
Isn't it the first time that your other half can bear it? Netizen: Just live well, anyway, don't get married!

author:Handsome drifting bottle HK

On a weekend evening in early autumn, 27-year-old Li Mei was sitting in a daze in her small apartment in a bustling neighborhood. Outside the window, the warm colors of the setting sun spill into the room, casting a charming halo over this small space.

Xiao Li Mei and Zhang Yihang met through a friend's introduction. At that time, she had just entered society, and she still had some idealized expectations for relationships. And Zhang Yihang is a successful career elite, in the eyes of Xiao Li Mei, he is undoubtedly a perfect partner. The two had a good conversation and soon established a romantic relationship.

It wasn't until a few days ago that in an intimate exchange, Zhang Yihang finally confessed his past emotional experience to Xiao Li Mei. It turned out that he had a brief relationship during college, but that relationship eventually ended in a breakup. Regarding this matter, Zhang Yihang said that he has completely let go of the past, and now his only thought is to establish a new and better relationship with Xiao Li Mei. I know this can be a big blow to you, but trust me, I've completely let go of the past. I just want to manage our future with you right now. Zhang Yihang looked at Xiao Li Mei's eyes seriously and explained word by word.

Isn't it the first time that your other half can bear it? Netizen: Just live well, anyway, don't get married!

Xiao Li Mei was silent for a long time, with mixed feelings in her heart. She understands that Zhang Yihang's confession is not to hurt her, but to establish a more honest relationship with her. However, in the face of her boyfriend's previous emotional experience, Xiao Li Mei still felt a bulging heartache. I know you must have a hard time taking it, but I've really let go of the past completely. What I care about most now is being able to walk with you through every stage of my life. Zhang Yihang saw that Xiao Li Mei had been silent, and couldn't help but add anxiously.

Isn't it the first time that your other half can bear it? Netizen: Just live well, anyway, don't get married!

Xiao Li Mei raised her head, looked at Zhang Yihang's sincere eyes, and finally said I understand your intentions, and I also believe that you have let go of the past. However, you have been hiding this from me before, and I can't help but think, are you still obsessed with that person, no, absolutely not! I'm hiding this from you because I'm afraid you'll leave me because of it. You are so important to me that I can't afford to lose you. Zhang Yihang hurriedly explained, I know that saying this may make you think that I am cheating on you, but please believe me, I really just want to walk towards a better future with you.

Isn't it the first time that your other half can bear it? Netizen: Just live well, anyway, don't get married!

Xiao Li Mei pondered for a moment, and finally nodded. She knew that she couldn't accept this fact all at once, but she also understood Zhang Yihang's good intentions. Well, I'll do my best to understand and accept your past. Let's work together to create a better future for us. Xiao Li Mei stretched out her hand and held Zhang Yihang's hand, and her heart gradually relaxed.

Isn't it the first time that your other half can bear it? Netizen: Just live well, anyway, don't get married!

Hearing Xiao Li Mei's response, Zhang Yihang's eyes showed relief and gratitude. He squeezed Xiao Li Mei's hand tightly and said seriously I will cherish this feeling, I promise. From now on, we will face every stage of life together, whether it is good or bad, I will always stand by your side.

The two of them looked at each other and smiled, and their hearts swelled with anticipation for the future. At this moment, they seem to have re-acquainted with each other, and their feelings for each other have become more cherished.

In the days that followed, Xiao Li Mei gradually let go of her boyfriend's past emotional experience. She found that Zhang Yihang's care and thoughtfulness for her have not diminished at all, but she cherishes this relationship even more. The heart-to-heart talks and exchanges again and again made the relationship between the two deeper and deeper.

One day, they went to a friend's engagement party together. The cheerful atmosphere infected Xiao Li Mei, and she couldn't help but bring up the topic of marriage to Zhang Yihang. Yihang, have you ever thought about entering the marriage hall with me in the future Xiao Li Mei asked shyly.

Isn't it the first time that your other half can bear it? Netizen: Just live well, anyway, don't get married!

