
Gong Linna, who "will take revenge", gave everyone a lesson, no wonder Faye Wong no longer speaks for others

author:e Lecture on literature

1. Gong Linna is not afraid to show her personality traits, which are the precious traits she has formed after going through many difficulties!

Since she was a child, Gong Linna has shown extraordinary musical talent, and won the silver medal in the prestigious "China Young Singer Competition", which has widely recognized her excellent singing ability.

However, her musical style was too innovative and ahead of her time, making it difficult for a wide audience to appreciate and accept it, so she was once questioned and accused of "humming meaninglessly" and "pompous performance", which made her career fall into a low point.

Gong Linna, who "will take revenge", gave everyone a lesson, no wonder Faye Wong no longer speaks for others

Just when Gong Linna felt lost about the road ahead, Faye Wong of the Sound of Heaven supported her representative work "Nervousness" in a unique way. Faye Wong not only shared and praised the song on major social media platforms, but more importantly, she also performed it herself, revealing her deep admiration and appreciation for Gong Linna's musical talent.

As a superstar in the music industry, Faye Wong's actions undoubtedly made "Nervous" quickly arouse the public's enthusiastic attention. Suddenly, there was even a craze for covering "Worried" on the Internet.

Gong Linna also became famous in one fell swoop, successfully got rid of the early haze and looked back on the past, she was full of gratitude to Faye Wong, the "benefactor".

Gong Linna, who "will take revenge", gave everyone a lesson, no wonder Faye Wong no longer speaks for others

However, what is unexpected is that this "grace of knowing the encounter" has evolved into the question of "grace will take revenge" just six years later. Although Gong Linna was slightly surprised at the time, her straightforward personality made it reasonable to respond.

The young singer has always been true to himself, his words are sharp and direct, and after a long period of training, he has developed the qualities of courage to face problems and an attitude of honesty and honesty.

It is this kind of character trait that made her later outspoken criticism of Faye Wong, and at the same time made her a key figure in exposing Faye Wong's "fig leaf".

Gong Linna, who "will take revenge", gave everyone a lesson, no wonder Faye Wong no longer speaks for others

2. The core of the story: Gong Linna became famous because of Faye Wong's support

Talking about the deep fate of Gong Linna and Faye Wong, the story began in 2010. That year, Gong Linna won widespread attention with a unique song "Nervous", however, her unique musical style also attracted a lot of controversy.

At this critical moment, Faye Wong publicly supported "Worried" twice, which brought a major turn for Gong Linna's career development. First of all, Faye Wong actively shared Gong Linna's wonderful performance video on major social media platforms, and admitted that this song strongly inspired her to create, and her words revealed her high praise for Gong Linna.

Gong Linna, who "will take revenge", gave everyone a lesson, no wonder Faye Wong no longer speaks for others

Not long after, Faye Wong personally performed and released "Worried". As a diva-level figure in the music scene, her participation undoubtedly brought extremely high exposure to this song.

Suddenly, countless cover versions of "Nervous" have emerged in the online world, and the song and Gong Linna's name have swept the streets and alleys across the country like a storm. At this time, Gong Linna is on the verge of public opinion, and in the face of confusion and doubts in the future, Faye Wong's support is like charcoal in the snow, bringing her endless confidence and courage! .

Under the vigorous promotion of Faye Wong, Gong Linna's music career has since stepped into a new height and ushered in her own glorious moment. However, in the talk show, when she mentioned this experience, she always gratefully used the words "the grace of knowledge" to describe Faye Wong's key role.

Gong Linna, who "will take revenge", gave everyone a lesson, no wonder Faye Wong no longer speaks for others

However, it was such a "love of cooperation" that Gong Linna was deeply grateful for, and in a turmoil six years later, it was misunderstood as "grace will take revenge". The source of all this stems from the high-profile concert held by Faye Wong in China in 2016.

In 2016, Faye Wong held an unprecedented concert in Chinese mainland. However, perhaps because of her poor physical condition that day, she made many mistakes during the singing, including out of tune, lack of breath, etc.

As soon as this news was exposed, it immediately caused an uproar on the Internet, with some people taking the opportunity to maliciously slander Faye Wong, while others actively defended her. In the whirlpool of this controversy, Gong Linna, who has always dared to speak out, bravely stood up and pointed out the problems in Faye Wong's singing with a merciless attitude.

Gong Linna, who "will take revenge", gave everyone a lesson, no wonder Faye Wong no longer speaks for others

She exposes all the fig leafs with sharp words, and her criticism is rare in such a way that she hits the nail on the head.

Gong Linna's move undoubtedly added a new wound to the old matter, and instantly detonated condemnation and doubts from all sides. Faye Wong's fans were furious and accused Gong Linna of "revenge", "treachery", and "despicable villain".

Even music critics from all walks of life expressed their dissatisfaction with her remarks, believing that she had touched the bottom line of the public.

