
A 20-year-old woman with advanced lung cancer never smoked or drank, and only after the doctor asked did she know that she often did 2 things at night

author:Mr. Yajun said in traditional Chinese medicine
A 20-year-old woman with advanced lung cancer never smoked or drank, and only after the doctor asked did she know that she often did 2 things at night

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Staying up late hurts your body, staying up late + lighting candles hurts your life!

Xiao Li, come to my office. Dr. Wang said to the intern Xiao Li.

Xiao Li walked into the office and saw Dr. Wang looking at a medical record solemnly. "Doctor Wang, why is this so serious?"

Dr. Wang sighed: "I just received a referral from a young patient, who was only 20 years old, and was diagnosed with advanced lung cancer. But she never smoked or drank, and I couldn't figure out how she could get it. "

A 20-year-old woman with advanced lung cancer never smoked or drank, and only after the doctor asked did she know that she often did 2 things at night

Xiao Li was also surprised: "Terminal lung cancer at the age of 20? That's too young, isn't it? Could it be genetic?"

Dr. Wang shook his head: "I have carefully looked at her family medical history, and there have been no cases of cancer for generations. There must be some special reason, but I haven't figured it out yet. "

The next day, patient Xiao Zhang, accompanied by his parents, came to Dr. Wang's office. After some pleasantries, Dr. Wang began to inquire carefully about the details of Xiao Zhang's life.

A 20-year-old woman with advanced lung cancer never smoked or drank, and only after the doctor asked did she know that she often did 2 things at night

"Xiao Zhang, do you usually have any special living habits? Like what chemicals do you often come into contact with?" Dr. Wang asked.

Xiao Zhang thought for a while: "Except for cosmetics, I haven't been exposed to any chemicals. However, I often stay up late at night to scroll through my phone and like to light candles to help me sleep. "

Dr. Wang keenly grasped the key word: "Candles? How long do you usually order? What model of candle is used?"

A 20-year-old woman with advanced lung cancer never smoked or drank, and only after the doctor asked did she know that she often did 2 things at night

"It's just a regular scented candle, and I need about 5 or 6 hours a night." Xiao Zhang replied.

Dr. Wang frowned. He explains: "Scented candles release a variety of toxic substances when burned, such as formaldehyde, benzene, styrene, which are identified carcinogens.

Long-term inhalation of these poisons can cause great damage to the respiratory tract and lungs. Coupled with the fact that you like to stay up late and play with your mobile phone, blue light will inhibit the secretion of melatonin, disrupt the circadian rhythm, and lead to a decrease in immune function. The combination of these two bad lifestyle habits may be the main cause of your lung cancer. "

A 20-year-old woman with advanced lung cancer never smoked or drank, and only after the doctor asked did she know that she often did 2 things at night

Xiao Zhang and her parents were stunned when they heard this. They never dreamed that these seemingly harmless little habits would have such serious consequences.

Dr. Wang reassured them, "But it's not too late to find out. We will do our best to treat Xiao Zhang. In addition to conventional chemoradiotherapy, I suggest that the latest immunotherapy and targeted therapy can be used, which is expected to prolong survival and improve quality of life. "

In the months that followed, under Dr. Wang's careful treatment, Zhang's condition gradually stabilized. Dr. Wang also took the opportunity to carry out a publicity campaign with the theme of "Staying Away from the Risk of Cancer and Spreading a Healthy Lifestyle" throughout the hospital.

A 20-year-old woman with advanced lung cancer never smoked or drank, and only after the doctor asked did she know that she often did 2 things at night

"Through Xiao Zhang's case, we can see that many seemingly harmless details of life can become invisible 'killers' of health. As health workers, we need to be vigilant and highly sensitive to such issues.

At the same time, it is also necessary to strengthen health education for the public, remind them to stay away from the risk of cancer, and develop scientific and healthy living habits. Dr. Wang said emotionally at the summary meeting of the event.

Xiao Li sat in the audience, with tears in his eyes. He secretly vowed to learn from Dr. Wang, to be a good doctor with medical ethics and responsibility, and to use his knowledge and actions to help more people.

A 20-year-old woman with advanced lung cancer never smoked or drank, and only after the doctor asked did she know that she often did 2 things at night

A few years later, Xiao Zhang was pleasantly surprised to find that her tumor had been completely remissiond during regular check-ups. She excitedly shook Dr. Wang's hand and said, "You not only cured me of lung cancer, but also made me realize the true meaning of life."

It was you who made me understand how important a healthy lifestyle is. I want to pass on this health concept to everyone around me!"

Dr. Wang nodded with a smile: "This is my greatest wish." We hope that through the joint efforts of our doctors and patients, more people will stay away from diseases and embrace a healthy and sunny life!"

A 20-year-old woman with advanced lung cancer never smoked or drank, and only after the doctor asked did she know that she often did 2 things at night

As the years go by, Dr. Wang's famous phrase "life is precious, health is more expensive" has become the motto of the hospital. And his noble medical ethics of indifference to fame and fortune and selfless dedication have also touched and inspired generations of medical workers.

As he said: The way to practice medicine lies in benevolence and benevolence. As long as you have a sincere heart, even the most ordinary actions can light up the life of others.

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(The story in the article is purely fictional, if there is any similarity is purely coincidental, if the body is not well, seek medical help in time)