Zhang Yihang was slightly stunned, and then showed a doting smile. Meimei, of course, I've been looking forward to tying the knot with you. However, you also know that I have been in a relationship before, so I have always been very cautious about it. I don't want you to think I'm using marriage to make up for past regrets. I just want to give you the best possible future. He gently held Xiao Li Mei's hand and said seriously.

Isn't it the first time that your other half can bear it? Netizen: Just live well, anyway, don't get married!

Xiao Li Mei nodded movingly. I know your concerns, but I want to tell you that I have completely let go of the past and I just want to spend every stage of my life with you. I love you, Yihang, and I really want to marry you. She did not hesitate to express her heart's desire.

Hearing Xiao Li Mei's sincere confession, Zhang Yihang's eyes flashed with happiness. He hugged Xiao Li Mei tightly into his arms and murmured that I love you too, Mei Mei. Let's move towards a bright future of marriage together.

As soon as the news came out, the friends of the two sent their blessings one after another. Some friends jokingly said wow, I didn't expect the two of you to get married, and I don't know who will be squeezed dry first!

Zhang Yihang and Xiao Li Mei looked at each other and smiled, not caring about the ridicule of their friends. They just stared at each other intently, full of anticipation and confidence for the future.

Isn't it the first time that your other half can bear it? Netizen: Just live well, anyway, don't get married!

As the preparations for the wedding progressed, the relationship between the two became stronger and stronger. Xiao Li Mei found that she had fully accepted and embraced Zhang Yihang's past. That relationship experience made their relationship deeper and more sincere.

On the day of the wedding, Xiao Li Mei wore a white wedding dress, and under the witness of relatives and friends, she made a lifelong vow with Zhang Yihanglang than the moon. When they exchanged rings and swore an oath before God, Xiao Li Mei's eyes welled up with tears of happiness.

After the wedding, the two walked out of the church holding hands. At this time, the sunset on the horizon is gradually sinking, casting a warm light for the couple.

Xiao Li Mei couldn't help but approach Zhang Yihang, and said softly, Do you know, I have never regretted marrying you. You have given me a whole new life, and I thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Isn't it the first time that your other half can bear it? Netizen: Just live well, anyway, don't get married!

Zhang Yihang hugged his wife gently, and said softly, I thank you too, Meimei. It was you who taught me that love is not just perfect, but requires tolerance and understanding with each other. I will always cherish our relationship and walk hand in hand with you towards a better future.

The two looked at each other and smiled, their hearts full of yearning for a better tomorrow. At this moment, it seems that they have re-established their trust and commitment to each other, and the future path will be full of infinite possibilities.

The story of Xiao Li Mei and Zhang Yihang may be just a microcosm of many couples. In this fast-changing era, people's definitions of feelings have become more diverse and inclusive.

This undoubtedly reflects the change in the current society's concept of feelings. Older generations often believe that a lover's past experiences will affect the future direction of the relationship. But in the eyes of today's young people, as long as they love and cherish each other, it is enough to achieve a beautiful relationship.

Isn't it the first time that your other half can bear it? Netizen: Just live well, anyway, don't get married!

Couples like Xiao Li Mei and Zhang Yihang are a vivid portrayal of this new concept. They understand and tolerate each other, face the trauma of the past together, and finally build a happy marriage. This is no longer just a personal story, but a microcosm that reflects the changing times.

At the same time, this change in concept has also given more people the courage and confidence to embrace love again. For those who have been frustrated, the past emotional experience is no longer an obstacle, but a process of growth. As long as they are willing to start anew, they believe that they will be able to find their own happiness.

As some netizens said, as long as you live well, you won't get married anyway. This sentence may have some joking meaning, but it also reflects the liberation and freedom of young people for their feelings. They no longer regard marriage as their only pursuit in life, but more in pursuit of mutual understanding and tolerance.

Of course, this change in perception did not happen overnight. The progress of society often requires a long process. For some conservative elders, it may be difficult for them to fully embrace this new type of emotional outlook. But as long as more people can look at this issue with an open and understanding attitude, I believe that one day, this concept can also become the mainstream and become a new normal in our society.

Isn't it the first time that your other half can bear it? Netizen: Just live well, anyway, don't get married!

So, what kind of love are young people looking for now, or how will they finally define their own happiness, this may be a question that each of us should think about.