other's efforts and cherishment." I said softly, "I am willing to work with you to manage our marriage together." ”

Wang Hao listened to my words and showed a bright smile, "Thank you, Linlin, I will always cherish the relationship between us and work hard to manage our marriage." ”

The conversation between us was full of sweetness and happiness, and the feelings between us became deeper and stronger. I know that the relationship between us will go through this storm and become stronger and more stable.

has been a junior for 30 years and has not been in the position, and she wants to pay for the loss of youth, and she was scared when she said something

In the following days, Wang Hao and I worked hard to manage our marriage. Our trust and understanding of each other has also deepened, and we have faced the challenges and difficulties of life together.

Slowly, I found myself becoming more mature and confident. I stopped pinning all my hopes on marriage and started paying attention to my heart and feelings. I realized that I could only be truly happy and happy when I found my independence and self-confidence.

During this time, I also re-examined the relationship between myself and Wang Hao. I began to cherish our relationship more and worked hard to manage and maintain our relationship. I no longer give up easily, but try to save our relationship.

Slowly, the relationship between me and Wang Hao became stronger and stronger. Our trust and understanding of each other has also deepened. I feel that I have grown and gained in this relationship, and I am willing to go on with Wang Hao and face the challenges of the future together.

Our marriage gradually returned to its former harmony and happiness. Every morning, we get up together and prepare breakfast together. Wang Hao would hug me behind my back and whisper, "Linlin, I love you." I would also turn around, look at him affectionately, and say, "I love you too." ”

We regained our mutual understanding and warmth. Every weekend, we go for a walk in the park together or watch a movie together at home. We enjoyed each other's company and enjoyed this wonderful time.

One night, Wang Hao and I were sitting on the sofa watching TV. Suddenly, I remembered a question and asked, "Wang Hao, what do you think is the most important thing between us?" ”

Wang Hao paused, thinking about how to answer this question. In the end, he said seriously: "I think the most important thing between us is trust and understanding. Only when we trust and understand each other can our relationships be stronger and stronger. ”

I nodded, agreeing with him. "Yes, trust and understanding are the cornerstones of our relationship." "Only when we trust and understand each other can our relationship go further." ”

The conversation between us was full of warmth and understanding, and the feelings between each other became deeper and stronger. I know that the relationship between us will go through this storm and become stronger and more stable.

In the following days, Wang Hao and I worked hard to manage our marriage. Our trust and understanding of each other has also deepened, and we have faced the challenges and difficulties of life together.

Slowly, I found myself becoming more mature and confident. I stopped pinning all my hopes on marriage and started paying attention to my heart and feelings. I realized that I could only be truly happy and happy when I found my independence and self-confidence.

has been a junior for 30 years and has not been in the position, and she wants to pay for the loss of youth, and she was scared when she said something

During this time, I also re-examined the relationship between myself and Wang Hao. I began to cherish our relationship more and worked hard to manage and maintain our relationship. I no longer give up easily, but try to save our relationship.

Slowly, the relationship between me and Wang Hao became stronger and stronger. Our trust and understanding of each other has also deepened. I feel that I have grown and gained in this relationship, and I am willing to go on with Wang Hao and face the challenges of the future together.

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