
Shang Wenjie bravely revealed herself: the true inner secrets of depression, anxiety and bipolar disorder

author:Come on Leonardo da Vinci

Recently, the high-profile actress Shang Wenjie bravely revealed her long-term psychological dilemma in a variety show. She unabashedly admits that she not only suffers from severe depression, but also suffers from anxiety and bipolar disorder.

Shang Wenjie bravely revealed herself: the true inner secrets of depression, anxiety and bipolar disorder

In the show, Shang Wenjie had an in-depth conversation with the host Cai Shiyun. She unreservedly reveals the little-known secrets of her heart. Shang Wenjie candidly said that in the past ten years, she has experienced frequent panic attacks, which have brought great distress to her life. Back in 2009, she was officially diagnosed with severe depression, anxiety, and bipolar disorder.

Shang Wenjie bravely revealed herself: the true inner secrets of depression, anxiety and bipolar disorder

This self-exposure has attracted widespread attention, and it has also made people re-examine the hidden psychological pressure behind celebrities. Shang Wenjie used her own personal experience to urge everyone to pay attention to and pay attention to mental health issues. Her courageous act is not only a positive declaration of herself, but also an open window for countless people who are in deep psychological distress.

Shang Wenjie bravely revealed herself: the true inner secrets of depression, anxiety and bipolar disorder

In the face of adversity, she did not back down

In the show, Shang Wenjie did not shy away from talking about her long-term psychological confusion. She admits that she once felt hopeless and helpless about depression, anxiety and bipolar disorder. However, she chose not to back down, bravely stepped out of the shadows, and gradually regained her inner balance through professional therapy and psychological counseling.

Call for attention to mental health education

Shang Wenjie's self-exposure has aroused the public's attention to mental health education. Through her own personal experience, she hopes to arouse the attention of the society to mental health issues and call on everyone not to ignore psychological distress. She firmly believes that only by truly caring and valuing mental health can we create a more positive and healthy living environment for ourselves and others.

The responsibilities and responsibilities of celebrities

As a public figure, Shang Wenjie's brave declaration is worth pondering. She stood up not only for herself, but also for those who have been suffering from psychological difficulties in silence. Her actions remind us that everyone should have the right and courage to face their own psychological distress and seek timely help from professional institutions to find a treatment that suits them.

In this era of information explosion, physical and mental health has become one of the focuses of social attention. As a news media, we will always pay attention to mental health issues and provide comprehensive and professional information to our readers. If you or someone close to you needs help, seek support and guidance from a professional body in a timely manner.

Mental health is everyone's right and society's responsibility. Let's join hands and work hard to build a more harmonious, loving and caring society! #尚雯婕##心理健康##明星心理健康##关注心理健康#

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