
The earlier you sleep, the shorter your life? If you only sleep 4 or 5 hours a day, will you be healthy?

author:Mr. Yajun said in traditional Chinese medicine
The earlier you sleep, the shorter your life? If you only sleep 4 or 5 hours a day, will you be healthy?

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"Stole" time, "stolen" health

When Wang Kai, a 38-year-old programmer, heard that "the earlier you sleep, the shorter your lifespan", a burst of ecstasy suddenly swelled up in his heart. Over the years, in order to make a career in the IT world, he has always adhered to the motto of "sleep less and be diligent", sleeping only 4 or 5 hours a night.

Now, this specious argument has strengthened his belief that "sleeping late equals longevity". However, when he walked into the hospital triumphantly, ready to testify for his health "theory", he received a slap in the face!

The physical examination report read: "Severe neurasthenia, low immunity, memory loss...... This series of "surprises" instantly knocked him to the bottom.

The earlier you sleep, the shorter your life? If you only sleep 4 or 5 hours a day, will you be healthy?

What kind of truth has been hidden behind Wang Kai's view of sleep for many years? Let's follow in the footsteps of Lin Lin, director of the Department of Internal Medicine, to uncover this interesting medical mystery.

It all started a week ago. That day, Wang Kai's old classmate Li Hui came to his company as a guest after a long absence. After greeting each other, the two talked about health care. Li Hui said triumphantly: "I recently saw a theory on the Internet that the earlier you sleep, the shorter your lifespan.

You think, there are only 24 hours in a day, and if you take up a third of your sleep, isn't that a waste of time? Don't we need more time in our line of work than others? Since then, I've been sleeping late, only 4 or 5 hours a day, and it's been great!

The earlier you sleep, the shorter your life? If you only sleep 4 or 5 hours a day, will you be healthy?

People are also more energetic, and their work efficiency has improved linearly. Try it too, maybe you can do more miracles!" After hearing this, Wang Kai was like a treasure. He secretly wondered: No wonder I always feel a little unwell recently, it turns out that it is caused by too regular sleep! It seems that it is time to change this bad problem.

Since then, Wang Kai's schedule has been completely disrupted. He began to frantically fight at night, and all-nighters became commonplace. At first, he could still feel a trace of excitement: wow, it was as if he had turned on some hidden switch, and his whole person was glowing with infinite power! That feeling of being at home and imaginative, he couldn't stop.

Gradually, however, some discordant notes began to ring in his body: he began to have frequent headaches, forgetfulness, and difficulty concentrating......

The earlier you sleep, the shorter your life? If you only sleep 4 or 5 hours a day, will you be healthy?

What worries him even more is that his originally proud immunity is also deteriorating, and he has a cold and fever twice in three days. All kinds of abnormalities are warning him: something is wrong!

Finally, on a sunny weekend, Wang Kai decided to go to the hospital to find out. After the physical examination report came out, he was struck by lightning: it turned out that the sleep method that he regarded as the truth was actually a sword of Damocles hanging over his head!

Looking at Wang Kai's bloodshot eyes, Director Lin Lin said earnestly: "You are a typical sleep deprivation syndrome. Long-term sleep deprivation will not only affect memory and concentration, but also lead to a decline in immune function and accelerate aging.

The earlier you sleep, the shorter your life? If you only sleep 4 or 5 hours a day, will you be healthy?

What's even more terrifying is that it may also induce chronic diseases such as high blood pressure and diabetes. Therefore, the practice of sacrificing sleep time in exchange for more 'waking time' is tantamount to drinking water to quench thirst, and the gains outweigh the losses!"

Director Lin's words were like an initiation, which made Wang Kai wake up like a dream. Yes, all the previous specious arguments have ignored a basic fact: sleep is the basic guarantee for the normal operation of the human body.

It is not an optional "accessory", but a physiological need that is as important as diet and breathing. As Director Lin said, sleep deprivation can bring many harms: it will disrupt neurotransmitters and endocrine in the body, and weaken the body's ability to adapt to the outside world;

The earlier you sleep, the shorter your life? If you only sleep 4 or 5 hours a day, will you be healthy?

It will increase the burden on the cardiovascular system and lay hidden dangers for cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases; It also affects glucose metabolism and lipid metabolism, increasing the risk of chronic diseases...... It can be seen that the meaning of sleep is far from being as simple as a question of "longevity".

After realizing the seriousness of the problem, Wang Kai decided to say "no" to his past routine! Under the guidance of Director Lin, he readjusted his biological clock so that he had enough sleep time every day. At the same time, he also learned some relaxation tips, such as foot soaking, meditation, etc., to help him fall asleep as soon as possible.

To his surprise, just one month later, his physical condition had improved significantly: not only was he more energetic, but his memory and concentration had also improved considerably. More importantly, he felt happier and more fulfilled than ever.

The earlier you sleep, the shorter your life? If you only sleep 4 or 5 hours a day, will you be healthy?

Yes, isn't the meaning of life to live a healthy and happy life? And a good night's sleep is the golden key to a happy life.

Wang Kai's story soon spread throughout the programmer circle. Only then did everyone suddenly realize: it turned out that the specious "sleep life reduction theory" that had been circulating on the Internet before was just a rumor made up by people with ulterior motives.

In real life, many programmers, due to high work pressure and irregular life, are already a high-risk group of sleep disorders. If you are deceived by these pseudoscientific theories, it will be tantamount to adding insult to injury. Everyone learned from Wang Kai and asked for tips on the secrets of going to bed early and getting up early.

The earlier you sleep, the shorter your life? If you only sleep 4 or 5 hours a day, will you be healthy?

Wang Kai always takes the trouble to tell about his experience, and sincerely suggests: "Healthy sleep is a habit and a wisdom. We need to learn to listen to our body and give it the rest it deserves.

At the same time, create a good sleeping environment so that you can devote yourself to sweet dreams. Trust me, when you respect the rhythm of your biological clock, when you find balance in your life, you can harvest a healthier and happier life!"

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(The story in the article is purely fictional, if there is any similarity is purely coincidental, if the body is not well, seek medical help in time)