Gong Linna, who "will take revenge", gave everyone a lesson, no wonder Faye Wong no longer speaks for others

However, Gong Linna did not back down because of this. On the contrary, her husband Lao Gong then published a long article, slamming Faye Wong's singing level is no longer what it used to be, and even claimed that she "is no longer an artist, just using her fame to make money".

It can be said that the couple's words and deeds completely angered Faye Wong's loyal supporters.

In the core area of this turmoil, Gong Linna did not choose to escape, but resolutely issued a meaningful dynamic, cleverly using the words "unworthy of the name" to satirize Faye Wong, who had already worn the crown of a superstar in the music industry, but walked to the edge of commercial interests.

Gong Linna, who "will take revenge", gave everyone a lesson, no wonder Faye Wong no longer speaks for others

This undoubtedly made more audiences think that she was taking advantage of the chaos to confuse the public, trying to create a topic for her upcoming solo concert in this way.

Suddenly, Gong Linna became the focus of attention. She has been accused of being "ungrateful," "sensationalizing," and "going to great lengths for propaganda." However, despite the fierce criticism of public opinion, she remained firmly silent and did not give any explanation or apology, and this stubborn attitude has aroused doubts and speculation from all walks of life.

Fourth, uncover the truth in the midst of controversy

Gong Linna, who "will take revenge", gave everyone a lesson, no wonder Faye Wong no longer speaks for others

An in-depth analysis of Gong Linna's actions this time is actually not "revenge" or "deliberate targeting" Faye Wong herself as rumored by the outside world. The reason why she dared to reveal so frankly many problems in Faye Wong's concert was entirely due to an artist's enthusiasm and dedication to music.

In fact, Gong Linna's outspoken and straightforward personality has long been deeply imprinted in her bones, not just for Faye Wong. Looking back on the past, she did not hesitate to publicly criticize the Spring Festival Gala, Da Zhang Wei and lip-synching and other phenomena and behaviors that disrespect music, and never compromised in the slightest.

In her eyes, all those who lack respect for the art of music should be severely criticized and condemned. Therefore, the reason why she pointed out the various flaws of Faye Wong's concert so directly is actually only from the sincere voice of an artist with an extremely devout heart for music and art.

Gong Linna, who "will take revenge", gave everyone a lesson, no wonder Faye Wong no longer speaks for others

As she stated in a subsequent talk show, the reason why she chose to criticize Faye Wong is not because Faye Wong's performance level has fallen to the bottom and is irretrievable, on the contrary, although Faye Wong's performance has certain problems, on the whole, there are still positive points and room for improvement.

However, for those singers who have completely fallen into the abyss and fallen into a slump, she prefers to remain silent and avoid too harsh evaluations. It can be seen that Gong Linna did not intend to target someone, and there was no grudge.

All she did was to pay homage to the art of music, a field she loved, in the most simple and direct way.

Gong Linna, who "will take revenge", gave everyone a lesson, no wonder Faye Wong no longer speaks for others

Although Ms. Gong's behavior may have caused a lot of controversy and criticism, it is also undeniable that her firm belief and perseverance in the process have been highly appreciated and supported by some people.

There is no doubt that sincerity, frankness and perseverance are one of the most cherished and indispensable qualities of every good artist!

5. Gong Linna's artistic exploration

Gong Linna, who "will take revenge", gave everyone a lesson, no wonder Faye Wong no longer speaks for others

What is the strength that makes Ms. Gong Linna always stick to the path of music and art? What kind of unique pursuit and understanding of music art does she have?

When we look back on Ms. Gong Linna's glorious journey of winning the runner-up in the "Young Singer TV Competition", it is not difficult to find her persistent pursuit of music. Although she only won the silver medal in the end, her unique musical style and profound singing skills have already emerged, skillfully integrating ethnic music, experimental music and other elements, showing extraordinary innovation and creativity.

However, in that challenging era, Ms. Gong Linna was in a difficult situation because of her too advanced musical concept. It was once questioned by the outside world about its negative comments such as "humming meaninglessly" and "exaggerated performance", and was under great pressure and trouble.

Gong Linna, who "will take revenge", gave everyone a lesson, no wonder Faye Wong no longer speaks for others

However, at this low point in her life, her representative work "Nervousness" was born, and she received the full help of Faye Wong, which made her regain her confidence and courage in her career.

All the gorgeous stage design and complicated packaging methods cannot hide the essence and charm of music. Ms. Gong Linna hopes that Faye Wong can calm down, return to the original intention of music creation, and present it to the audience with the most sincere and pure attitude.

Only in this way can concerts truly become a temple of art, rather than a victim of commercial interests.

Gong Linna, who "will take revenge", gave everyone a lesson, no wonder Faye Wong no longer speaks for others

Therefore, Ms. Gong Linna set off a storm of doubts for Faye Wong's concert. It was only out of her deep love for music and her strong desire to help Faye Wong return to the right path that her behavior was slightly aggressive and impulsive.

However, it is undeniable that all her efforts stem from her purest love and pursuit of art.

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