
The wife was secretly raising her son with her ex-boyfriend, and the husband found out that he insisted on divorcing, and his in-laws told them to get out

author:Handsome drifting bottle HK

The early autumn sun was mild and bright, spilling into the homes of Li Xiaoxin and Zhu Yaoming. The couple, who have been together for many years, are sitting in the living room leisurely drinking tea and chatting, without a trace of worry on their faces. Yaoming, have you been working well lately Li Xiaoxin asked gently. She is nearly forty years old, and there is a deep elegance between her eyebrows, and even after the baptism of the years, she still maintains a moving look. It's okay, the company has recently received several large projects, and our department is very busy. But don't worry, I'll be home on time to stay with you. Zhu Yaoming replied with a smile. He was in his early fifties, with a fairly athletic build, and a calm manhood between his eyebrows.

The wife was secretly raising her son with her ex-boyfriend, and the husband found out that he insisted on divorcing, and his in-laws told them to get out

The two have been together for more than ten years, from acquaintance to love, to marriage and childbirth, their bonds have gradually integrated into each other's blood and bones. Zhu Yaoming has always regarded his wife as the most precious existence in his life, and has cared for her in every way. And Li Xiaoxin also reciprocated her husband's sincerity wholeheartedly, and their marriage was like a solid castle, open and stable.

The wife was secretly raising her son with her ex-boyfriend, and the husband found out that he insisted on divorcing, and his in-laws told them to get out

In the midst of this peace and tranquility, there is a storm that is about to break out.

Zhu Yaoming frowned, and his intuition told him that things were not so simple. He decided to wait quietly for his wife's return and find out what had happened.

Finally, when night fell, Li Xiaoxin slowly pushed open the door of the house. She had a surprised look on her face, obviously not expecting her husband to be waiting for her at this time. Xiao Xin, where did you go to come back so late Zhu Yaoming asked bluntly. He tried to maintain his composure, but his heart was already rippling.

Seeing his wife's reaction, Zhu Yaoming felt sad for a while. They have been married for many years, when has such an estrangement appeared, but the facts in front of him now make it difficult for him to accept.

The wife was secretly raising her son with her ex-boyfriend, and the husband found out that he insisted on divorcing, and his in-laws told them to get out

He sighed deeply, reached out and took Li Xiaoxin's hand Xiaoxin, let's sit down and have a good talk, okay I'm just worried about you, and I don't want to hurt you. I want you to be honest with me and let's work it out together.

Zhu Yaoming's heart sank, he vaguely guessed, but he still quietly waited for his wife to continue. That person is my ex-boyfriend, Yu Guangming. Li Xiaoxin said the name with difficulty, and we accidentally got in touch and slowly walked into each other's lives again.

He jerked to his feet and walked briskly to the door. Li Xiaoxin hurriedly chased after her, tears filling her eyes. I'm sorry! I beg your forgiveness and don't leave her, and she grabbed her husband by the sleeve and pleaded.

But at this time, Zhu Yaoming has lost his former gentleness and tolerance. He looked at his wife coldly, his eyes like frost. Divorce. When he said the word, his voice was cold and resolute.

The wife was secretly raising her son with her ex-boyfriend, and the husband found out that he insisted on divorcing, and his in-laws told them to get out

But Zhu Yaoming has already made up his mind. He took a deep breath and said softly Li Xiaoxin, I really love you. However, you betrayed our marriage, and this betrayal is unacceptable to me. I'd rather let it go now than continue this painful marriage.

After speaking, he turned around and walked out of the house, leaving Li Xiaoxin to kneel on the ground alone and cry bitterly.

The word quickly spread throughout the community. Neighbors were talking, some sympathizing with Zhu's plight, while others accused him of being too impulsive. Li Xiaoxin's father Wang Deming and mother Zhang Xuefang came to persuade them many times, but Zhu Yaoming always insisted on divorce. Your daughter has done such a thing, you should educate her first, instead of accusing me Zhu Yaoming said coldly I have made up my mind, you better stop bothering me.

The wife was secretly raising her son with her ex-boyfriend, and the husband found out that he insisted on divorcing, and his in-laws told them to get out

Wang Deming and Zhang Xuefang cried and made trouble, but in the end they couldn't change Zhu Yaoming's determination. Some neighbors advised them that you should accept the reality, and since Mr. Zhu has made up his mind, then you should not force it.

Li Xiaoxin cried helplessly at home, she regretted what she had done, but now she has no strength to recover. Her once happy and comfortable marriage was now wiped out overnight.

In the following days, Zhu Yaoming lived alone in a small rented apartment. Whenever he recalls the bits and pieces of his past relationship with his wife, his heart aches as if it had been cut by a knife. This woman who once brought him endless happiness has now become his nightmare.

Li Xiaoxin's parents came to the door many times to plead, but Zhu Yaoming was always indifferent. He understands that some injuries are irreparable, and even if he loves someone again, sometimes he can only let go helplessly.

The wife was secretly raising her son with her ex-boyfriend, and the husband found out that he insisted on divorcing, and his in-laws told them to get out

Finally, on a sunny afternoon, Zhu Yaoming signed a divorce agreement in the court. He held the pen tightly, tears filling his eyes involuntarily. He once thought that he would grow old with Li Xiaoxin, but he didn't expect that he would come to this point in the end.

He quietly recalled the bits and pieces of his acquaintance and love with Li Xiaoxin. In those years, they supported each other and spent countless ups and downs together. Zhu Yaoming often thinks about what kept their relationship together for so many years.

Maybe it's the initial love impulse, maybe it's the later mutual attachment, or maybe it's the drive of family responsibilities. No matter what the reason is, for Zhu Yaoming, Li Xiaoxin is the most important person in his life. He once poured all his love into her, hoping to grow old with her.

Zhu Yaoming sighed deeply, picked up the photo frame on the table, and stared at the group photo above. It was a photo taken when they got married, and they hugged and smiled with happiness on everyone's faces.

The wife was secretly raising her son with her ex-boyfriend, and the husband found out that he insisted on divorcing, and his in-laws told them to get out

How loving they used to be, their marriage was like a strong fortress that never seemed to be destroyed. But now, the fortress collapsed overnight.

Zhu Yaoming gently placed the photo frame on the table, his eyes becoming more and more hollow. He understands that no matter how deep the feelings he once had, he can't change Li Xiaoxin's betrayal. Some injuries are irreparable, and some mistakes are unforgivable.

He remembered how he loved Li Xiaoxin deeply at the beginning. He doted on her, cherished her, and regarded her as the most important being in his life. But now, this love has been exchanged for betrayal and hurt. Zhu Yaoming felt that his heart was torn apart, and pain and disappointment swept over like a tide.

He began to wonder if he had done something wrong, whether he had not given enough in his marriage, or whether he had not given enough love and understanding, and these questions tormented him again and again, causing him to fall into deep self-reflection.

The wife was secretly raising her son with her ex-boyfriend, and the husband found out that he insisted on divorcing, and his in-laws told them to get out

Zhu Yaoming didn't know how to face this cruel reality. He loved Li Xiaoxin so wholeheartedly, but now he was betrayed by her. This betrayal not only hurt his feelings, but also shattered his beautiful illusions about marriage.

Chu is aware that his personal story reflects a broader social problem. The fragility of marriage, the uncertainty of emotions, and the challenges people face in love and marriage are all universal.

He couldn't help but wonder what makes marriage so fragile, whether it is the spread of materialism, the lack of morality, or the excessive pursuit of superficial happiness in life, all of which subtly affect people's attitudes and perceptions of marriage.

When Zhu Yaoming pondered these questions repeatedly, he couldn't help but lament that marriage no longer seemed to be a reliable haven. Whether sincere feelings can truly withstand the test of reality has become a troubling question.

The wife was secretly raising her son with her ex-boyfriend, and the husband found out that he insisted on divorcing, and his in-laws told them to get out

He suddenly realized that his experience might just be a microcosm, and this microcosm reflected some of the more serious problems in today's society.

These troubled thoughts made Zhu Yaoming feel helpless and frustrated. He didn't know how to get out of this predicament, and he couldn't imagine what the future would look like.

But at this time, he remembered the innocence and hot love when he married Li Xiaoxin. Although it is now shattered, it once existed.

Zhu Yaoming smiled softly, he suddenly understood a truth, although love and marriage are fragile, as long as there is still a glimmer of hope, we should continue to work hard.

The wife was secretly raising her son with her ex-boyfriend, and the husband found out that he insisted on divorcing, and his in-laws told them to get out

He stood up again, his expression determined and determined.